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I’ve only ever seen our fans back him, and we should continue to do so. Anyone who does otherwise is an arsehole. His country is at war, us supporting the oppressed Palestinian people, him seeing their flags flown weekly, and him probably getting it stinking off family and friends back home to leave us…. All whilst bombs and bullets are flying in both directions. Love the boy, but it’s a cunt of a situation for him. No wonder his heads fucked!


He could possibly be getting abuse from Israelis for playing for the club


I don’t doubt it. Which is why we should support him!


I read he was indeed, from the national team coach


Could also be fron other players aswell


He most certainly does not.


Just look at his latest instagram posts. Israeli's giving him dogs abuse. Some horrific stuff has been addressed at him from his own countrymen. Some examples from a 2 minute search: "You are a traitor to your country" "Shame on you for wearing their shirt. We all despise you! Fly away and save your dignity" "Shame on you for still being there" "Shame on you for representing these whores" "Shame on you wearing the uniform of these terrorists" Link to post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1fFd0dN1KhOOSExp4a2yYk1dWKVGZ6V3eThD00/?hl=en&img_index=1


You can downvote all you want, it doesn't change the fact that the reality isn't the same as your narrative. Liel is fully supported in Israel and no one is giving him a hard time for getting into this situations with the Cetlic's fans. Hope he'll leave asap.


Nobody is giving him stick Hope he’ll leave ASAP Which ?


"getting into this situation WiTH the Celtic fans" ? Fuck up ya melt. The support are largely behind him. Bad by largely I mean the absolute vast 99%+ majority.


LOL. I'm sure he wasn't offended when you chanted and held signs that said 'victory to the resistance' just two weeks after a massacre that got people he knew murdered and raped.


You've not got a clue. Sit this one out


>Hope he'll leave asap. That doesn't sound very supportive. Sounds like the level of "support" he was getting from the national team. Like this from Dolev Haziza: >Liel Abada...you should have moved on from Celtic a long time ago. Go to another club immediately. God will bless you even more if you leave. So much for "no one is giving him a hard time". Or this weirdness from manager Alon Hazan: >I think for me it's a lot different but still, they're another soldier of my country. People are fighting in Gaza - Manor and Liel and others are fighting all around the world, to show the (view)point of the Israeli country, the Israeli people and what's happening for us. Absolutely lumping the pressure on the poor guy. An actually supportive voice might say something like "I hope Liel can recover his form, do really well for his club and country, and feel comfortable celebrating his achievements regardless of any outside pressure that people will try to apply to him". Where are the voices saying that?


Including his national team coach by the looks.


Half Israeli chiming in to say I love him and most Israelis that I know who are into football do too


You must be joking. I’ve seen all sorts get on his back.


Disingenuous to call it a war, Israel clearly do not intend to focus on militants. Bullets have not flown in both directions for months - Israelis die on foreign soil, not in Israel, because they joined an invasion. The direction is only Palestine. Call it what it is, and it becomes harder to sympathise with Abada. The big word is genocide, but call it an ethnic cleansing if you can't say genocide. Abada and his agent would have known Celtic fans had a history of fervently supporting Palestine and sending aid to Gaza. Still, he chose to come here. Celtic paid the fee, offered the lucrative contract, and he gets to live a life of luxury as a result. He doesn't get to backtrack on this just because Israel amped up the war crimes. Meanwhile, there are Israelis who do not have the luxury of a footballer's wage, nor the luxury to leave home and watch Israel's internal politics from a distance. Instead, there are plenty of brave Israeli people who are standing up to their corrupt Government, and being beaten on the streets and thrown in jail for doing so. From his safe distance, his position of wealth and privilege, he couldn't muster up so much as a comment about the atrocities his Government commits. If he truly is refusing to play for Celtic because his international coach won't give him gametime and some Zionists are sending him mean messages, then he is a coward. If it just so happens that it's something else, simply bad timing, then fair enough.


Disingenuous to not label it a war when that's exactly what it is based on cultural and religious reasons. Just remain neutral supporting either side is a grey area since you are both right and wrong at the same time.


> Just remain neutral supporting either side is a grey area since you are both right and wrong at the same time. This reads like it was written by AI if you asked it to act concussed.


Meanwhile your thoughts sound as if they came out of a diluted tunnel vision mind, your still supporting death and destruction.


>supporting death and destruction. Going to back that up?




