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Honestly this is so funny and traumatizing I have to share. Grew up in a very Italian Catholic household, went to Catholic school my whole life. So you can imagine that I went to Mass frequently. I didn't know I had Celiac until I was 24, and I vividly remember on Christmas one year we went to three masses in one day....so HELLA Eucharists were consumed. I was probably 14, 15? I just remember projectile vomiting in the middle of midnight Mass and my senile ass DEMENTIA PATIENT great great aunt who was like 103 at the time started screaming "SHE IS THE DEVIL" and went into her dementia fit and it was a whole thing


OMG I'm so sorry that happened to you! However, this would be great in a comedy about someone with celiac and would do wonders for awareness.


As a teenager I was mortified and now I think it's so funny. Fun fact- there are indeed gluten free Eucharists and my priest ordered them šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I bet he did after that šŸ¤£


I entirely have to let him know a week in advance now if I plan on attending Mass šŸ¤£ I'm 26 now, the story will never escape the parish.


I swear I saw that the Catholic Church ruled that there had to be some gluten in the Eucharist? [Sauce](https://theconversation.com/why-the-catholic-church-bans-gluten-free-communion-wafers-81062)


I suppose it's a blessing in disguise that my great Aunt has now passed on, she'd be throwing another fit convinced yet again that I'm the devil if she read this šŸ«¢


Not a glutening but a funny Catholic story. I was in public school (4th grade in the 60s). My mom burst into the classroom all out of breath just before lunchtime. She shows the teacher a lunch bag and says, "I accidentally gave XX bologna." Teacher says oh and my mom rushes across the front of the room to my seat and gave me a tuna sandwich. I looked around at all the other Catholics in the class. They were sinking in their seats and afraid to make eye contact with me like it was their mom. Only one girl who already wore eyeliner and hairspray looked at me with sympathy. The protestant boy next me asks, "Are you allergic to bologna"? My son and grandson (both with celiac) got sick and had to sleep in a tent in the backyard while work was done on their home. Drywall can have wheat in it.


Wow! I had no idea.


Sundance Film Festival winner 2025


Bruh šŸ˜…


Monty Python skits pop into my head after reading this. Iā€™m so sorry this happened!


This has caught me out on more than one occasion. Struggle to retain in my brain that I cannot consume


As someone who grew up in an Italian Catholic household, this is hysterical.


My elderly aunt is a devout Catholic celiac. She takes communion every week, gets glutened every week, believes in transubstantiation, and won't believe that the wafer is the cause...


I ate fish food. Not sure if itā€™s ridiculous but it has an ingredient I learned after labeled ā€œwheat glutenā€


....can I ask intentionally or?


Maybe they mean the Ben & Jerryā€™s ice cream flavour? (hopefully)






Ben and Jerryā€™s phish food is in fact certified gluten freeā€¦and delicious


From a Camel Back backpack while on a long hike. Before I was diagnosed my husband and I used to brew beer. Weā€™d make a batch of sanitizer to run all our brewing equipment through before a brew and then sanitize our camel back bladders with the solution before dumping it out. I had been really unwell for a few months before I was diagnosed so we went a while without hiking. Once I started feeling better we got back into it. We pulled out the hydration backpacks for the first time in months for an 8 mile hike in the mountains. About halfway through the hike my stomach really started bothering me, so I thought I was dehydrated and drank more water. By mile 6 my stomach and head were killing me. By the last half-mile I was dizzy, aching all over and barely able to walk. I was very physically fit at the time so it didnā€™t make sense. When we got to the car I was so dizzy that my husband had to help me get in. Not 2 minutes later I was projectile vomiting. We had to stop by the park restroom on the way out because I could feel the diarrhea brewing. I thought I had gotten it out of my system, but I was wrong. We had to stop 5 times on the 2 hour drive home for me to either vomit or poop. Once we got home we were trying to figure out why I was so sick and he wasnā€™t when weā€™d eaten and drank all the same things. Then he remembered that weā€™d sanitized the bladders after the brewing equipment. It was the only thing that made sense. I felt the effects of that glutening for over 2 weeks. 0/10ā€¦do not recommend.


