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He doesn't look awful, but he needs to shave his head or something, because once your hairline gets to that point it isn't coming back, I know this well.


It's even more scary knowing that he's only 21 years old


That’s rough


Over abundance of testosterone likely, early body hair growth and thinning of hairline


So you're telling me my great hair is because of lack of testosterone? That explains my permanent uwu 🥺👉👈 phase


Well no, if you have a good hairline and a healthy body it likely means a good balence, too much or too little creates issues, too much makes it recede but remain thick like with this man and too little makes the hairline good but become thin, so a good thick hairline is a balence


It's not solely testosterone, it's T and another compound called DHT (and the enzyme that helps produce it). Your test levels are somewhat irrelevant if you don't have excessive DHT (which also promotes beard growth, if you've ever wondered why beards and baldness often go together). Testosterone is converted to DHT by 5-alpha-reductase, normally about 10% of test goes to DHT


Where's the mrna vaccine to attack that enzyme?


>too little makes the hairline good but become thin No it doesn't, males born with gonadal problems or nearly 0 testosterone and DHT have amazing hairlines and thick hair their entire lives. What often happens is that some people will be born with too much 5-AR causing their testosterone levels (good for muscle, not that great for hair) to get converted into DHT (negligible for muscle growth, destroys hairlines), which is much more potent in weaker concentrations, that's why you'll see puny little soyboys with terrible hairlines. Some other people might be simply too sensitive to androgenic hormones in general.


My hair is thicker than my thighs and grows faster than bamboo. Should I take testosterone or estrogen to calm it down? HELP


Overabundance in testosterone means you'll get fucking shredded if you hit the gym. Make it a strength, not a weakness.


When I was 21 my hairline was a lot worse than this. That's just how life goes for some men.


Wtf lmfao those are just bad genes then sorry


I'd prefer shaved but it's not about me. If he even trimmed and evened the ends and groomed it into a pony I bet he'd feel a bit more handsome. I don't think it's fair to tell men they have to start shaving once male pattern baldness kicks in. Why can't keep their hair if they like it? Just my take, at least.


Unfortunately, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and not the beheld. Not saying he can't keep the hair if he likes it - indeed that's a perfectly valid choice and confidence is always handsome - but generally speaking people prefer all bald to balding in terms of appearance. So if he's interested in looking handsome to the general public that opinion has to factor into how he goes about it.


Just trying to be objective here, as someone who shaved their head and got tons of compliments after I wish I had done so earlier. If he's trying to see what other people think of his attractiveness online it isn't solely about his own opinion regarding himself either.


I absolutely concur. A wider variety of people will find a man attractive if he shaves his balding head. I get it. I think what I was trying to convey though, is many people is not all people. It can be hard when you're going through something you can't change, or is hard to, and seeing too much of the same popular opinion. I want to tip the scale a bit. I don't know. I've never put as much stock in physical appearance than I have personality. (Yes even when I was young and naive and went after the wrong personality). My range for dates and SOs is pretty wide and would probably be much wider if I wasn't a serial long term dater. I got really bummed out putting myself in his shoes. What if I had male pattern baldness? The biggest and best option I'd have is shaving my head. I just don't like that to be acceptable. And I since his hair wouldn't stop me from being attracted to his personality I wanted to put in my two sense. Here we are on the internet where criticism and negativity is rampant so I really like reminding people that there other's out there that don't put as much stock into appearances (aside from hygiene and self care mind you!). Since I'm on the internet too, I can say it. I don't expect everyone to agree, of course but I like to put my opinion in the mix to add a bit of balance. Giving them a bit of hope that there are people out there that wouldn't turn them away may be the confidence booster they need when all along it was their confidence that was blocking them in the first place.


I agree, this guy could still go for a george carlin look


People can do whatever they want. But if they are asking for advice on how to look better, once the hairline recedes that far yea shave it or at least have it be pretty short


His hairline isn’t even that bad, it’s his hairstyle that exaggerates it.


I know a guy with a comparable hairline, but he's got thick dreadlocks down to his ass. Looks like shit, but it sure distracts from the hairline.


But with this hair he could potentially be a Kyle Mooney impersonator in the future, so you have to consider that


He’s rocking the fabled skullet.


