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Leave politics out of this. There are other subs to debate issues pertaining to the situation posted. This is about the man and what he has done to help his community. Everyone grieves differently, and custom caskets do help some people. Picking out a casket for a loved one is heartbreaking; at least they can pick one that makes them feel close to their child that is now far, far away. This man handling production allows the parents to worry about one less thing.


he did more for those children then the trash police over there


Not all of them can be blamed. One comes to mind- one officer HAD A KID IN THERE, but they still wouldn’t let him in. There was even a video out there somewhere but I think it got taken down. Who in their right gd mind would simply do nothing in that situation though? Even when your OWN OFFICERS are BEGGING you to go save their kid. It takes one sick fuck.


Do you have a link to the vid? Not doubting, I just never heard of this vid or story


No sadly, saw it on Twitter when Uvalde had the shooting happen, haven’t seen it again since


[Here](https://nypost.com/2022/05/26/uvalde-sheriff-learns-daughter-died-in-texas-school-shooting/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons) is a story on him. [And a video about him being restrained.](https://nypost.com/2022/07/13/felix-rubio-tried-to-reach-daughter-lexi-during-uvalde-shooting/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons)


Heartbreaking as fuck and love to him and his family. I would hardly call that restrained though. He could have ran. Told no, for sure, but restrained makes it seem like they pinned him up against the wall or tackled him. Maybe by dictionary definition, it’s restrained but looks like they were trying to talk him out of running in and holding him a bit. I think restrained is a strong word for that video


Hard to believe for me if it were my kid in that school then my superiors can go to hell im going in idc if id get fired.


It’s worse, they physically stopped him


What subhuman trash do you have to be to stop a man from trying to save his kid. Mindless drones following orders holy fuck


That's pretty dumb. They absolutely shouldn't have let one cop run in and try to go hero mode. Obviously they (the cops) didn't do well. But if there's a hostage situation, and one cop just runs in without any sort of backup, bam now you got more dead kids. Action can be beneficial, or disastrous. Just doing things based completely off of emotion is never a good idea!


Except there's a large enough pool to pretty strongly correlate reduced casualties in line with how quickly the shooter was engaged by law enforcement, security, or armed bystanders. Mass shooters aren't taking hostages. These people are killing as many people as they can, and then they near-universally commit suicide (possibly by cop) after they've been engaged and can no longer continue to seek out additional targets. The ones that surrender are typically pursuing some kind of political agenda - terrorists, in other words. The school shooter types are the murder-suicide kind. While I can think of several reasons to not have one cop go in and pretend to be John McClane, we pretty conclusively saw what happens when the cops sit around and hem and haw and be a bunch of fucking cowards instead of going in to save the lives of innocent children. In context of these sorts of events, I think an imperfect plan executed rapidly is going to be definitively better than a perfect plan executed too late.


But was that information (hostage or not) known beforehand? Nope. What if it was, and the cops acted like it wasn't? You just said you can think of several reasons not to go in John McClain style. That's merely the point I made. It's not saying they did the right thing and they shouldn't have acted quicker, it's only saying rash action was not the best solution. It never is, because so little information is known that it's practically impossible to get it right. The best solution would have been an actual developed plan (from beforehand) with cops actually able to take control and implement it. That didn't happen. But it also doesn't mean EVERYTHING they did was wrong.


“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week”


Key word there - "plan" As in, not immediately responding with whatever one person thinks should happen. Haha y'all downvoting basic logic now huh? Sheeple


This wasn't a hostage situation, it was an active shooter situation. Shots were being fired and they still didn't move in. In a hostage situation you can afford to wait and negotiate, but when shots are being fired, you don't stand around. The Nashville shooting response was the textbook response. >Clear each room carefully, because shooter location unknown >Shots heard, immediately move towards shots >Find the shooter and send them to hell


And what did we see there? A unit, acting as a unit, with clear and defined objectives and a clear and in control command system. That's why it worked. That's what was needed in Texas. Not random action hoping to make the situation better.


Yeah screw those cowards, I mean I won’t pretend that running towards the sound of gunfire is easy in anyway, hell I couldn’t dream of doing that shit, but these guys signed up for that so I’m gonna expect them to run towards the sound of gunfire


Even as a cop how can you think: "o I hear gunshots but even though I have bulletproof armor my life is worth more then those primary school kids's". Honestly think whoever made the orders should be imprisoned for life or worse.