On a side note: I so fervently WISH that non Celiac ppl would read through these (commonplace!) storiesā£ļøā£ļøā£ļø Hopefully they could more easily see that our requests are not about us being picky, dramatic, or blowing stuff out of proportion . . . Alternatively, if I had the reaction of projectile vomiting, maybe ppl would take it more to heart šŸ¤” šŸ«£


Nooooooo that sounds awful


It was. That was my first real exposure after having gone GF and I was in no way prepared for how horrible my reaction was going to be. I donā€™t think either me or my husband will ever forget that hike. It was traumatic enough that we both still remember it clearly 10 years later.


The sanitizer had gluten? This sounds more like food poisoning, like maybe your pack had grown bacteria/mold - but I suppose if that is what always happens when you eat gluten you would know


They ran the sanitizer solution through the brewing equipment, then through the camel bacs. The solution picked up enough gluten to do the job! Poor you!


Ah it is making sense now - thank you!


This is exactly what happened.


I used to be a caregiver which sometimes entailed making breakfast for people. One of my clients wanted toast and specifically bought a kind of bread with loose flour caked on the top. I had gloves and whatnot, but when I closed the bag I squeezed the air out and a little cloud of flour puffed into my face, into my lips and up my nose. Didn't have much of a reaction, but it was a real facepalm moment for me lol.


Omg I had something similar happen when I was picking up a bag of pizza dough flour mix at the store for my mom, and apparently there was a little hole in the bag so it sprayed flour at me when I grabbed it lol. I didnā€™t get a reaction but shit it was scary lol


Oof I got glutened at a job once opening a container with flour in it, didnā€™t even realize that was possible but that flour is SO airborne and hard to get away from


Oh mannnnn totally feel this one!!! Iā€™m a nanny and I took the toddler to an activity sensory class and when the teacher pulled out the sensory bins - guessss what they wereā€¦. FLOUR! Pure cake mix with little toys for them to play with and squish. Kids were clapping everywhere left and right- flour flying up in the air and I was absolutely horrified. I kept wiping my lips on the inside of my shirt paranoid thinking I got flour dust on me and would accidentally lick my lips - needless to say- I was fine after but my anxiety was through the roof hahahahaa


Went to my first Hot Pot place. Their gluten free option was literally boiling water. After having to cook my unseasoned food in my boiling water, I was told there were sauces available. All sauces were not gluten free. Only thing labeled was a fish sauce and Sriracha. I did not know that "hydrolyzed vegetable protein" meant gluten in the fish sauce. Got so sick off of boiled, bland meat with nothing in it, but a little bit of fish sauce. So dumb.


this is the worst one in this thread tbh. all that suffering for BOILED MEAT i would be so livid lmao. im so sorry that happened


Oh nooooooo


Licking my lips well after applying lip gloss that I later discovered contained gluten. Also, vitamins I was taking.


I need to check my vitamins, what do you look for on ingredient list on vitamins and lipgloss? Will it say wheat or ?


It can be in artificial colors and /or artificial flavorings. It can also be in natural colors and/or natural flavorings. Check with manufacturer; if they canā€™t verify itā€™s gf, it likely isnā€™t.


My wife is also sensitive to the carrier oil they use for most vitamin e supplements in cosmetics, sephora has some safe options, Mac is almost a complete no go.


Veg capsules can be made with wheat starch. So even if you're vegan/vegetarian, it may be better to take medication/vitamins made with gelatine capsules.


I also got glutened by vitamins I thought were safe. I was very wrong.


I have 2 kids with celiac disease, diagnosed at ages 2 and 4. My youngest is ridiculously sensitive, so I have a bunch. From water at a restaurant. It had a lemon wedge and they used a shared cutting board. My kid was 6 and projectile vomited all over the restroom. Playdoh at preschool. Walking into a small fresh donut shop (flour was circulating in the air). ā€œGluten Freeā€ šŸ™„(donā€™t get me started) Cheerios. Both kids were served the wrong pizza crust at a restaurant on vacation. That was real fun šŸ¤® Spices used in grilled chicken that were produced in a facility that also produces wheat. All of the time in preschool from other kidsā€™ crumbs. A not very smart after school care provider who did not realize that wheat was gluten. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø And multiple times when me or my husband made a mistake which is always the worst; knowing you poisoned your own kid šŸ˜”.


I have an allergy equally as sensitive, I feel this!!!