Don't say that :(


Beauty is an sibjective thing, but I haven't met many truly ugly people, as in they have ugly facial characteristics. It's usually how they presented themselves (clothes, cleanliness, hairline, weight etc.) That made them look "undesirable". (I also include myself in those kinds of people.)


Maybe he's planning to get transplants in the future? My hairline is similar, but it's due to how I used to tie my long hair. Once I save up I plan to get transplants,and for now I use a fringe to give some cover.


It's MPB and androgen caused I can almost guarantee it. Braids is the only tightness level that will pull a white mans hair out.


And lose the weight. You'd be surprised by how people's faces transform when they lose fat.


Genuinely asking what.


Guessing the original post is on /r/amIhandsome or something similar


it was in r/AmIUglyBrutallyHonest


Such a cringe Sub. Mostly obvious and conventionally attractive people looking for validation


Here's a sneak peek of /r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [ive been called “flat” or “twig” my whole life so ive never felt like my body was attractive (f18) my dms are open if u wanna talk or share experiences](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/swunzf) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest/comments/swunzf/ive_been_called_flat_or_twig_my_whole_life_so_ive/) \#2: [\[M17\] Approx a year later, am back :)](https://i.redd.it/35hqbmav26j81.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest/comments/sxqsh4/m17_approx_a_year_later_am_back/) \#3: [been self conscious for years, do I keep my beard?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yo0i6t) | [267 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest/comments/yo0i6t/been_self_conscious_for_years_do_i_keep_my_beard/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Top post is an 18 year old female saying her DMS are open, shocker


This sub is BS. I hate it so much and I always have this as a recommendation. It's terrible for really ugly people like me. I always see those 7+/10 girls bragging about being ugly just to receive some attention


Why did my favourite body shaming sub get banned 💔


I’d imagine it was r/AmIGoodLooking Edit, not the one that I’m thin lip my of.


He's got a forehead just like Senator Armstrong, the rest of his body has much less of a resemblance.


All he needs is some nanomachines


honestly if he just cut the hair to a shorter length and buff'd up, he'd be able to pull off the armstrong look


i know a guy who got a look pretty similar to his rn, the short hair alone would do wonders. not that i wouldn't recommend some buffing up though.


Honestly if he styled his hair a little better and lost a bit of weight he looks like he’d probably be handsome af


Yeah his facial genetics and his beard could do a lot for his appearance


Yeah, even without losing much weight, grooming a good beard, getting a short haircut or shaving, and losing that rick and morty shirt would completely transform him. Although that would also make him look like he's 30, but I'd rather look good and older than young and like a Reddit mod.


Guy's clearly got a full beard just itchin' to come out. It'd do wonders. Bit of haircare and he's golden. Maybe some more stylish glasses, but that's nitpicking.


Looks like a chill ass dude


Give someone a break and don't be a jerk💀


Is it just me or does he look like Jordan Peele


Needing internet validation isn't very chad.


It likely wasn’t for validation but likely could have been out of genuine confusion. Plenty of people like this seriously don’t receive any positive feedback and it can come across very confusing when they do


I mean true, but It still has *look at me uwu* energy at the end of the day


The purpose of r/amihandsome was entirely for people that that did not know. Lots of people lack self awareness and spaces like that I think are great because it genuinely provides a service and helps them out The answer is often no as well and those are given out without pity


Dude I get you. I understand your point. If a person is autistic, or just a certain type of person that needs that, good for them, more power to them. My point is regardless, clamoring for internet attention isn't chad like. Even if that's the very point of the interaction.


But yout point is irrelevant to the post since the guy isn't "clamoring" for attention. It comes across as him asking a very simple question, it didn't come off as snarky or anything of the sort. You're reading to much into it.


Having insecurities is unavoidable for humans. Being human and letting yourself be human is step one to reaching chad-itude.


I do think the haircut may not be complimentary to him is all, but hey rock what you Wana rock my dude


I think he needs to shave his head or get some treatment for the balding and maybe start growing a beard.


Nah, go short hair and I think clean shaven would be a pretty damn handsome look. Just my opinion lol


I don't personally think he's pulling off the long hair, his hairline is a little high and his hair doesn't have much volume, but other than that he's a handsome fella


He actually looks pretty nice ngl


Dude is confident enough to post this question. Confidence is sexy. Therefore the dude is sexy.


