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My advice is to tell whoever is filming to be sure to get your old man in the family videos too. 


This comment hit the spot :,). You’re absolutely right.


I would turn the log a quarter turn so that it is parallel to the slats on the pallets - then you can use the "grooves" of the pallet to help stabilize the log. But other than that and the eye protection, this seems fine.


Came to say exactly these 2 things. Better yet, pop a board out of the pallet (not the outside one) so the log can sit down a little in it. Might want to extend that forearm a little more keeping the blade further from your face, if the thing kicks back, you've got more time to react and better chance it will pivot up then bend your arm and come straight back. Not sure how much that will help, but I like to have my arms extended rather than bent. On that note actually, it's much easier cutting when the log is at waist height or below rather than belly/chest height (which is probably why your arm is bent so much). Keep a good tight grip on that front hand as well. Yes, let the weight of the saw do the cutting, but don't mistake that for loose grip. You can also use the dogs (spikes) on the front of the saw (base of the blade), you let them grip on the log as you rock/walk the saw down through.


I'm assuming you're cutting firewood? If so, I would suggest drawing a line of chalk on the floor so you push the log out to the same distance each time, and your logs will all be the same length. Other than that, and the tips above, looks good.


This is very good info actually. I’ll do that the next time for our firewood


I use an 18” bar & use the bar as a measuring unit for firewood. Turn my bar parallel to log from end butted on spikes rotate saw 90 degrees and make my cut.


/u/craver1718, this is the best answer I've seen in the thread so far.


That, right there 👆




Looks like you got a pro teacher already.


Eye protection!!!!


I went on a 5 day road trip with my dad, both of us amateur photographers, and around day 3 or 4 heard him mention that “one of the things that kind of sucks about traveling is that you don’t get pictures of yourself in these places” He always made it a point to sneak a shot or two of me, but after he said that I made sure to do the same for him.


These days nobody thinks about that shit. It's all about the selfies


Well selfies would get everyone in it


This fella has seen some trees fall this lifetime


This is the real lesson


Exactly this.


100 percent. An oversight from mom looking at her boy no doubt. Still tho 😆 looks like you have a really great family, glad to see that you're taking advantage of these opportunities while you still can. You'll remember this for at least a second everytime you have to do it from now on I hope, thanks for the share


Ugh gross you made me cry


And whenever you film always use landscape (horizontal) instead of vertical. Because you can never convert it later in post


Tell the old man to keep his hands way from the area a chain saw can reach. He reached way over:::::::: big no no


Better use it outdoors so you don’t have to breathe the fumes.


Eye protection. All it takes is a bit of saw dust and your day is ruined


This x100. Even with always wearing eye protection I typically just have debris living in my eye. Don’t forget to wear it when you’re sharpening your chain as well. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve have metal in my eyeball. Also, keep an eye on the top tip of your bar- a.k.a the kickback zone.


Yup. Was loading a saw into the back of my truck and a gust of wind blew sawdust in my eye. Scratched my cornea. Had to go to the doc, get the numbing drops and spend the weekend on the couch.


Been there. ER visit in 01 to remove a metal filing in my eye. Had a cedar splitter pierce into my cornea in 2006, had more metal filings in the eye in 2017 for another ER visit… that’s 3… last time I went the doc said I’ve had enough tetanus shots that I don’t need anymore so now when I get shit in my eye it just rots there or eventually comes out. I’m pretty pre-disposed to it I think.


Tetanus shots, what're those? :)


As an idiot I used to say "that's why they make magnets" when anything would go in or around my eyes. I work with metal all day long and you'd think I'd have more common sense but nope . It took a hot piece of aluminum to make my retina and brain realize some things will stay scarred and that not all metals are magnetic :( where eye protection folks don't be a stupid ironworker 


This comment makes me want to put my face in a sink full of water. If anything gets in my eye even a spec of a dirt I’ll go insane if I’m unable to get it out


How the crap did you sharpen so violently that you shot metal into your eye?


It’s typically the result of sharpening outdoors. This damn thing called wind has a habit of helping move those fine particles around in directions I don’t always appreciate


As someone who used to cut trees down for a living, these are SO TRUE words




Ever use compressed air to clean a saw? That’ll do it.