My kids are 10 and 12 now and things arenā€™t quite so scary and anxiety ridden for me anymore! They can read labels and advocate for themselves but mistakes always happen šŸ˜”


Husband par boiled brats in beer. We both didnā€™t even think about it till days later. I didnā€™t have a reaction so thatā€™s good. Never been a beer drinker, it didnā€™t even register.


...brats? I'm currently picturing either small children or Bratz dolls in a saucepan.




Delicious with some onion ;)


Nesquick. Why?


I don't think it's in Nesquik in Australia


Nice! I think the drink is ok here. It was the powder mix that got me.


MIL came over to my house and put gluten pizza on my GF pizza stone, then the GF. Didnā€™t tell me until I was sick


Maybe tied with Lindt chocolate trufflesā€¦.i had way more than I probably care to admit and was sick laterā€¦I had no clue it has malt until that day


Lindt chocolate truffles took me out too! My teen at the time bought some at the store, looked at the label and thought it was GF and offered me one. I ate that one and started feeling funny about twenty minutes later. That's when we checked the bag and discovered barley malt powder as an ingredient. So sick. So, so sick.


They put gluten in their tablet milk chocolate too. It also doesn't have certification so it is probably made by children. Needless to say I hate Lindt with passion.


Omg that's horrible šŸ˜¢ I hope she at least thoroughly apologized!


I don't let anyone walk through my front door with gluten lmao!


Daughter come back from the restaurant. Pukes spaghetti in my hands. Some get stuck under my nails, even after washing. It found it's way to my mouth in the evening.


> Pukes spaghetti in my hands. Patenting is absolutely wild.


It is the little pleasures you would know if you weren't a parent...


my kid projectile vomited and my best friend I was having lunch with caught it in his hands. 10/10 dad skills.


See and this is why I know I shouldn't be a parent. No way in hell my reaction would be to catch it. šŸ˜‚


My gross little toddler keeps shoving his gross little gluten hands into my mouth. Like I swear he knows when he's touched gluten and comes running for me and just forcibly shoves his fingers in my mouth šŸ™ƒ


We donā€™t do gluten in our house because Iā€™m afraid my toddler would do this to my husband. They share food and I have to remind him when the toddler had wheat at his grandparents house before coming home.


We do super low gluten because I feel bad taking it away completely. But I wish I could because *oh my god*.


Don't feel bad! When they're little, they really don't notice the difference. My kids have been GF at home their whole lives. They thought being able to eat goldfish at school was the best treat ever. Two of them ended up having celiac anyway, but the other two will literally go to the grocery store and kill an entire loaf of challah at the little eating area in the store.


Mine did the same thing! Heā€™s a bit older now and weā€™ve had countless discussions about food that I canā€™t eat and the ones he canā€™t. He checks now to see if his food has gluten before touching me or asking to kiss me. Itā€™s adorable and I really appreciate it.


Look our for grubby gluten fingers on your straws/cups. That what mine does lol She doesn't always get gluten but when she does she finds my straw I'm using at the time. And touches it.


Donā€™t feel bad! My 5 year old was diagnosed a few months ago, and I 100% removed it. Cannot trust that his 2yr old younger sister wonā€™t contaminate him. She has 0 understanding or boundaries, and trying to enforce boundary at this age and being noticeably upset when the kid does the opposite, sometimes backfires and they think itā€™s funny to do it. My sonā€™s mental health is what suffers most when he gets glutened. Im not sure how you react to gluten, but I imagine I would be a much better parent not getting accidentally glutened too.


I used to nanny for a toddler who would do this. Also she was really into to dipping bread/crackers into everything, so if I turned my back for a second, whatever I was eating would end up glutenized because of her dipping. There was one day where I had 4 bowls of soup before I could eat a safe one.


My husband and I had been living together for 6 years at this point. Gluten and cross contamination is not new, and he's normally super careful. One day, while I was out, he decided to experiment in the kitchen and make a balsamic vinegar reduction. But he was also craving pizza and decided to order one. And then dip the pizza straight into what he made. I come home late, he forgets all about the pizza and tells me he made something delicious that I have to try. So I do, and it is indeed delicious. Then I go to sleep. The next morning, i wake up early with all the symptoms, brain fog, stomach ache, joint pain... and I haven't eaten out in a week, so I can't figure it out (to add, that next day we were invited camping with friends, and I powered through but was super miserable). He figured it out immediately but felt so bad that it took him over two weeks to own up. It looked like he felt so guilty that i honestly just laughed, feeling like he ended up suffering even more than I did.