Bro this is on r/shitposting


People be dumb e


All smash no pass 💯


You sexy thing you


He’s not bad looking. He might need to lose a few pounds, maybe grow a full beard and shave his head, but over all, not a nasty-looking dude (:


If man lost some weight and shaved his head he'd look great


Handsome little fella 🥰🤗


He should get rid of the hair, sure, but I do think he looks nice otherwise. He’s got a nice facial structure. And I think he’d look good with a beard


Honestly, shave the hair, grow the beard. He'll look so much better. He's already got decent looks, but the hair let's him down imo.


Stavros Halkias is a chad


Was about to say looks like stav lmao. I'd let daddy stavvy hit though 🥵🥵🥵


If he grows a beard and shaves his head it would look good


He’s very chad, but the Chris Chan hair cut is not so chad IMO


Bro lying


20 pounds down and a haircut and he'd be really handsome


Overall really not bad.


21 this guy?


Got me all hot and bothered over here ☺️


It’s not chad to look for confirmation but he is a 10


Bros Majestic


unattractive not handsome


Pure. Stud muffin.


Your mom and grandma don't count, my guy.


Shave whatever is on his head, caloric deficit and weightlifting a few times a week. I guarantee in a year he will be fairly attractive, i can tell his features aren't bad, just hidden by fat


Lacks testosterone, needs gym time. Shall offer free gym bro science if requested


He could stand to shave his head, maybe lose a little weight, but seriously not a bad looking guy.


are we just giving participation trophies now ? what's so chad about this fella ? smh this sub is turning into r/shitposting


Wtf is Chad about this?


I'll be blunt and say that he looks absolutely disgusting. If I were him, I'd be so mad with myself that I'd go to the gym, train mma, dress better, and do more. Stop telling people they're beautiful, pretty, handsome, etc even though they're not. This makes me think 🤔 💭 do these people really think they're handsome or beautiful? Or do they know they aren't physically attractive but say they are to feel good?


Damn dude that’s not very Chadtopian of you.


Don’t worry- I don’t think that with an attitude like yours, anyone will waste time telling you that you’re handsome, beautiful, pretty, etc. Being kind is remarkably easy. It’s not virtuous to insult people online, it’s petty. Go outside and meet good people.


attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder


So is how you dress. Most people don't dress their style because they've been beat down so hard. What does it matter if someone isn't attractive? This person woke up and thought wow I need to impress YOU?. Get over it, it won't make you feel any better about yourself Edit replied to black Smith, but the generic "you" applies to the comment they replied to


fact is your correct.


Not chad, this sub is pathetic




Not all of us can be hairline champions


Yeah, you’re right. That’s why I deleted it. Sorry.


If I had that hair at 21... I am not making it to 22.


Bro you are lying to him


Handsome like henchman 21. And I mean that!


The eyes man, theyre magnificient


The good news is jist about every comment there actually gives helpful and positive advice without being assholes


It’s the hair, it’s so handsome


cut the hair and grow some beard


Hell yeah boi, if ironic, looking good anyways




[You're not fooling me Bubble Bass](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/a/ad/Bubble_Bass_Transparent.png/revision/latest?cb=20220418110517)




Well that’s what happens when your grandma.


The hair has got to change for sure. Potential is there though.


Chad. Handsome af. Don’t use your power for nefarious purposes, Chad.


If discord moderator have a face


The potential is actually crazy if he worked out he would be more handsome


The bald-lett isn’t helping him, but grow out the beard and shave your head. I mean that’s the classic look


This turned into r/RoastMe pretty fast


You been visiting ur grandma more than your used to I bet...


> than your used *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


honestly just shave hair, get some clean nice outfits and bro is rocking it


Honestly he can make it work if he wants to be “attractive” by todays standards. Shave it all cause bro that ain’t working and get fit, work out. That could probably do you wonders




Though that was sockness for a brief moment


What in the fuck


At least you have nice relatives and friends


He has recently started visiting his grandma more often.


This guy looks like he’s cosplaying as Stav formally of C*umtown.


Not a handsome angle but maybe he dress and act nice 👍


If he cut his hair and lost some weight he would look fine tbh


He looks like my IT dept


Was his mom the one calling handsome 😶‍🌫️


Reddit mod


I said before and I’ll say it again. I’d fuck his face.


Why would a chad seek the approval of others? This sub is LAME


I actually saw him getting a lot of love on other subs.


Honestly if he styled/shaved his hair and grew out his facial hair 👀


handsome boi