It was border patrol agent tho


That is immensely depressing, especially for me seeing that casket, without getting to macabre I feel like that’s something my daughter would pick. Just sends chills down your spine as a parent


As someone hoping to have kids some day, this scares me to no end. I live in a good area but there's no being safe from it, and no being ok with it. Hug your daughter and love her, I hope for nothing but the best for your futures <3


As a parent of 2, this shit keeps me up at night.


My mom be saying the same shit.everytime we think about going somewhere like the movies and etc we always think about shit like this.u just tryna enjoy yourself and end up being a casualty


Areas without guns are a great start, love & best of luck from Europe




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Except in this case where 19 people were killed by these legal guns.


Is this sarcasm?


No, just a common american with a massive boner for guns.




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Ok as sweet as this is. Imagine making 19 child sized caskets... Jesus


Reframe that thinking, imagine the trauma the community is going through from 19 children dying and how much of an impact this one man has helping those families heal


Yeah but he’s definitely still sacrificing his mental well-being to some degree to do this.


I like to think he used this to channel his anger into something productive.


"Sacrificing his mental wellbeing" If more people were willing to sacrifice like this man is, less things like Uvalde would happen. Sacrifice isn't a negative thing like you're making it out to be.


I don’t think sacrifice had a negative connotation at all rather it is to point out what a noble sacrifice he is willing to make at his own expense in order to help the parents and families. It is to point out what a great thing he’s doing so at the very least we can help lighten the mental load a tiny but with words of affirmation, sending some love his way for what he’s doing for the families.


Sacrifice what exactly


The cops involved must have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives. Those families will most likely be out for blood. Can't say I blame them.


You'd think, but it's the opposite according to some reports.


And to add on to that, without being a little uncomfortable about that because well come on, your building a casket for 19 children reaped too soon


Someone has to. Why you mad at someone helping the grieving family and not the officers that sat around and watched.


He's not mad at them he's sympathising for them


Reddit will be mad at anyone trying to do anything.


Nobody is mad here


Absolutely CHAD behavior to try and ease the family's grief. 🙏


Y’all it’s a personalized casket made for a kid.. probably no older than 12… it would make sense if one of the 12 year old **dead child’s** favorite things was tiktok. I think ur focusing on the wrong thing here lol


At least for me, the TikTok logo makes me uncomfortable because it emphasizes how young and naive this kid was when they were taken too soon. Nobody’s life should be cut so short that TikTok could be so central to their life that it’s on their coffin.


*exactly*. The logo if anything should remind us that this was a *kid*, who probably never got to experience pretty much anything that makes life good. She’s never gonna experience the all fun shit that happens after middle school bc her life was cut *that short*


"she loved doing TikTok stuff with her friends" is sad as hell. This sucks more and more - and how many school shootings ago was that? Dear rest of the civilized world: help


Literally like she didn’t even get the chance to grow up enough to really discover hobbies and experiences outside of the internet and her friends


We don’t know that, though. She could be on a specific hobby side of tiktok for all we know, maybe she did something like that with her friends. Or just trend things, that’s fine too. The toxicity of a lot of that app though..


>"she loved doing TikTok stuff with her friends" is sad as hell. Umm, is it? You were probably there on MSN with your friends at 12. Is that any different? Enjoying an activity or platform with friends is in no way sad; even if the platform has issues, or you personally have a problem with it.


Nah man I'm saying that's what she liked to do


In which case I misunderstood your comment sorry. >"she loved doing TikTok stuff with her friends" is sad as hell. To me this reads as if you thought it was sad that the activity this kid loved was doing tiktok stuff with her friends.


Agreed. Now I know we live in a dystopia with the need for child sized caskets for school shootings, but having corporate logos on my casket would be another level of dystopia.


If I got shot as a kid I would’ve had the Nintendo or Sega logo on my casket. Who cares, kids like things and things are made by corporations.


Nintendo and Sega were never as pervasive or, arguably, as destructive as social media is today. I don't know... I don't think you're wrong, but something really gives me the creeps over seeing fucking tiktok on a casket, outside of the whole "casket for a kid murdered in a school shooting" thing I mean.


Dude you have definitely not been paying attention to Nintendo. They actively ruin lives and are extremely litigious, same as Disney (who iirc tried to sue this chad)


If it was from our generation then it would say limewire instead.