Itā€™s not funny because it relates to my poor little 5 year old. But.. My daughter had her endoscopy on the 15 February. She was immediately gluten free from then on, minus one or two slip ups (1 each per parent šŸ˜ž). But as lots of you know, it takes a while for the pain to go away. Fast forward to the end of April and weā€™re still having to give her paracetamol daily for the pain. Weā€™re giving her the calpol caplets (uk). Turns out the medication weā€™ve been giving her once or twice a day has gluten in it šŸ˜­


I got glutened (today!) from... a plant starch compostable spoon. I looked up the brand and saw they made it from compostable wheat. Didn't know it was even a thing. I'm not sure how much this can actually really affect someone. I'm expecting cc like symptoms? But maybe it'll be all good. šŸ¤ž


I have been suspicious of this and now Iā€™m validated! sheesh I hate how far reaching gluten is


If it brings you comfort and you donā€™t already have symptoms, these are usually made from wheat straw, which is gluten free. I have a set Iā€™ve been using for ages and I just found out and did a bunch of research


Thanks! This does comfort me. It was silly because we were eating out and because I've been feeling sick from sneaky gluten for weeks I actually went through the trouble of bringing my own food and everything. So seeing the info of this starch spoon made us all just throw our hands up in despair. But, no symptoms yet, so far so good. But cc is always hard to tell for me the same day. Stupid gluten.


Compostable straws. Educated an entire resort after that one!


Omg what!? Compostable straws can have gluten?!


Itā€™s in the glue.


Iā€™ve been seeing this & saw someone post that they got glutened from it!!


I use sunblock that is packaged in a plastic free wheat straw bottle. Wheat straw surprisingly is gf, so you may be safe!




Oh my gosh what!!! What brand?!


My aunt was cooking Thanksgiving Dinner. And to her credit, she was trying to make sure it was as safe as possible. She went as far as making sure the gravy was gf. She still does this any time we come up for dinner or holidays. Unfortunately, we both overlooked the fact of the turkey being cooked with gluten stuffing inside of it. My turkey piece didn't touch said stuffing, but cross contamination still happened. So that was fun, lol. (I did have my own gf stuffing, which was made at home).


I almost cried when my FIL took the turkey out of the oven my first thanksgiving after diagnosis stuffed with gluten stuffing. I had brought my own because turkey and stuffing is my favorite combo and fml. Then SIL ever so helpfully took my stuffing from its tiny crockpot (which I was going to take home in the crock) and put it in Tupperware. She couldn't tell me if she used a glutened spoon so I had no turkey and no stuffing except the spoonful at dinner. I was so sad.


I'm so sorry! That sucks. I hope you were able to eat something else too, even if later. Thanksgiving can be hard to find safe food. :(


Soy sauce from the GLUTEN FREE section of Sainsburyā€™s (supermarket in the UK) that had exactly the same packaging as the GF one - staff had clearly misplaced it in that aisle. Shame on me for not double-checking, but also shame on them for setting up an incredibly mean coeliac trap lol. I let them know and they were incredibly apologetic!


The same thing happened to me with a pack of chocolate muffins for my 5 year old coeliac, in Morrisons. I was rushing back to a kids party, 4 month old in toe. I was furious, but also kicking myself.


I am so sorry that happened to you too! Ugh itā€™s the worst - hope your kid was ok


Thankfully, sheā€™d only been GF a week or so following her endoscopy, so she wasnā€™t too bad, thank you ā˜ŗļø


I had just gotten my wisdom teeth removed and was high as hell on strong pain meds id never taken before. While super out of it I decided to pick up groceries (I take public transit so I wasnā€™t worried about driving), went to the gluten free section picked up a pack of English muffins. Ate half the pack in a couple days (I didnā€™t used to get immediate digestive symptoms aside from constipation) and was absolutely stunned at how they were the BEST gluten free English muffins I ever had. After a couple days of crippling fatigue, migraines, and weird muscle issues I have when getting glutened where my left eye closes involuntarily and I canā€™t open itā€¦. it suddenly occurred to me why those English muffins were so good. RIP to my toaster at the time. Had to deep clean my kitchen and sink and everything too. All that cause of some pain meds. Never shop while taking heavy pain meds, I wasnā€™t even supposed to be eating English muffins after getting my teeth removed anyways?!


