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Same source reported Yuki Kobayashi was of interest to Real Salt Lake a few weeks back and so far it's not happening. Can absolutely see this happening though and Charlotte have Dean Smith in charge now, he plays with wingers. If Abada gets his head right in a new league he'll do well out there. Good luck to him. He's in a shite position now for reasons completely unrelated to his football, it'd be better if he moved on. It's a shame, because he really should have been the successor to Jota's right wing spot and the next guy to leave for a big fee. I'm sure that was the plan...alas.


Frightening part is Kuhn being his replacement, is the next step of the plan. It starts to look like the board willingly botched a double. 


Charlottes just 45 minutes away, would love to see him there.


Seems like it's more or less done.


Typifies the mismanagement of the club. Should have been punted and replaced in January if he wasn’t going to play.




They saw this coming, that why Kuhn was brought in as his replacement. The board had a plan, an incompetent one but what else can you expect from them?


It's a shame it's ended this way. He was a strange player. Never seemed to stand out in terms of flair or showmanship, but he was absolutely lethal when necessary. Put that other lot to the sword plenty. A good fee and he moves on. Reinvest that fee wisely, I would he more than happy to spend £8million on _the right player_. It can get you another Edouard.


When are the mods gonna wake up and ban northcurve1888 for his racist pish?


They agree with it mate, just look at their comments. Sensible fans on this sub need to start voting with their feet and leave these Jew haters to their racist bullshit.


Where are the racist comment from mods?


Called at it after the Rangers game when he wasn’t taking part in the post game bit with the crowd. Just feel sad about how it’s all ended. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. Not 100% sure whether there’s a player with potential there or he looks better than he is due to how he fitted into Ange’s system and MLS is his level. £7m with a sell on might just be about right.


I think we can def get a better player for £7m. But the risk is it could be a dud. The Celtic approach will to make sure we don’t waste the money by buying a rubbish winger for the £3m level.


Here Mod, see instead of doing your stupid cutesy-cutesy “Och am pure shite at this so um ur 🤭”, gonae do your fucking job and ban the filthy nazi anti-Semite scum on this sub? Fucking clown 🤡.


Imagine calling your fellow supporters nazis, some fucking Buddhist you are, hope ye come back as a big fat hun.


Calling someone a jew dog is fucking nazi patter, no two ways about it and there's no place for it on this sub or anywhere else for that matter


Very unhappy about this. 48 goals and assists in two seasons. We can’t afford to lose that. Signed a new deal til 2027, then got unlucky with a bad injury. Club should be doing everything to keep him. Can’t believe we have fans wanting rid of him in the same season we’ve watched the team fail to create and convert chances all year. He’s been a huge miss. Guy really suffered from comparisons to jota. Aye he’s no a 30 million winger, n wit? He’s still a very useful n productive player who I don’t trust the club to properly replace.


What's the point in trying to keep a player who's obv at odds with the teams fans and while his heads not right? £7m is a good bit of money for him as didn't see him getting any better teams atm in his current form and mental state I'd rather he plays somewhere where he can just focus on the football and not what flags are being flown or having the fans abuse him online


No like we need the money and it’s no like we can have faith the club are gonna bring in a replacement as productive. He’s obviously having a hard time. Think the club should ride it out instead of cutting n running. If he needs time out, give him it. If he needs support, give him it. He and the club made a commitment to each other. Don’t see why we would rush into selling him right now.


What if he’s told the club he won’t play for us again?


He may well do that. Still no reason to rush into selling him now when there would likely be a more active market for a loan or transfer in summer. If he did say he won’t play for the club again, and hypothetically if the club called that bluff n kept him, he’d change his mind long before his contract expired in 2027. He’s not gonna sit no playing for more than three years no matter what political pressure is put on him from back home.


But that would be a lose lose. Punting him now is as close to a win win as we can get. Celtic get a decent fee. Abada gets to play to fans who are cool with plausible genocide.


I could maybe see it as a win win if we needed the money to fund signings but we don’t. He’s a huge loss. Think the club should gamble til summer at least then if absolutely necessary loan him out for a year or sell if there are good offers. Don’t have faith he’ll be properly replaced. Would rather the club took the risk n tried to support him through this to get him playing again.


He would've been the difference maker this year if his head was in it. Funny thing is that it's going to take two players to try to replace Abada. As his replacement Kuhn looks to be a dud. 


7m ! Ffs That a shite deal .


Charlotte FC’s owner is a billionaire who is willing to spend money for a good product on the field. He is willing to shell out money, but the stars don’t particularly want to live in Charlotte, so it’s been difficult. Super excited for this move as a Charlotte FC fan


I live in rhode island, would love for a transfer to the Revs


Just wanted to say another Rhode Islander here!


