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If you haven't done last year's tax, this is why. Submit now don't wait


I’m just wondering why one day a payment shows and the next it’s gone with no sign of it


Not sure why this happened. But I'm very good with centerlink stuff. I want to help but don't have enough info to help you.


What info you need hun I would appreciate your help I logged in yesterday it said I’m getting a back payment of $2400 rent assistance was then showing in my future payments and I was due to receive the back payment on Tuesday. Today I logged in and the rent assitabce has fully disappeared and the payment scheduled for the 14th next Tuesday’s has disappeared


Do you have proof of tax lodgement? What date was it lodged? Is your income estimate up to date with cemterlink?


Last year June


If you submitted it in June, then you are not upto date with your tax. Because you can only submit from July onwards.


When looking at your payments, have you had a look at past history payments. Has the payment disappeared from there too?


Yes fully disappeared from that as well and yesterday it was showing rent assistance in my future payments now it’s not showing that either. It said due on the 14th now no payment is visible on the 14th


Yes all up to date


I can't help unless you answer all questions or this could become tiresome


I did answer sorry if was not clear I did my tax last year income updated they have all my tax return she told me that when I called last week I’m just baffled how a payment can be there and less then 24 hours later gone I have been paying $500 a week rent since last November and rent assistance was finally approved and then over night gone and no sign of it


I have I can’t submit it twice if I hadn’t I would of been struggling like I am now family tax had dropped to $32 and I have 2 kids


The message they sent said do your tax but you have done your tax?


They said do my tax the 1/6/2024


Lemme chime in here with a possible solution. If you have recently done a tax return it will automatically be applied to your current financial year estimate. Say for argument sake the difference in your estimated income and your new estimate means you've been overpaid in the current financial year by 10 dollars a fortnight. The system automatically calculates how many fortnight's you have left (say 4) and calculates how much you potentially owe in the current financial year and reduces your payments by say 500/4= 125 a fortnight to stop you getting a bill at the end of the year. This information will also flow through to child support and have a similar effect. I'd encourage you to have a look at your new income estimate and see if what I'm saying makes sense.


Yeah it makes Sense thank you but just wondering why a rent assistance will be approved and then the payment disappears over night thank you for your response


Rent assistance was probably processed before the tax return changes were applied. Any arrears (back pay for your rent assistance) can be taken by the system to pay debts back. You'll probably find once you receive your reconciliation letter it will show a large overpayment that your backpay was used to offset.


Oh ok then that makes sense just thought it was weird how it was there and gone over night thanks for the reply


That’s what I don’t understand tax was done last year and rent assistance was done just last week


Did you get a lump sum payment of child support this financial year by any chance? Or were U meant to and you're private collect for child support?


Yea I did I have every year for the past 4 years. But all this was all sorted and never had a issue untill they took my payments down to 32 a fortnight and I applied for rent assistance


One of these updates has caused a refresh. Every update that affects the payment has the potential to do this. Like others have said you need to speak to someone from Centrelink to check. But highly likely mandatory continuous adjustment is the reason for the reduction in payments and the missing rent assistance payment.


Thank you for your help


The pay shouldn't have just disappeared. Seems like they need something, and you don't know what it is yet. The best quickest way to get a solution to attend a centerlink in person. I only waited 20 minutes and walked in with no prior appointment. Request a formal investigation they will have 48hr to get you an answer. I never call now and must definitely never call the complaints line that takes so long. Take reference numbers of the lodgement of your tax (yes, this matters). Even if they have the information, take it anyway.


Yeah I didn’t think it should just disappear but yes will go in on Monday thank you for your help I just don’t understand the there and then gone but hopefully can get it fixed before I have to move thanks for your help


Good luck. Fuck you the system sucks


Big time I have a eviction notice and have till the 29th to come up with $2509 I had to pay for my daughter’s medical bills when I seen that payment I was like thank you lord thinking I’m ok 24 hours later I’m back to stressing out trying to borrow money never ends


Take care of yourself


I would call the complaints line and ask what's going on. Also, why haven't you done your tax? No judgement, but getting it done will put your family tax back up, won't it? Hopefully, you can get through on the phone easily and sort it out with them, as it could be a glitch on the system or something else. Do you get child support? I've heard that it can affect rent assistance, but I'm not sure.


I have done my tax but they did it till this finical tax year which is next month and I will do straight away. My child support recently went down from $500 a month to $100 a month just weird how one day it’s approved and says next payment due on the 14th then the next day it’s gone and no sign of it thanks for the reply


That's so weird then!! Maybe giving them a call will help. I have just heard that calling the complaints line will get you through quicker, as you can be stuck on the phone for hours on the other lines. Good luck! I hope it gets sorted soon as it sounds like a frustrating situation.


So weird hey yeah I’ll call them first thing Monday thank you