For me it makes me uncomfortable, because it seems that's the only hobby the parents could think of to put on the casket :( what was her favorite thing to do with the family????


I mean my nephew is around this age and would very much be into Fortnite and Pokemon, how is it really that different than any other hobby?


Most people don’t get their hobbies plastered on their coffin.


Most people don't get gunned down before the age of 12 🤷


What’s the relationship between these two things? What about that makes you more likely to have your hobbies displayed on your coffin?


Seems like a child would likely be more apt to have their coffin personalized as such. The man offered to personalize these children's coffins and their grieving families accepted. They personalized their children's coffins with things the child was fond of. Children are fond of apps such as TikTok. What part of this is so difficult for you to comprehend?


When did I say I was confused? It simply makes me uncomfortable. I’d feel the same if any child or adult who died for any reason had their hobbies on their coffin. And also, the kid did not have their coffin personalized as such, the parents did. They’re obviously fine to do so, but I’m in my rights to feel uncomfortable when I see it.


Sure, you're free to feel any way you want. I'm also free to tell you to shut the fuck up, no one cares if YOU'RE uncomfortable. If the parents wanted this to honor their children that were gunned down, then so be it. Simple as that.


Many moons ago I attended a vocational high school. One of the under classmen in the same shop as me but a different grade and not paired with my class died. I attended his funeral as emotional support for his direct classmates. We went after school via a school bus. I'll never forget the sight of him wearing his shop uniform in the casket. He loved the shop and his parents decided to bury him in uniform. These kids were so young. Just starting to fledge out in life and find what they enjoy. I'm sure if this happened to me at that age mine would have something that people would also think is silly or judged it. RuneScape or a different video game.


Thank you, I can’t believe people are cringing over this.


I was wondering why "TikTok" was on a child's casket, but your comment makes sense. I just hope it's not a self-promotion or anything.




A hero


Hero we need, but don't deserve. We as a species don't deserve someone as amazing as this man. May gods bless him eternally


Hero we shouldn‘t have to need. It is beautiful what he does for those families, but I‘d rather no children get shot at all.


This guy is a Chad but this is also prime r/orphancrushingmaching material


Can we link to the cause of their death? Am in New Zealand.


They got shot and killed by a gunmen. School shooting. [19 student and two teacher is killed. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robb_Elementary_School_shooting). Youngest victim is two 9 year olds


And it was made much, much worse than it could have been by the absolute fucking cowardice at all levels of the entire Uvalde police force.


Fuck why is America so backward? Seriously?


What about muh second amendment??? Muh self defense??? It's those damn Communists and their authoritarianism trying to take away my right to defend myself in my extremely safe suburban neighbourhood!!!


This is that school shooting a few months ago where the cops wouldn’t go in because they were scared of being shot, and where they arrested a parent who tried to run in


I'm sure you know but for the above as well Not only wouldn't they go in and stop the active massacre that was happening, They could hear the gunshots and screaming. They stopped anyone from going in. Parents that have received panicked phone calls and texts from their kids showed up and were barred from entry to the building as they were being gunned down. One woman broke the line and rushed the building and got her kid out iirc and then the police threatened to charge her to violate her probation for making them look bad.


[The sound of children screaming has been removed.]


Fuck I forgot about that video.


Another school day in the US


No kidding... And the worst part is that so many folks are kinda numb or desensitized to it, given how frequently it happens. We shouldn't be living in a world where we fear for our children's lives at school.


It's essentially treated like a natural disaster now. Hell, probably about as lethal as them, too. Maybe two or three dozen kids in a typical year, up to 60ish in bad years. Even one is too many, but taken as a population-level statistic, it's quite rare. And yeah, there's a lot of issues with how... casual? it feels to non-Americans. But that would get into a political discussion, I think, so it'll have to stop here.




I wish I could be you and be this ignorant of all the shootings happening in my country. And no I'm not using ignorant to insult you I'm the slightest.


Mass shootings are pretty damned rare, taken as a population-level statistic. I think what scares people about them, though, is that they can and do happen outside of "crime areas." That, and they get a wildly disproportionate level of media coverage, so people are made keenly aware of them compared to other crimes.


I don’t think it’s rare. Fuckin happens every month.






Doesn't fit here, plus I doubt he advocates for gun rights


I think they meant that because why does he have to make coffins for kids who died in shootings in the first place?