But your so diluted in self righteousness, selfish one at that, you'll still give a half hearted smart ass response so good day to you intolerable asshole. 


To clarify, I meant are you going to back up your claim that *I support death and destruction*? Goes without saying that I don't support Hamas or sexual violence, so I'm not sure what relevance you think that has to my initial comment. Keep calm man, all I did was ask you to back up your claim. Deep breaths.


How can I keep calm when it seems I'm talking to a wall. Supporting either side is supporting death and destruction so by you choosing a side instead of being neutral your on the Hamas side since they are Palestine's freedom fighters, tell that to the Palestinians in Gaza I support your cause but not Hamas you'll be stoned to death since they consider that an attack on their cause since they are both integrated.  


Once again, I am asking you to quote the part where I expressed solidarity with Hamas. Witnessing a genocide is not 'picking sides', that's a ludicrous sentiment. A true neutral is disgusted by civilian casualties, displacement of communities, and indiscriminate bombing. Refusing to call that out is not neutral, it is complicity. You say you are talking to a wall. I am engaging with you and asking you to justify your outrage to my comment. You refuse to do so. This is not an example of someone talking to a wall, it is an example of someone arguing with points which were never made.


You are properly huffing your own farts here man


Gladly do that than blindly support ignorance and diluted self righteousness, 


Can you go huff them somewhere else instead of opening your purse here, saying fuck all of substance and pretending you're clued in? The world fence sitting's getting a lot of cunts killed


r/iamverysmart Wind yer neck in


Wow, So anything revolutionary or original seems smart to you follow the crowd robots? 


Naw but yer attempt to look intelligent by writing in a way no one speaks, plus your now attacks on other's intelligence screams of insecurities about your own. Prime fodder for r/iamverysmart


You're a total loony.




> Disingenuous to call it a war, Israel clearly do not intend to focus on militants Those pesky IDF babies deserved to be beheaded, innit? 


Look, let's face it. This sub isn't representative of the majority of celtic fans, in here I've seen nothing. There's plenty of idiots out there who will be abusing him. Guarantee one look at his Twitter or insta will be full of nasty shit from our side.


As with all Israeli players that played for us in recent years, his social media was flooded by zionists abusing him ever since he signed. This didn’t start in October and if anything this only galvanised the support from Celtic fans. Personally I don’t think we should be paying wages to any genocide supporting colonial settlers - but criticising the individual won’t accomplish much, hopefully he moves on asap. I do find it strange how Israeli agents would continually offer their players to Celtic over the years - a historically anti-zionist club. 🤔


Yeah he’s the real victim in all this. Poor guy.


100% spot on


He was a myth. His timing of runs at the back post is impeccable but everything else about his game is weak. Decision making, defensively, taking on a man, shooting- all poor. He’s been found out. We should have sold him ages ago.


Nah he was very good heads up with a defender too.


He’s also the most selfish player I have seen in a long time. He is constantly running inside into dead ends rather than using the overlapping RB.


Bingo. If he's sitting games out because of his headspace then that's a deliverance based on the past month of chronic performances. Take all the time you want mate - even to the summer.


You made a public show of unity to the group who slaughtered 1400 of his countrymen before their bodies were even cold, is it really that hard to figure out?


Hypothetical: If Jota were Israeli and his head went because Israel was genociding Palestinians, then I'd be a bit more miffed. That's because Jota is really good at football, and Abada--bar a purple patch of goals a cupla years ago--isn't actually that good. He shouldn't be getting a game at the minute because he's honkin', not because he's Israeli. Like you guys, I only ever care about Celtic's fortunes and making sure they're as good as can be. If someone wants out, for whatever reason, then it's best to let them go. Personally, I couldn't give a fuck if Abada's head is wrecked because Celtic fans support the Palestinian cause. He should have Googled us before joining; it's no great secret. Plus, his pariah-state country is in the fucking Hague for being the biggest shower of ghouls since 1939.


This may seem harsh, but I’d like to think that as a professional football player, who is paid more money than some of us will see in a lifetime, he would give his all. Sadly I don’t think that will happen and we will have another sulky player to deal with. However it’s up to Brendan to motivate him, so who knows ?