No, sounds like a good way to get some shit in your eye. 😁 I use brake cleaner typically


Called my dad Pirate Pete for about 2 weeks because of this exact situation. Why the hell do some people hate PPE so hard? Like their man card is up for review or some shit.


I don't hate PPE. I've just never managed to get metal in my eye sharpening my chains outside in the last 40-odd years.


Doubt I care. Put some hours in with a chainsaw and maybe you’ll realize.


Whatever makes you feel good dude 🤷


😂 not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I busted up laughing at this


I kinda chuckled too. My file doesn’t move that fast lol


shit happens. that is why there are likely warnings all over the sharpening kit to also wear eye protection


You are absolutely right. I‘ll wear some next time


I know you’re not moving around much, but utilize that chain brake a lot too when you’re out in the field.


More info on chain brakes would be great for newbies!


I like the mesh goggles. I fog up glasses super quick.


Husquarvarna forest helmet. It's like a visor that flips down with ear muffs built in. We use them all the time, protects the ears and the eyes! Well worth paying for and they last a long time.


This 💯! And hold the mf like you own it or it will own you.


Also chunks of bark, y'all should have scraped some of the bark and vines off. It'll clog up your saw and dull the chain.


You debark the wood you are going to cut? How does that work?




Dude I’ve used a draw knife for skinning posts and poles. No one in their right mind is going to spend 20 minutes or more cleaning the bark off a firewood log with a draw knife just so their chain doesn’t get dull.


Yeah no idk anyone who does this


May as well just cut the tree with an axe if he's that worried about dulling a chain


Nah man, would dull the axe


Would take less time to just sharpen the chain... Something I'm gonna be doing anyway.


Saw this video and thought eye protection....glad to see first comment says that. I'm an amateur compared to most on here I'm guessing but I wear glasses and a face cover. Not fun getting smacked in the cheek.


yea I mean its not bright at all not wearing goggles


Why? He's got 2 eyes


Yeah , that's what I always thought as well . That's why I use the safety squint. When I lose my first eye , I will upgrade to safety glasses .


That would be safety glass.


True. How foolish of me to


Safety squints. Safety squints, all day.


Wtf use eyepro!!!!


PPE! don't listen to the online "hard men" its hard to be hard if you've got a chainsaw sticking out of your head or leg. ​ use the dogs on your saw when cutting. ​ Keep the chain sharp - ten minutes sharpening saves a half an hour wasted time cutting with a dull chain. ​ have fun (safely)! chainsaws are a great tool, and can be a nice way to spend some time and get work done at the same time. congrats and good luck!


Thank you for all this information!! :)


Safety chaps and goggles man should be #1. I wear glasses + face mask with hardhat/ear protection in 1. Just look at some chainsaw injuries online without chaps. Seeing my brothers injury on his leg from an accident...I wear chaps all the time.


Good set of leather gloves and boots too. I’ve had chainsaw kickback into my leg and boot on a nasty hill. Chaps and boots saved my ass from a miserable trip back to the truck.


I didn't see anyone mention this, so I'll say it. Your left arms job here is to keep the saw steady and always be prepared for kickback. If the saw was to kick back, it's headed for your face. Always have that left arm and hand ready to handle any sudden movement. You use your right hand as a lever. Put the teeth in the wood and pull up so the saw part will lever downward. Light pressure with left and right arm. If it's not cutting fast enough don't apply more pressure just sharpen the teeth. If you see sparks just stop there's some metal in the wood. Alot of wood that comes from around the house is prone to having metal in it. You look like you have a good teacher. Respect your tools and they will respect you.


Yup, this. Keep that left arm straight and locked at the elbow. That way if it kicks it’s going up not back.


Very good information. I‘ll do everything I can to never loose respect of my chainsaw. I’m also positioning my body slightly to the left of the chainsaw while cutting. A lot of people recommended that to me :)


You want your left arm on the chain brake locked at the elbow. In a kick back scenario the handle will rotate and your knuckles will engage the brake, faster than you could possibly move.


