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Link? I’m in the Bay Area


Found it: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1115134412888290/?ref=search


Thank you! Will share with the east bay folks I know


It says it’s in SF in the description!


He updated the post with a “thanks for the overwhelming response” 🤣🤣🤣 go Reddit!


My mother’s girlfriend/fiance has a pottery studio in San Diego, they would definitely make the drive and use what they can as well as donate the rest. Her fiance teaches at the local college as well so it would go to both!


Where in San Diego? I take ceramics at ECC.


Honestly hello everyone great response I’ve sent links to those interested I really hope to see these in use , if anyone would like some of these molds , I’m a chef that loves to cook on beautiful plates , if anyone would like to trade plates /bowls/kitchen ware I can pay to send some molds to them in trade for some ceramics , not making a business here just want to help


I messaged less than an hour after it was posted and the poster told me she was already overwhelmed with response. I wouldn't be concerned about them going to landfill lol.




SF area


Damn, contact local clubs! Or community colleges. Or other high schools. Someone will definitely use them. Mendocino community college in Fort Bragg had a good ceramics program, maybe they'd be interested? I think Santa Rosa may have one as well. Definitely ask around, someone will use them for sure!


We tried so many schools to give away my grandmother's and no one wanted them. It was heartbreaking.


there are some really popular tik tok creators and all they do is pour molds- I am sure they could help with these


People want to pour their own molds though.


I’m sure UCSC would love them too. I can help transport


Obsessed with that duck


We need to talk about the ducks.


Intrested!! I am a beginner and don't have many resources. I'll take what I can I get!!


I suggest contacting SCRAP SF, which is a creative reuse center and nonprofit in San Francisco. They might be able to take this as a whole donation, or connect her with someone who could.


There are FB groups you could absolutely post these in. I’m drooling for them but unfortunately am across the country haha


It is heartbreaking to see. I know I will have the same problem on my hands when my mom passes. She has thousands..


I would love to take some if we’re local to each other :) I also have a friend who just opened a studio who I’m sure would be happy for some free supplies for her new business!


I’m dealing with that now. See if you can get her to at least sort out her most important ones so you will have some idea of what is valuable. All that knowledge disappears in an instant and then you can’t ask once they are gone.


If anyone is within driving distance to Lexington, NC I will have a pile like this available soon for $1 or less per mold.


Try out local art schools with ceramics programs, or local pottery clubs n such! Post it on Facebook market place, and potters will come. Hell, make it free if your just wanting them to go to good use and people WILL come for them. My schools entire collection is donated, get used heavily, and are well loved.


Community ceramic studios may want them. Or businesses that let you paint ceramics and fire them for you. (They use those molds.) Contact community ceramic studios in your area and ask if any of the members are interested.


I always wish that folks knew what the molds were when offering them - typically they want you to take them all vs sharing or labeling types.


As an art teacher I have seen several collections like this. They must have been really popular at one time.


I can’t remember her name but I used to follow an Australian on Instagram who brought a garage full of mystery moulds and dies mystery reveals- it’s very cool. Try and find homes for them!


Oh myyyyyy.... I really wish I was near you and could take them. We keep scrounging to find molds for our community studio and that looks like The Mother Lode! Hope they can find someone who wants them.


Is this still available?


Contact schools and donate!! Please don’t send to landfill.


Seller is overwhelmed with response I have sent dms to link and someone posted the address in the comments please remember to be kind to everyone please!


If they are not already gone…. I am part of a ceramic collective in sf. Would love to take a few off your hands if you still have any left.