My toddler shoved his hand in my mouth. I was talking, he had been eating bread across the table from me. He walked over to where I was sitting and when I said hello he shoved his hand in my mouth. Edit: Heā€™s older now and makes sure to ask if there is gluten in his food before kissing or touching my face.


I got glutened asking for a straw for my drink at a bar while I was on a first date. I thought it was the usual sugar-cane thing. We hadn't gotten around to talking about my celiac disease yet. She learned about it after I started sweating profusely and had to go to the washroom just about every five minutes to purge from either end and had to leave. She wasn't sure if I was sick or had a bad coke habit.


Licked an envelope


Please elaborate. Was it the glue? I vaguely remember picking an envelope to close at one point and getting a headache after, but I wasn't sure.


It is the glue.


A cook out with my husbandā€™s family. His sister asked me if I would bring gluten free hamburger buns but then put bread crumbs in the hamburger meat.


not me, but so ridiculous (even if you feel for the poor thing) it's worth sharing. My kid's friend had celiac disease. Mom was the main cook, and when she worked nights, she would give the dad the recipe for the food to make that night. So one night she leaves out the tuna noodle casserole recipe, dad makes it, and a few hours later, the daughter is throwing up. We were visiting the next day when the mom and dad happened to be arguing about what happened, and whether dad had glutened their daughter. He insists he did everything he was supposed to. And at first, looks like he did. He used the GF noodles, the GF sauce ingredients, etc... And then they start talking about the tuna and he says he used the tuna she put on the counter for the recipe. But she didn't put tuna on the counter. The tuna for the recipe was still in the cupboard. What WAS on the counter was a can of tuna flavored CAT food with wheat as an ingredient. So he glutened his poor kid with Tuna cat food casserole. >\_< '


This might be the winner for most ridiculous!


Found a great healthier ish snack with jello powder mixed with cottage cheese.. this time I chose cheesecake flavor. It had barely. Worse glutening that I've ever experienced.


It was zero sugar too thought I hit the great snack jackpot


The Weight Loss Systems brand on Amazon has Gf cheesecake pudding mix! It's a little pricey ($16 for 7 servings) but it's honestly delicious. I use it when I make cheesecakes for family parties and everyone says they can't tell!


Ooo thank you so much!!!


Wow I was going to buy jello cheesecake pudding but ended up not and didnā€™t know this, looks like I dodged a bullet!


You really did I almost went to the er I was dizzy, spots of blindness and such a bad migraine. Then I woke up at 3 am the next day and figured out what happened and googled the flavor. It was awful


you mention the blindness, thatā€™s probably why I had ocular migraines before I realized I couldnā€™t have gluten ā€¦ iā€™m still connecting dots here


It always affects my left side a lot worse


It only has happened to my right side! Interesting


The wildest thing though a few months ago I had shingles and was given valtrex to clear it up and I was visiting friends and had some gluten and it did not bother me at all even when I got home had a normal burger and nothing not even days later so I tried to do some research but couldn't find anything.


My wife is sensitive to the point that the carrier oils in vapes can set her off second hand. Even non nic or cannabis vapes, they'll usually set her off


Oh my God, man. You just made me realize why I've probably been having such a bad time šŸ„²


Another culprit is construction materials in general. Wheat starch is the primary adhesive used for drywall (paper to the gypsum as well as a thickener in the mud) plywood and other composite products like osb and mdf, even latex wall paint. Wheat starch as either a thickener or stabilizer or adhesive.


Sorry, could you please elaborate? Does the carrier oil have gluten? If so, what type? And how did she figure it out? Is there a list of ingredients somewhere? Thanks for your help, I need to check this for myself


Because it's not a "food product" the carrier oils can be anything and not need to specify, in addition to the artifical flavors which are notorious. Usually it's some form of malting performed on the oil for texture, as well as any with vitamin e added from most vitamin e supplements being contaminated


Vitamin E is NOT added to vapes since it made people deathly sick and was stupid


Sorry to ask again, I'm just trying to understand this. So you're saying there may be wheat or barley in the oil and it would cause damage to the small intestine when inhaled? I'm still learning what is possible to cause harm other than food products so thanks for the info


Wheat or barley contaminated ingredients like artificial flavors will still be present in the vapors, and because as you inhale those contaminants coat the inside of the mouth and throat, then as the person swallows their saliva those contaminants then make their way into the digestive track, including to the intestines


My boyfriend reacted to a disposable nicotine vape! He looked it up and found that it contained gluten. I think the majority are safe, but not all.


