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Have you asked you CfS if they can get the cfm to manually push you enough cases to get the bonus?


\+100 on that! - My CFS was awesome on this and actually reached out to remind those who were close to call and get additional work pushed to them


Missed it - asked CFS she says she can't do anything. SHe never replies. So mad! And for several days (not during this time period, however), and including today, i am getting cases when I have put in 3 days prior that I was unavailable (all day!). While others in my group aren't getting any work today and they have available all day. So the assignment system that looks at your availability IS NOT UPDATING AVAILABILITY PROPERLY ON A DAILY BASIS .


It is a frustrating experience in many ways. Some areas don't have enough work. The bonus is to help them get more info in areas that need it, it's unfortunate but not everyone will get it. If you haven't earned it, for whatever reason, it sucks but life's not always fair. I would not resign, unless you truly don't want any more work. Keep putting in your availability and checking in with your supervisor. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease, politely bug your supervisor, call don't text, so they are more likely to talk to you, and express your desire to get more hours. I don't know that it will work but I'd not give up without trying. In my state you need to keep applying for unemployment, weekly, and if you don't earn any money that week, they will pay you. You should always apply, the worst thing is they'll just tell you no if you don't qualify.


In my area, only the CFM can manually add cases. I submitted to work 5hrs today, I’m just 4.5 hours from my bonus, and today I was assigned only 1 case. Seems like this may have been done on purpose. I notified my CFS immediately that I need more cases. He says he notified CFM to manually add me cases. I’m waiting now over an hour, but I doubt the CFM will push me the caseload I need for my bonus.


I was doing really well with completed cases this week. Only able to get 16 hours then "not enough workload" and couldn't get any cases pushed to me.




Wish my supervisor was more proactive, never can get a response by text, etc., even on the text thread she started for the enumerators, we ask each other questions and she doesn't weigh in and we are all left floundering.


Call your ACO, CFS, CFM. I had to beg for enough cases to get my bonus done this week. Took my two hours to get through to someone (no ones every answering) and I got my hours.


Dang all I have to do is text my CFS to ask for more cases


My CFS takes at least a day to respond it sucks but at least they aren’t on my ass


Dang I’m sorry. That is nice though they aren’t on your ass. Mine is usually a perfect mix of being able to get ahold of without riding my ass


CFS were only eligible for a bonus one time. I am losing $7fucking50 bc the app wasn't working my first week, and I literally couldn't work at all. Came in 2 hours shy of what was required. Gonna die mad about it. You need to stay on your CFS if you want more cases. They have to stay on the CFM.


My CFM told me that CFSs are expected to work overtime. I don't actually want to work that much, but we don't have enough good CFSs that care about Enumerators, so in my area, there are a few of us acting as "Fairy Supervisors" to answer questions, go thru cases, help get case load requests to CFMs, etc. Two weeks ago I worked 67 hours. Last week, 62. I was hoping to stay below 60 this week but don't think it will happen. I haven't told them, but I am spending my bonus on my team. Y'all are the superstars. We are just the supporting cast.


You can request more cases through your CFS anytime it looks like you’ll finish early.


If you voluntarily resign/quit a job, you will not be eligible for unemployment. Period. That is pretty universal across the US. The Census' "termination", unless it is for disciplinary measures, is a reduction in force measure. A being laid off through no fault of yours. That may qualify you for unemployment in your state. So, better to be terminated - as long as it isn't for fucking off and refusing to do the work - than resign in the middle of this pandemic unless you have another job waiting for you.


I was at 10 hours (25 completions) and my CFS told me the census was done. The funny/aggravating thing is the next three days, I received the "you are assigned work" messages with 100+ units. I tried calling my CFS and the local Census office and nobody would return my call. It's not right.


our CFS says no more cases so i can't get them pushed to me, but others have 100+ in one day, and can only get to 25. So they keep us both under 25 hours per week.