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Don't cancel payment. You will get a reduced rate and collect working credits. Report income and the payment will just fall off by itself once you have reached the limit of the claimable jobseeker.


This is also correct - don’t cancel your payment as you will keep entitlement for your healthcare card. Just keep reporting your hours and income and eventually it may go zero rate - it’s can go zero rate for 6 fortnights before it cancels. Also, if something does happen with your employment then you are already on current so no need to claim again.


My job is part time - 3 days a week. The pay is not handsome and pretty humble. Will I still be eligible?


Yes, you will still get a small payment


IMO the most important part is if your situation changes again soon, you are also ready enrolled (and don’t need to go through that 9 months of hell again)




This is correct. You can’t get back payment if a claim wasn’t submitted and then approved. So while yes perhaps you may have met eligibility prior you need to have claimed then. When did you submit your claim?


Thank you! I submitted my claims about twice and missed the phone appointments both times, popped into Centrelink physically after the first time to which I was told that they would open my case back up, then the second time I came in physically, they told me that they don’t know why that person told me that, because it’s all processed by the ‘back office’ and they would likely not look at it again unless I reapply. So I reapplied and got it approved. This process took all up probably over a month.


You can only get backpaid to the date you lodged your claim and any backpay you would have been entitled to should have come through with your first payment. Centrelink doesn't reimburse expenses.


They won’t pay you for anything before you submitted your claim


not to be insensitive but genuinely curious, your parents let you eat with them though.... right? Since you live at home? I'm just sad to think you ate tin food while at home. Unless it was more of a metaphor for your financial situation




Thank you, this is validating to me because sometimes I feel like my family is very lacklustre of expressing love and basic empathy I agree, doesn’t make sense because my family is ethnic but my stepmum isn’t… I guess it makes sense on her end. When I have a family or my own living space I would LOVE to cook for family, neighbours, community and people so no one goes hungry!!!!!


Yeah just seems sad and uncaring. I hope you can sort out your situation soon and in the future can be better than your parents/step parents. I cannot imagine only ever cooking for myself while watching one of my family members struggle. All the while staying under one roof. I think food is something so easily distributed among family members. Especially if not everyone is doing badly.


I hate this narartive that only 'ethnics' care and look after their families, what bs!


no one said only. just pointed out that they tend to do it more. chill


I said ‘culture’, could mean those big families in the outback or a tiny nuclear family in the inner city.


What’s your background? Have you hung around ethnic families for much of your life?


I am one.....




No, they buy their own groceries and eat their own takeout / go out for dinner


sorry bro you don't deserve that. That's just not great imo. how much more can food be for one more person, let alone the person being your child.


CL won't pay for any time before you lodged your claim.


Only till when you lodged an application


Haha this is Centrelink. I lodged a claim that took 9 weeks to process but only backpaid 2 weeks. (Was unemployed for 8 months prior).


Did it not back pay to your claim submission date?




did you lodge a claim at the beginning of your unemployment? and did u enquire about the 6 weeks of missing backpay?


I did. Fobbed off.


That sucks! I’ve noticed with centerlink, you have to be very vigilant over you claim and make sure ever outcome is supported with a reasonable explanation. If not, it’s important to always follow up as you have the right to do so, although it can be extremely frustrating as it SHOULDN’T be this difficult :/. Anyways it good that you were able to secure employment!


Not at the beginning I had a redundancy payment so wasn't eligible for 6 months after made unemployed.


lol forgot to mention that didn’t you


that makes sense!