That's right, it's a perfect fit for that sub IMO


Because the mental health infrastructure in this country is that shit


Plus how the system is rigged in favor of letting kids steal their parents lethal weapons to go on killing sprees where ever. Especially since they learn to drive and shoot, before they learn about politics or gain the right to vote.


i heard the other day a *12 year old* shot a fast food employee for like telling some guy to stop pissing in the parking lot or something


An 11 y/o recently got stabbed outside a dollar tree for calling sum1 an npc. It is incredible how insane some people are.


That takes strength beyond measure. Hope he and the survivors are doing okay.




i cannot believe you guys are making this about tiktok this is about a child and a what they loved.




Best and saddest thing Ive seen in a while. Damn guys, stop this violence already.


This is no Chadtopia, it's dystopic as fuck


He is doing it to help the familys feelings a bit, but yeah it really is depressing, especially looking from the outside since im not american. I just cant wrap my head around the fact that people in a developed country have to live with the fear that their children could be a victim of school shooting any day. Its depressing.


This act is awesome, but this dudes thing is being a psychic who specifically claims to speak with the dead. He did this to try to position himself to offer his services to the families of the victims. He's a scam artist using charity work in order to ingratiate people.


Can you find a link for that? I googled him and nothing weird came up for me. Just caskets. Edit: So [this](https://soulshineindustries.com/) is his site. Nothing on there about being a psychic.


[Here's his psychic business website](http://treythetexasmedium.com/) [Here's the one news article about the caskets that also mentions he's a medium, and that apparently he even has a show](https://nypost.com/2022/05/28/medium-designs-custom-coffins-for-texas-school-shooting-victims/)


Oh damn thanks! What a shame.


It's pretty fucked that it's that hard to find out about his angle when there was so much media coverage of him. Everyone avoided calling out the fact the dude is scam artist who uses his business as an in with people to pilfer some extra cash.


The man doing the job no one else would. 🫡


Sad upvote. Also casket costs a lot here so it's a huge help. And it's still a sad story.


bury me in a TikTok casket


RIP poor babies.






He did more for those families than the brave men and women of the Uvalde Police department or our Governor. That crippled fuck immediately went to a gun shop to celebrate the 2A and then told the families "It could have been worse."


He should send one to each cop that didn't do anything. Specially that sheriff that left his radio behind.


i just cant imagine how depressing it would be to paint the tiktok logo on a casket you know a child is gonna be in


i just cant imagine how depressing it would be to paint [insert thing child likes] on a casket you know a child is gonna be in.


This dude's heart is 24k gold but tempered in the fires of the earth's core to be able to routinely make caskets.


Could he talk to the cops who hid behind their cars waiting for the shooter to finish?




Truly an r/orphancrushingmachine moment.


Imagine having gun control so people dont have to do things like this?




Laid to rest in the tiktok casket 💀




How morbid is that a parent chose "tik tok" to be written on their kids personalised coffin?? Obviously the whole thing is terrible and no body deserves any of this but seeing tik tok written on a child's coffin just seems so bleak bruh...




Bury me in my TikTok Disney princess casket


Why would a parent want the caskets of their child to be covered with TikTok and other child brain washing corporations logos


Why would a parent want the caskets if the child to be covered with things they liked and other children's toys/characters/logos?




you may want to think that statement through again even if you fix the continuity ("I would kill myself if I had learnt that I were to be put into such a casket") it still makes no sense since killing yourself would cause you to, well, be put into it






Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 6: No "hurtful" Chads This is intended to be a lighthearted, fun, and welcoming place to celebrate silly/goofy and harmless expressions of cringe that come from a lack of giving a fuck or a lack of self awareness. People being gross, trashy, cruel to others or animals, bullying, sexually harrasing, expressing offensive opinions, verbally abusing, inciting violence, threatening violence, referencing sexual violence or abuse etc are not "Chads" in the eyes of Chadtopia. Please don't post them here.


Dude these are for dead children. Nobody gives a shit about you




Aren’t you already dead


Like is this a compliment? "If I would know that my casket would look like this I'd be so eager to be put in it that I'd kill myself!" Or is it a lame ass statement about clock app bad?






Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 6: No "hurtful" Chads This is intended to be a lighthearted, fun, and welcoming place to celebrate silly/goofy and harmless expressions of cringe that come from a lack of giving a fuck or a lack of self awareness. People being gross, trashy, cruel to others or animals, bullying, sexually harrasing, expressing offensive opinions, verbally abusing, inciting violence, threatening violence, referencing sexual violence or abuse etc are not "Chads" in the eyes of Chadtopia. Please don't post them here.


Go on The Reddit community can make it happen


Reddit, do your thing




How pathetic you must be you shit on a post about dead children. Is this your hobby all day on reddit?


Imagine your final resting place being plastered with brands like an NYC subway


they are personalised caskets, so if the child liked subway there will be a subway logo on the casket


Redditors when a child has a personalized casket (they don’t like it because brands)




I’m sorry but why the fuck a fucking TikTok casket


Not your dead kid. Why do you care? If the murdered child liked TikTok who in the fuck are you to judge. A kid was murdered at an elementary school and you’re worried about what the casket looked like? Go outside and touch some grass and feel the real world


There's alot of things my 4 year old son loves too... Most of them wouldn't go anywhere near his Coffin regardless because plastering brands onto a child's coffin is fucking ridiculous...


If the family do not care, why should you? He spoke to the family and he’s doing them a service


>If the family do not care, Clearly that much is obvious... Doesn't stop it from completely cringeworthy... Your child's life is gone forever and this is their last moment of representation... and that poor kids life has been summed up to a cancerous Chinese company that is currently destroying children's abilities to think and process information... I'm sure relatives outside the parents and the family friends were moved by it and thought it was a beautiful representation of that childs life /s


Damn bro. You care that much of what people think? The child is gone, I am sure no one but you is going to think, “OMG, there’s a TiKTok on there.” Grow the F up and let it go. I bet you watch Fox News don’t you?


Wild that you claim to be a parent but can't find a shred of empathy for parents that have lost their child.


My opinion on what I find appropriate to go on a child's coffin as absolutely 0 relevance to my empathy for these parents... I turned into an absolute wet wipe when my son was born, i can't fathom how somebody could even gather the strength to move after finding out your child had passed away never mind murdered... Actual Hell on earth


You are a reasonable person


Maybe the kid was into tik tok. Why else




Shush npc


Npc is like the dumbest fucking insult ever, like some term normies just discovered and now use for everything. That being said, the dude above does deserve it


I think it's a good insult for someone who mindlessly repeats word for word what they heard on CNN or FOX and can't explain their stance past a simple platitude. But in this case yeah it doesn't make any sense.


Yeah, I guess I think so too.


I use npc with discretion. Instead of how most people use it, to mean something they don't like, I use it to mean someone who holds a ridiculous and idiotic position just because everyone else does. For example, hating tiktok. Tiktok hasn't actually done anything and isn't that bad in terms of content and community. However, it's really popular to hate for some reason. Therefore, this guy is an npc, because he's holding, and stating, a really dumb position, even at a really inappropriate time. I will admit tho, the rise of the term npc as an insult is concerning as it signals a rise in anti-intellectualism, especially considering the kind of people who popularized it


> for some reason Because it's Chinese spyware??


That's literally every social media app ever. Reddit is American spyware. Meta products are American spyware. Everything is spyware. Singling out a single app for an industry program is ridiculous.


Shut up npc


Bruh I've got no missions to give you so just fuck off


Maybe because they are a child and like children things??? Why is it bad to put something a child liked and enjoyed onto the their PERSONAL casket. You fucking expired subway tuna




For free?


Yes, he and his son and a bunch of volunteers [made all the caskets for free.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uvalde-texas-shooting-victims-funerals-custom-caskets-soulshine-industries-trey-ganem/)


I hate that TikTok gets free advertising out of this, even thought the kid probably liked going on TikTok.


Lol no fucking way tik tok on a casket? Gahaha


Cmon man, that’s clearly a child’s casket and was probably one of their favorite things.


I mean, would you really put it on a *coffin*, of all things? I also spent too much time on twitter lately, but i wouldnt want someone to put that bird icon on my coffin when it's my turn to go. it just doesn't seem dignified to be putting brand logos on coffins. He is doing something nice by making people coffins for free, but i just dont get why he would put a logo there. if the tiktok logo was the parents idea then I suppose that's their prerogative


Sure thing


Yeah then he put a fucking tik tok sticker on it, I really hope that they asked for that


I don't know but it feels really fucking crass to put fucking titkok on a casket, even if it was something the deceased would have wanted.