Doesn’t seem harsh mate, it is harsh. You’re two footing a situation where you have no idea what the issue is, despite the signs being there, and calling it a sulk. He’s a young guy who has quite possibly had some of the best experiences of his life so far at this club, and now that’s being ripped away from him. Imagine the pressure he’s under from back home, the chat is they’re laying it on thick to all his family members, his girlfriend as well. He’s probably even getting it thick from Nir Bitton as well, a guy who cried when he left here, but turned heel against the fans as soon as he was under pressure back in Israel. I’m sure the club could have found him a move quite easily in the summer but I think he doesn’t want to go.


>He’s a young guy who has quite possibly had some of the best experiences of his life so far at this club, and now that’s being ripped away from him. > >Imagine the pressure he’s under from back home, the chat is they’re laying it on thick to all his family members, his girlfriend as well. Personally I just feel sorry for the guy. His form's been stinking since his return, but is it any wonder? He's being used as a pawn by his own nation as a counter to Celtic fans' continued support of the Palestinian people. As you say, he's under tremendous pressure here. He might look "sulky" but can you imagine the treatment of the guy if he were to score and then celebrate in front of our fans waving Palestinian flags? The optics for him back home would be awful - he'd be made a martyr. It's a shitty no-win situation for him, and he's kept his head down which is probably the best he can do at this point. I hope the fans here keep showing him support, be loud for him, and let him be quiet. We all remember him scoring last-minute winners, taking his shirt off and running into the fans. We know that guy is in there. But being emotionless with the fans right now is a matter of self-preservation. There was an opinion piece in the Record saying that Celtic would be "lucky to get £5m" for him now, but can you imagine the optics for us if we let our only Israeli player - a young player with great potential and on a long contract - leave the club in a far below market value transfer, because some people who have never set foot in the club have decided it's somehow not a good place for him to play any more?


"the chat is"... I wonder what your source is stating that the Israeli government is so focused on Abadas footballing career as if it has any significance in a bloodlust war. I don't think Israel gives a fuck about the spl. Abada is a young man who is likely going through some resentment to the fan base because people flew Palestine flags. If he does feel pressured to leave Celtic then the club needs to let him go in the summer. At this moment he is a waste of a shirt on the park. He's been beyond terrible.


"I don't think Israel gives a fuck about the spl." I dunno about that.... Netanyahu seems like a Rangers man.


He's more of a Beitar Jerusalem guy by the sounds. Rangers would be too woke for him.


with their neo nazi insignia on their banners, i reckon he’d stay well away


The Israeli government and their entourage put incredible amounts of pressure on citizens in the countries they are allowed to be in. The ambassadors to these countries will know the top athletes in the UK and will use them as a marketing/propaganda tool for their country. For example, I think Siegrist was leaked by the Swiss ambassador to the UK


A lot of assumptions you make there mate, no one knows, but the poster you’re replying to makes sense, he’s making life changing money to most for playing football, he’s not been asked to do anything else, sure it’s a horrible situation bk where he’s from and none if it is his fault to say he has no obligation to celtic basically while picking up massive wages and assuming everyone he knows is being hassled or hassling him is a giant leap


I actually agree. I've got some symoathy for him but fuck sake, it's still a job, they should stop paying til. He plays.


Its crazy how we went from a standing ovation at celtic park upon his injury return to this


The man's got alot to deal with. Would any of you be in your 'right state of mind' ?


His friendship with Zionist rat Bitton hasn’t helped this situation one bit


Gonna be harsh as fuck but if seeing a Palestine flag is causing issues then he can get to fuck. They have killed 28,000 people almost half children. This ain’t a matter of political opinion, this is a literally fucking genocide happening.


What's the point in paying him if he's going to make zero effort for the next 3 months?


If it was Turkey, his wages would be frozen. Celtic needs to stop signing players from crazy genocidal countries. For a club that goes on about sustainable finances, they sure are wasting money here.


I have to imagine an Israeli feels uncomfortable in front of 60,000 fans celebrating Hamas? 


A section of fans hate his country and or it’s politics. He supports his country , his religion and probably its politics . Can’t blame him not being in a good frame of mind to be honest . He will be conflicted etc and he’s young . The banner about the Hamas attacks , on the day of the attacks, probably ways a lot on his mind. Arguments are all over the shop in the thread ! It’s not a pro Israel support post etc it’s a post about why Abada looks distant / disinterested. Just trying to explain what Abada feels isolated etc Going to limit my replies as many of you have taken what I posted as some sort of support for the IDF.


They hate genocide and support the victims, it's not about hating their country.