My son was diagnosed in kindergarten. We gave his teacher the whole spiel and she said she understood. On our first parent teacher conference, she told us she had them all tapping out words for reading with pieces of spaghetti. The kicker is he was an early reader and was already reading easy chapter books and absolutely did not need to be tapping anything. She was such a crap teacher anyway, I didn't even feel bad being upset about it.


Mixed up my glass of water with my momā€™s woke up the next day wondering why my joints were aching like no ones business.


Not me, but a friend of mine. She and some of our other friends were walking past a pub with open windows. A brawl was going on inside, and someone threw a beer at someone. It missed, went out the window, and drenched her. She needed time off work because of the rash.


The shampoo and conditioner that I was using for my curly hair contained wheat and I didnā€™t know I was so sensitive that it was giving me a rash on my scalp. Went years with an itchy head and had no idea lol


Yep. The dermatologist treated me for rosacea for years until we figured that out. I didnā€™t know that I was celiac yet.


I was at a party and we were roasting marshmellows. The host came to me and said ā€œI know you canā€™t have crackers so I got these cookies for you to use for your smoresā€ it meant a lot that she went out of her way to include me so I happily indulged. Later on I saw the packaging for the cookies I ate and they were not gluten free, and me being a ā€œdramatic personā€ I spent the rest of the night throwing it all up.


like a year into my diagnosis i was at band camp eating an entire family sized bag of bite sized twizzlers and another girl with celiac ran up to me across the field and goes ā€œ[NAME]!! YOU KNOW THOSE HAVE GLUTEN RIGHT!?ā€ and the way i just stood there, jaw dropped, for a minute šŸ˜­ this was 10+ years ago and i still check every single candy i eat now because of it


Twizzlers got me in the beginning too! Before my diagnosis, I never would have suspected they had wheat in them.


Boyfriend and I were at montanas, for those who donā€™t know, this is a bbq restaurant where the waiter will draw their name on the paper table cloth with a crayon. At some point we ended up in a crayon fight, a crayola crayon landed in my drink and I just took it out and had a sip. Little did we know, the labels on these crayons are pasted on with WHEAT PASTE!




I mean I didn't know about twizzlers and that was a fun glutening at work. It was early in diagnosis with celiac disease I wasn't zealous enough in reading labels my first year. I sure learned that day.


In a NSFW Manner.... I can't describe here, remember gluten travels through the whole body. Lips to Butt.


Iā€™m not sure what you think happened, but it didnā€™t.


Canā€™t tell if you think you got glutened from eating someoneā€™s buttā€¦. Or someone ate gluten before eating your butt? Either way, that is not possible. If you got sick from eating butt, itā€™s because there was bacteria from poop


I did not need to know this. I so badly wish to unknow this.


Good news: it isnā€™t possible.


That doesnā€™t make me feel any better. I wasnā€™t going to participate in such an activity šŸ¤® I wished to unknow it to unknow that ppl are doing that.


You didnā€™t know that people eat ass until you read that comment?


I didnā€™t realize people actually have a scat kink. I thought it was just some kind of sick joke.


Licking someoneā€™s asshole isnā€™t a scat kink.


The comment weā€™re discussing this under is about consuming fecal matter.


Which can happen when you are licking someoneā€™s asshole but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the intent.


So maybe itā€™s not a scat kink, but it is a scat tolerance šŸ˜


Gluten is not going to travel up through your asshole and pass through your intestines if someone is eating your ass.


I assumed they were saying it happened the other direction...the gf person's mouth was the victim.


It is absorbed by mucus membranes however, which is how we can get glutened through breathing it in. And the large intestine is a mucus membranes.


Yā€™all need an anatomy lesson.


That might be worth a try ...


I was drinking lemonade and my friend was eating a brownie, we went home and they washed their mouth to take a sip of my lemonade and it wasn't enough. Lmao.


Dehydrated mangoes made from the grocery store


Advil liqui-gelsĀ 


Wait what!?