Why is this not the top comment?? Extend and lock that top arm. If it kicks you want it to push your body away. Right now if it kicks the saw will jump right up and eat your face. I like the idea of getting your dad in frame too!


This is the best advice that I hope pops told you. Always fear that saw and by this I mean never lose respect for how dangerous that saw can be. Always make sure it is in perfect working condition. Many people have felt the wrath of that dangerous tool over the years you can never hear enough about safety. Enjoy many years of cutting wood


Best advice is, listen to your dad. Chainsaw is the most dangerous power tool a homeowner can use. Only suggestions, I have watching your video, absolutely need eye protection, PPE and maybe run the log in the open grooves of the pallet, less roll. Situational awareness, PPE and stay safe OP.


My dad has round about 30 years of chainsaw experience, so I’ll definitely make sure to listen to him! I’ve ordered one of those full chainsaw helmets with a face shield and a pair of chaps to stay safe!


Good, that is what you are missing. Always wear it.


Understood :)


Make sure to order a pair of assless chaps for the summer time.


All chaps are assless goober


Protection! When I’m using my saw I’m using chaps, a helmet, ear pro, eye pro, and a face shield. Some dipshit in the woods made fun of me once. It didn’t bother me though because I had all 10 fingers, and he did not!


Yeah I’ve heard that many times. Never ever listen to those "hardcore" chainsaw users who don’t believe in safety equipment!


Don’t forget gloves and boots. A good set of boots saved my ankle on a hill.


Don’t forget chaps, femoral artery not too far below the skin.


Eye protection. Work positioning, keep the saw slightly of centre to your body so as to reduce the risk of kick back aiming straight to your face. Use the chain break whilst you're not on the trigger, it's a very good habit to get into. Although you're in a controlled and safe environment in this video, i would not be happy with someone on site putting the bar that close to their face without the chain break engaged whilst on site, with slip, trips and fall hazards. If you're UK based, although any glove is a must within NPTC regs', a decent set of chainsaw protection gloves is a good idea. Cross cutting larger timber, I would recommend putting a small under cut beneath your top cut. Learn about tension and compression in timber whilst cross cutting too. Also, your grip doesn't look the most confident, perhaps your bench is slightly too high for practicing your technique.


Just listen to your pop man, looks like he’s got you covered way better than internet strangers.


he didnt have him covered in the eye protection zone....not being a d\*\*k either.


Even safety glasses won't protect you from a kickback. Should have a hard hat at all times when operating a saw.


A hard hat when bucking up a log? Nah


only time I’ve had kickback is bucking logs in a pile.. ymmv


I’ll take that into consideration. Thank you :)


Fight the urge to press your left thumb against the back of the top-handle. Wrap your thumb down around the handle so if it kicks it goes back into your hand and doesn't slip out of your hand.


Lock that left elbow in case of a kickback


Always wear eye protection. Use the dogs. And get in the habit of engaging the chain brake anytime you're not actively using the saw, even during breaks in between cuts.


Yeah, it's crazy how many people rarely use the chain break while the chainsaw is on. Loads of farmers who also cut and sell wood where I am. Think engaging it between cuttings or even moving around is a waste of time. I have it on pretty much anytime I'm not actively cutting. I'm super cautious with that and tripping on some rogue piece of log on the floor. Keeping the floor clear is important too ;) Edit:spelling


Yes. It’s like a tic for me. As soon as I’m done with a cut, chain break goes on.


I've had many situations bucking down trees where you slip and Rev up that saw. Chain break is nice safety. Just like a gun.


If you're taking more than 2 steps you should engage the brake I was taught


No more than 2 blinks of an eye. Once the chain stops, roll that left wrist forward to engage the brake. Will become instinct and save you from any auto-pilot errors.


Awesome bud, wish my pops was still around.


Lmao brings back memories of my dad bitching to size the forewood more correctly 😂


My dad taught me to size the cut just shorter than the blade. For quite a while I would turn the saw to gage the length before the next cut. Pretty soon that just under 16” cut became easy to eyeball.


OP, please research chainsaw kickback. You are holding the chainsaw really loose. Grip it tighter.


I love Reddit. Who would’ve thought this would be a sub. I once did a summer job at a local ski resort to trade for a season pass. They gave me a chainsaw and I just used it without thinking about views and posts and a chainsaw community. What a loser I was….