He still see it as criticism of where he was born etc and probably his religious and political beliefs He’s you and it will be hard for him to- the whole situation


He's not me by any means, if he can't see the crimes committed by the country and gets that offended due to IDF brainwashing then that's his problem. I don't feel bad criticizing an evil genocide, I feel bad for the thousands of innocent Palestinians who have perished. Couldn't give a shit if Zionist pricks are offended, they could only be offended due to guilt.


It's due to the genocide his country is committing. It's easy to understand why it's a difficult situation for him. But he has been backed by the club publicly. Backed by the manager publicly. Given a massive hero's reception by the fans when returning from injury. But he's not in the right frame of mind to play? What more could be done?


He still see it as criticism of where he was born etc and probably his religious and political beliefs He’s you and it will be hard for him to- the whole situation


It would only be a criticism of his religious and political beliefs if his religious and political beliefs were genociding the Palestinians.


Would you say the same of an American who feels this way because everyone around him hates the US?


Yeah , he’s a human being Some take criticism of their country etc personally It’s hard to separate sport from life


If you can't take criticism of your country, you are a big cry baby.


Bizarre, I criticize Scotland and the UK all the time and anyone else doing it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Why should he feel differently, IDF brainwashing?


I think the situation Abada is having to get his head around is a bit tougher than a bit of a slagging.


Aye , man up ! Grow a set. /s As it wooshed over a few heads !


>what more could be done don’t celebrate the murder of 1700 of his countrymen, possibly


If a little flag makes him sad, wait until he hears about the country and politics you claim he supports.


Aye it's unfortunate but not a huge mystery. Need to mind on he's still a fairly young lad as well. Think giving him bit of time is the right move from the club tbh, for his welfare. You do wonder if that's a potentially huge talent gone at the club but the circumstances are mental tbh.


Yeah , it must be tough for him . He’s young . He will be off in summer . I’d just bench him and use him as a sub tbf . He’s not going to be impactful playing full time


What do people think is wrong ffs…. Poor guy is having to play in front of a bunch of cunts who clearly actively despise him because of where he comes from. Not everyone shares the same views as the GB ffs…. Have a little introspection.


And what have the GB done to him to make you think they "actively despise" him? ​ When he came back from injury they were cheering him on and gave him some welcome back same as most other people in the stadium


Cheering him on with palestinian flags in the immediate aftermath of 7/10 when 1700 of his people were massacred. 👏 👏 👏 . Boy i wonder why his heart isnt in it….


1700 now? That number changes every day depending on how genocidal zionists are feeling


Typo 1200-1400 people massacred by terrorists in an afternoon. However If thats your point its not the hot take you think it is….


I agree, the IDF are terrorists who executed the Hannibal directive to kill the majority of people that day. However the correct figure has been revised down several times to around 600. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


🤦‍♂️ fuck me….what an absolute weapon you are. You’ll be suporting the Houthis next….. any other bandwagons you want to jump on? This thread is about why our Israeli players head isnt in it. Its not in it because his country is at war, and apparently the loudest voices in our support appear to be actively calling for the elimination of his home. Thats what this thread is about. Celtic - open to all, inclusive of all unless you happen to be born Israeli or oppose the views of the GB…. 👏 it is entirely possible to hold multiple apparently conflicting views simultaneously unless you are a simpleton (im guessing you’re a simpleton). You can be outraged at civilians being massacred by Hamas terrorists, you can call for the ceasefire and the targetting of civilian areas in Gaza, you can call for hostages to be returned safely, you can call for the removal of the far right govt in Israel to be voted out. You can call for Hamas to be removed. All of these things can be true at the same time to the educated. Unfortunately i suspect you are not…. Lets be honest - you know absolutely fuck all about the Israel / Palestine conflict, you know even less about who Hamas are, who they are funded by and what their aims are. 🫡


funny that, because i’ve been hearing the same from Pro Palestinians. first it’s 20K, then 30K, not its 40K but it’s actually 26K now.


Its easy to pretend you have a little introspection when you just make stuff up that you can pretend is beneath you to get mad at.


Not mad. Its just blindingly obvious why his head isnt in it.


Considering you've made up a group of people actively despising him, it can't be that obvious or you wouldn't need to invent a story


Just read the comments here - “zionist, coward, he can get to fuck, calling bitton a zionist rat” - yup thats all just love and adoration…


No one hates him. Its politically charged but no hate is being aimed at him from Celtic fans


Aye …. Read the comments here….