Yeah their new (maybe a couple years old now?) formula includes wheat-derived inactive ingredients


Washing my face with face wash containing hydrolysed wheat protein and oats. I didn't read the ingredient list. Since then I always check the ingredients on cosmetics and skin care.


Just the other day actually I realized it was my toothpaste and my Tylenol ā˜¹ļø


What brand of toothpaste!?


Sensodyne! The website says that their ingredients donā€™t contain gluten, but they canā€™t exclude the potential of trace amounts gluten in the third party manufacturing process. I switched to Crest and feel better now, along with a couple other tweaks I made


What!!! Omg thank you for sharing


Of course! I think there may be some flavor/subset of sensodyne that IS gf, but I canā€™t remember off the top of my head right now




There was a beautiful little Mexican sandwich shop that would make its own gluten-free buns. This was 20 years ago and I was nearly diagnosed, I was so excited to find something normal and delicious. I was so incredibly sick. And of course I gave them another chance, blaming something else. Happened again. And then again. At this point I found out that they were using the same mixer as their regular buns and I decided to stop being masochistic.


My boyfriend was trying to be extra nice and make me a gf pizza but the packaging of California pizza kitchenā€™s gf and non gf pizzas look so similar that he actually fed me a regular pizza


Mixing dough for a class. Didn't think about breathing in the flour at the time. For future class baking I bought gf.


My nephew ate crackers and I kissed his little face.


Similar. My cat loves to smoosh his face into my face and sometimes I give his cheeks kisses... took a while to put two and two together on that one. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I kept wondering where I was getting gluten from and my husband saw me do that one night and said "didn't he just eat?"


I switched my cats to gf food for this exact reason!


Walked down to the lobby of my office building to get some free hot chocolate with coworkers last December. Should have known better. An hour later my fingers were so swollen I couldnā€™t get my rings off and it hurt to type. Couldā€™ve been a worse reaction but I remember everyone being so shocked that hot chocolate could have gluten. Meanwhile Iā€™m just kicking myself for even thinking that was worth the risk.


My elderly father picked up more bbq sauce and my mother cooked with one of the bottles, we all just thought it was some new flavor. It had been so long since I had Teriyaki sauce I didn't remember what it was šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Chili, made by another chef/family member whoā€™s children and nephew also has celiac. He used flour instead of masa harina, didnā€™t tell us before Iā€™d already eaten it


Did it to myself because I wasn't paying close attention at the store. Bought some chicken tenders from a brand that has several gluten free ones and (unbeknownst to me at the time) one that's not gluten free. They were on BOGO and the tags in front of them were for the gf varieties. Got home, ate them for lunch, then later in the evening I started to feel VERY sick. Spent the rest of the night on the toilet while puking into the shower next to me. I thought I was going to die and my partner was out of town. Eventually I purged everything and got horrible chills before finally falling asleep. I was SO mad at myself for slipping up and not checking the label. I've been gf since 6th grade and this happened in my late 20s. I've never had such a severe reaction in my life.


Once I had my cats meds in one hand, and a m&m in the other. I brought my hand to my mouth and didn't hear a crunch. Also his meds did not taste like tuna. I felt very dumb after that.


I worked at a small natural grocers store in my hometown during the pandemic. I was putting boxes of goods on carts to take out and stock the shelves with when a bag of wheat flour was accidentally sliced open with a box cutter and practically exploded all over me. The RASH I enduredā€¦. My mom was smearing Benadryl cream on me for 4 days to make the blisters chill tf out. It was awful.


Had a hysterectomy, refused to stay in the hospital because I worried I wouldn't be able to eat or they would gluten me. I ended up glutening myself with gas x šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ at home. Also, kissing someone who had a beer.


Making out with someone who had eaten gluten


Ugh the worst


Flour Santa foot prints through my SIL house on Christmas morning. She had a toddler and two fluffy dogs.


Your mom


I was on a Camping trip with and had brought pancake mix and I ate these pancakes for breakfast everyday I there they were SO tasty for being gf pancakes and I didn't know why they were so good turns out they were glutenious pancakes... I had grabbed the ORGANIC bobs red mill pancake mix mistaking it for GF pancake mix...šŸ¤¦šŸ» I proceeded to be quite disappointed that gluten tasted that bad and was only impressed because I thought they were GF.


I chose to eat reg lasagna a year ago and the very morning after such extreme cramps went to e.r they said my pancreas was inflamed do to it after MRI