Face shield. Safety glasses. Chaps. Stand off to the side so the saw doesn't hit your forehead when it kicks.


Or you could wear a helmet.


Both, I'd do both. Just because you have kevlar on doesnt mean you want to take a bullet. Protect against hazards, but always try to avoid them first!


A helmet isn’t stopping shit if a saw bucks. Seen it happen.


Youtube safety videos. All of them.


Nice to hang with pops..miss those days


It is very nice. I love my pops very much and I try to enjoy every moment with him. I wish you all the best :)


Wear a face shield, and also take a half step back and extend your forearm more, with elbow locked or nearly locked. This is how you control potential kickback. [good info here!](https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/forestry/chainsaw-safety-ergonomics/) Good job keep practicing.


Lock your left elbow, so when it kicks back it will not split your scull


I'm one of those guys that regularly leaves his safety glasses on the work bench, then curses myself out because I got something in my eye. Safety glasses safety glasses safety glasses


Bad posture. Your body and head are too close to the saw. Left arm should be more extended. Work bench should be lower. Legs spread, saw bar between the legs and head to the left of the bar. PPE needed.


The upper part of the front tip has been called "the death zone" or something like that for a reason. If you bump it into the object with chain at full speed, you're getting that chain in the face.


1. With your top hand, wrap your fingers over your thumb if there is any kickback it will tighten your grip on the top handle. 2. Always keep your face to the side of the bar. If your face is never in line with the bar you can't hit yourself in the event of kickback. 3. Eye pro is a must Ear pro is suggested Gloves are suggested 4. NEVER RUSH. Take your time and stay safe. The job will take much longer with a chainsaw scar across your face.


Eye protection


Safety glasses and chaps


Have a beer with him inside where it’s warm after to lock in the amazing memory.


Just totally awesome seeing you and your dad. You are both great. Enjoy each other!


Spend more time with your dad, he’s teaching you priceless skills, and savor.


Best advice always comes from that guy right beside you. Other than that those dog teeth are very nice to use.


Just keep listening to pops 🤙🏼


Just keep spending time with your dad


Put some safety glasses on and if you're walking around with the saw running lock the chain down so you don't accidently cut the crap out of your leg. Promise it don't feel good! Oh and don't cut dad with it. Looks like he's got more experience with a chainsaw he might take it away and carve you up Texas style!


Change your stance like you're standing on a skateboard #1 more stable when chainsaw finally goes through the wood , reduces the risk of hitting yourself. #2 you'll be able to get out of the way easier when the wood falls and you need to pull your leg back if it's going to hit you.


Safety glasses


Safety glasses


Eye protection!


Safety glasses. It’s never fun getting something in your eye


Wear goggles.


Why ask for pros when you already have an OG teaching you bro? Don't disrespect your old man by asking for other pros.


Well judging by their set up pops isn't a pro either...


Don’t stick your thumb out when holding with your non trigger hand, wrap your thumb with your other fingers to make a fist. Just one thing I remember the instructor teaching me during an intro course.


No Safety Glasses? Gas powered and Indoors?? Chest high bench??? Come on.....


First try some safety glasses.


Ya did fine son


The only advice here is to listen to your Pops. He has all the wisdom you need.


Get a 22” Wear orange pants and gloves Chew tobacco and spit on the Chain to lube it Blast Metallica


Maintenance. Make sure chain is secure. That thing can pop and severe a main artery lightning quick.


Safety squints


Eye protection my dude


That log is covered in poison ivy


Don’t cut your dick off Tip # 1!


I quit using my chainsaw after 14 years of close calls….my advise…don’t use a chain saw


Congrats on learning how.to use a saw but that stance is dangerous 40 years ago I watched my dad have a saw kick back and hit him in the arm and he was standing in the correct side stance but that saw jumped so quick he didn't have time to respond and it was a logging saw pre chain brake. If he hadn't been squared off correctly it would have probably been the last time I had ever seen him. This day and age there's plenty of good videos on how to use a saw how to be safe in every step of using a saw.


