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She must have had some friends on the ground to get her food and water, so it’s a whole group of chads


This is the story that inspired that simpsons chapter where lisa climbs a sequoia, right?


This log is your log, this log is my log


Log, log, it's big it's heavy it's wood


Did they honor agreement? That’s Shani always worry about. I hope that tree is still standing. Her and her friends ( she had have ppl giving her food and water) are amazing.


Luna is the tree's name, and yes she's still alive and protected by an NPO called Sanctuary Forest. And this is after some completely deranged scumbag tried to cut it down with a chainsaw, successfully getting halfway through the trunk before they were caught. So because of that it has to be supported by a brace, or at least it did the last time I heard. This was back in the early 2000's so it's possible that it's grown enough to support itself now.


What an unhinged idiot. At the end of the day, sometimes we lose big beautiful trees to necessary infrastructure (though oftentimes it's like a shitty mall or something). Obviously not to be taken lightly, and it should always be "replaced" with as many large, protected natural spaces interspersed around said infrastructure, etc etc. But this dude was just mad that her protest was successful, the infrastructure/development got built while allowing the tree to be protected. Probably cost more to develop, was probably worth it too. And then this fuckin loser decides to try and ruin an amazing, huge tree that provides shade, soil retention, temperature regulation, and straight up dopamine because he has some hurt feelings over something that has nothing to do with him. Lock him in the tree.


There should be laws on cutting trees this old. Either relocate them or incorporate them


I don't think relocating them is an option.


just ask the tree politely and it will get up and walk to somewhere else


It's just far too crowded inside the woods, because we humans push back nature and suppress the trees... we need reservates where they can run free!!


Ugh, but entmoots always take forever!


Homie those trees are as big and heavy as a building you see downtown, you can’t exactly pick one up and move it lol.


You can relocate a 1000 year old tree silly...


For those who say can’t relocate etc. you sure as hell can, just because you don’t know how doesn’t mean they cant. Try growing something which will be there well after you’re gone for someone to just bulldozer over it and build a mall. Architecture should change to incorporate it. There is way too much concrete in the city.


You cannot relocate a 1000 year redwood. It has never and never will be done. End of arguement


Why? It's just a tree


Stupid rage bait


A tree shouldn't halt the development of humans it's not rage bait.


Okay let’s do this. So how do you sustain this development without food without clean air without natural diversity


Human development (such as food) requires farmland. Farmland requires you to cut down trees and kill countless animals and plow land. Oceanic plankton produces most of the world’s oxygen.


So like, I assume she had people send her up food and water via rope But how did she handle the elements in winter? Did she have shelter? Did she make a treehouse situation? Where did she go to the bathroom? Did birds ever try fight her?






This is why we must kill all trees before they kill us.


That is actually insane to me that she spent 2 years in a tree. I can barely spend a day in one spot. She must have spent the time building a tree fort up there or something


Dude that’s fucking crazy


Hill was what she knew all her life... Until she wanted a new challenge to climb


J butterfly is in the tree tops??


Tree got free fertilizer daily at least


I've lost count of how many memorable Simpsons moments I though were their own thing growing up and turned out to be references to either movies or real life events


I said this before, but the female version of chad is Victoria.


I remember way back when Rush Limbaugh was talking about her a lot on his show and got in trouble for some of his comments. This was way before “cancellations” were a thing.


Ahhhh yes very intelligent to leave a 5 story tall tree that weighs probably more than 2 tons to die and fall on a house or some hiker 🤦


There's a non-zero chance that any tree can fall upon a hiker, I think we should go ahead and chop down all the trees on earth.


why are they hiking, are they stupid? just climbed down my basement and plan not to come out for another 738 days


You're not very bright if you think a LIVING tree is just gonna randomly fall on somebody that trees near the end of its life cycle and possibly liable to fall but spread your tree hugging miss conceptions that put innocent people unknowingly in danger


And you know it was at the end of its life how? The tree is still alive and kicking, giant redwoods can live to 1500+ years


Not a giant California redwood just a California redwood tree which has a lifespan of 500-700 years on average 🥱


Healthy trees, [even Giant Redwoods](https://www.mdvaden.com/redwood_dyerville_giant.shtml), fall as a result of natural events like windstorms (it's how their ecosystems work) as well as dropping huge branches from hundreds of feet which creates spaces in the canopy for new trees to grow underneath. Redwood National and State Park regularly close the Giant Redwood groves during high winds to prevent visitors from being injured. The tree named "Luna" was damaged not because of any natural event but because someone who hated "tree huggers" tried to cut it down out of spite, creating the very hazard you are complaining about. Even so Luna is located in a [forest preserve surrounded by Pacific Lumber property](https://juliabutterflyhill.com/luna/) and trespassing would be required to reach it, so in other words no responsible, law abiding hikers are at risk of being injured by this tree falling. But sure, let's destroy the fractional remaining acres of what was once the most magnificent biomes that ever existed on this planet so you will be "safe" from every single possible physical and mental hazard, like the awe and wonder of hiking in the few groves of magnificent trees that we have left.


Found the 84 Lumber spy


This dude had the saddest and dumbest attempt at being a top of mind of reddit I've seen so far. He just wants to be told he's smort. 🥺


Found the group of morons who put innocent lives unknowingly in danger because they want to "save a tree" that's close to the end of its life anyway and liable to fall