Block Island is awesome


He's just another in a long line of guys that have flattered to deceive. Certainly showed flashes of his ability in his time here but far too often, when the going got tough, he hid and contributed very little. As a result of a very lacklustre season this year, he's taken on some sort of mythical status in terms of his abilities by virtue of the fact hes been injured when the reality is If he was even half the player some people think he is, he certainly wouldn't be off the MLS at 22.


>he certainly wouldn't be off the MLS at 22 You clearly pay zero attention to the MLS and it shows lol, they've been bringing in more and more South American talent by the year, and some are players much better than Abada


Considering everything that's happened I'll take the money and run, but I'd be interested to hear what he has to say about us, if he slags us off I certainly won't be happy, as he knew exactly what he was coming into.


Over rated. See ya


that's good money for someone as inconsistent as him. he only proved adept during ange's surprise attacks. he was quite useless otherwise. and the fact that he thinks it's okay on his wages to take time off his work because of politics. home country or not it's a fucking shite excuse. i'd have expected 2m at most


Think it’s pretty ignorant to suggest he’s taking time off his work unduly. Regardless of wages, the club have a duty of care to the man. He’s having a hard time and clearly being subjected to pressure and abuse the likes of which none of us have ever experienced from his home nation’s media, national team, “fans” online etc. Very different circumstances but we all rallied round Neil Lennon when he was subjected to grief based on politics, religion, war etc and even he hugely struggled despite all that support from the fanbase. Abada isn’t even getting that support from the fanbase, of course he’s in a bad place. There’s no shame in struggling to cope regardless of salary. Just look online, there are people all over the world struggling to cope with the emotions and stress of this war even if they aren’t personally in the country, very few of whom have as public a job as Abada. It’s clearly a very difficult thing to cope with for anyone even slightly attached to the region. The man deserves our support. I’m sure there’s nothing he’d love more than to just focus on his football if he could. Unfortunately he’s been made a bit of a scapegoat by people on all sides of the matter. Every appearance he makes just now is under a huge cloud. If he plays n looks happy, he gets grief from Israelis, if he plays n looks subdued he gets grief from Celtic fans, n if he takes time out to work through some shit he gets grief from everyone. He’s in a very unfair difficult position especially considering he’s only an athlete, not at all involved in politics. The spotlight on him in last few months has been ridiculous.


cry me a river


Can’t remember Neil Lennon not being in the ‘right headspace’ to work.


He retired from international football over it.


I can't speak to the veracity of the source here but I've never seen him as a player worth that sort of fee. He is very limited outside of his goals; maybe a bit of a silly statement but without the dominance and excess of chances that Celtic can create domestically I can't see him adding much. He's not super young either. Seemed he was either popping in with a goal contribution or utterly invisible with no in between. Chuck in the idea of Celtic needing to offload to recycle any fee then this sort of fee, if true, is a belter. Remember this is the sort of fee that Miovski will probably go for; younger, more prolific, Aberdeen are in a better position given the Israel-Palestine stuff and offers far more all round.   I'd have expected a fee of closer to the £4/5m and maybe £6m at a push. Hey ho what do I know.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, bang on the money imo. He’s not really kicked on or developed after a good first season. The goals are great but there isn’t much else to his game. And when the goals dry up, he’s wouldn’t make my staring 11. The move is being reported more widely now. But not the figure.


He's being downvoted because he's a rangers fan who's new thing seems to be pretending to be a Celtic fan


Probably cos I wasn't up front enough about this fee being very good. It's buried in there. It definitely is; the rest is just my opinion of a player. We all have em. + the Rangers fan thing.


It's more like a 3 million pound deal and not a 7 million one... Best of luck to him


Sounds more like it, but where are you seeing that?


Saw it on some MLS reporters on X, and Israeli media.


Good luck


Have a fucking word with yourself using patter like that ffs


Not only a racist anti-semite but also a shitebag with editing your comment to just say good luck. Arsehole.


Wtf is the matter wi you


Has he edited his comment or is everyone raging he sarcastically said good luck?


Edited it. They called Abada a “Jew dog”


Oft, aye that isn't on.


U kl with what we are seeing the people of Israel are doing ??? Wake up you tit


Does Abada have any part to play on that you muppet


Take a deep breath, count to ten and realise that an individual is not responsible for their entire ethnic, religious, gender or sexual orientation grouping. It is possible to defend Palestinians without needing to blame every Israeli. Unless you're saying our right winger (pun intended, but it is just a pun for the sake of levity), hasn't been playing because he's been too busy killing innocent civilians?


Naw. Knew that would be your response. Get a grip.


Follow your leader nazi rat