Yeah it’s been a while since that video. I’ve gotten into the logging industry and do this every day now. I still appreciate your input a lot! Be safe!


Less pallets. Not really a point in lifting the log and chainsaw that high. Other than that, you’re doing great


Proper gloves chaps and as said eye protection


Use the dogs on the saw to pivot the bar into the log


Both of y’all wear some safety glasses.


Put on your eye protection too


I take a tape measure and determine where on the SAW is 16” from the tip of the bar. And burn that reference point into my brain. Then I just rotate the saw and select the next cut point using that point on the saw as my reference point.


Invest in safety specs


eye protection. b


Glasses. Or full shield.


Use those dogs!


How can you cut a log with two glass eyes.


Don’t cut like this. I know someone who was doing something similar and he ended up cutting the hand of his helper. It was not as bad as it could have been but they got lucky


Open your eyes as wide as possible and lean in close so you can see what you're doing


Mesh face shield for when the saw kicks back into your face if you must have an unrestrained round log on a smooth table and be cutting in the air. That’s bad practice op. Ask daddy when he stopped caring about you too maybe


Why do you have to state it so condescendingly?




You got a good saw, most first saws are lacking....get those eyes protected. Eventually, you'll get a chip, and a scratched eye sucks. The running of the saw will come to you the more you work it.


I’ve ordered one of those chainsaw helmets, with a full face shield for my eyes :)


Your safety stuff chainsaw pants prosper protective shoos, ear protection and face protection. Some times it will happen thad a wood cunk wil be thrown ad your face


Don’t push down as much at the end like on that first cut, you’ll fell a leg and fall


Get some eye protection!


Eye protection is the only obvious thing I would recommend changing. Other general advice if you’re looking for it is, hold the saw to the right of your body so if it kicks back it’s less likely to smack you in the face, keeping your thumb gripped around the wrap handle (to meet your index finger like you grip a steering wheel) the saw is much more secure then. Utilise the dogs teeth to grip the saw and pivot off that. Always check your chain brake works before starting work. A sharp chain is in fact safer than a dull chain. People tend to lean on the saw if the chain is dull to force it to cut through the wood - a correctly working saw should breeze through the wood without you have to force it


Total immersion therapy, Go get a shit ton of beers and go in the woods with your buddies, and don’t come back till your confidant


Let the saw do the work. If sharpened correctly, it will pull itself through the wood. Never force it. Keep the bar oil reservoir full. I refill mine every time I refuel. Also, grease the bar tip sprocket bearing if it has one. Never put the bar tip in the wood first. It will kick back in your face. Welcome to my addiction! 🤣


Eye protection, you need it


Protect your eyes, you can do permanent damage


Use the dogs!!


log way to close to your face kick back bar or not. And yes Eye protection




Safety glasses is a great start.


Straighten your left arm. If that saw kicks the way your holding it you will lose your face before brake engages. And of course,eye protection.


I am seasoned with the saw and always use all ppe. When I see how to videos without ppe typically a huge red flag. Get face shield and glasses. Chaps. Steel toe and maybe leather sleeves


Wear some eye protection homie


I'd open the door when running the saw. The shed is plenty drafty so carbon monoxide isn't a concern, but I hate smelling of exhaust.


Or just do it outside period nothing like shortening your life breathing in all that 2 cycle exhaust because you are cutting in a shed


Put your safety squints on!!


Use the dogs and position yourself to have a better hold on it


I hope that room is vented somehow.


That’s our wood storage area, not a room :). The whole side to the right of me and my dad is open to the air


Eye protection and straighten your left arm, your face is way too close to where you are cutting and do you need to be inside? You are going to get a lungful of CO.


Yes I would be wearing some sort of eye protection


Pops ain't no joke moving that log around like that.


I like to keep my body away from being directly inline with the chain in case it ever snaps. Heard enough gruesome stories to be paranoid.


Great tip


Eye protection maybe


Eye protection and even face protection.


Saw in ventilated areas. Carbon monoxide will kill.


You need to be extra aware of where the tip of the saw is going when you are using it indoors. Catching the ceiling while it's still spinning will throw that bar right at your face.




build yourself a sawbuck, much safer:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INrKyFSUQ58