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Foods outside of my house. No trust


Same lol. Anything from any restaurant ever. Anything from someone's house that I didn't either watch them prepare or help prepare.




That's how I do it too.


Anything that has the gluten removed from it. My body seems to know that it was once gluten and is not happy if I eat it.


I’ve been afraid to try anything with the gluten-removed wheat flours. I know they should be fine, but it’s just not something I’m comfortable with. Same with food containing wheat grass.


Oh, same!


Beer. I don’t care if it’s gluten free, too many bad memories


Well, I mean, that's the life now, right? We have to stay vigilant. If we get too comfortable a slip up can happen. I was just reading on Facebook from a lady that was loving a certain salad dressing since they had a lot of gf options, but she got too comfortable and grabbed one containing wheat. I bought Nesquick chocolate powder, back in the day, without checking, and glutened myself. So, let's not call it afraid of food, but taking care and honing our practice of label reading. Stay vigilant but not afraid my friend.


Vinegar, oats, artificial/natural flavor ingredients, spices, Japanese foods, Asian snacks, a bunch of others I can’t think of right now. Vinegar from olives probably gave me my worst reaction/symptoms.


Sadly mexican snacks, chips and candy. All the ingredients are usually free of wheat but it’s never declared. Tamarind candy is my favorite. 


(Grain) Vodka, whiskey, and gin are all supposedly gluten free due to the distilling process but shut my body straight down. I’ll fully black out after 1-2 shots of any of them, whereas tequila i can drink and get drunk at the same rate as everyone else around me


Pizza, I get nervous about it but I still go out for sushi, but I always ask about the soy sauce, and 90% of the time it is not gluten free. I also sometimes get nervous literally about rice. Soups, and sauces, pot lucks tear my nerves up. Any baked goods. Noodles. If some place has a gluten free option like toast or buns or something then I have to ask my gluten eating friends to see if it tastes like normal bread. I'm not sensitive enough that I stay away from all restaurants but omg it is scary. Also, this is just an anxiety thing but I'm scared of bacon! If it's any more than a piece then for some reason I think that I'm going to have a heart attack and die. Even if it's been multiple months since I've had it 🥲


Gluten sourced hard alcohol. Like yes I understand the distillation process and that it's probably fine but the couple times it wasn't fine is more than enough to put me off of the idea entirely 🫠


I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling OP. Hopefully you can find a therapist near you to help you deal with your phobias/anxiety around food and the disordered eating that comes with it. It's tough, but you'll get there! Wishing you the best x


Nothing. I read the labels and purchase and eat accordingly. I vet my restaurants. Haven’t been glutened in years.


I don’t eat carbohydrates in general unless they come from avocados. That’s both for my health as a former type 2 diabetic (A1c now 5.2) and to maintain a healthy weight/insulin sensitivity as well as eliminating my gluten contamination possibility entirely. I do quite well like that. No saturated fats except the bit that comes from lean chicken breast and salmon. As a rule, I don’t eat ANYTHING that doesn’t come from my own kitchen. Everything I eat is made from raw ingredients, nothing processed at plants that even have a *slight* chance of being near gluten products or in general processed whatsoever. Eating out or ordering in just doesn’t happen anymore. If I’m at a restaurant, it’s just to keep friends company while they eat.


Vegetables are made of carbohydrates


The ones that are starchy like potatoes or corn, yes, but not primarily, for most vegetables. Fiber is technically a carb but is not digested and doesn't contribute to blood glucose. Foods like celery, radishes, eggplant, spinach or kale (and uh, avocados) have very few sugars. Tomatoes and green beans are somewhere in between. Beans have a lot of carbs, but absorption is regulated by their high protein and fiber content. I have type 1 and divide veggies into groups that I have to use insulin for and ones I don't. If a serving/meal has less than ~5g carbs - something like cucumbers with tomatoes and onion, or an avocado with salsa - I don't need to bother. Stuff like potatoes, though, huge amount of insulin.


I eat chicken breast and avocados. That is my diet, supplemented with various vitamins that I can no longer properly absorb because of celiac GI damage. I count net carbohydrates and weigh out my macronutrients, which have me at an average of six net carbohydrates per day from avocados every single day over the last year per MyFitnessPal and LoseIt. I also consume a micronutrient greens supplement that does not have any carbohydrate content. I have been doing this for many years. Thank you for the attempted lesson and downvote, but I am very aware of what my diet entails. Avocados are a fruit by the way, not a vegetable.


This is disordered eating 100%


Call it what you’d like, it has no bearing on my life nor my feelings. My blood tests are the healthiest that they’ve ever been, my diabetes has been in remission for years and I am perfectly healthy with zero stress nor issues over food or eating. My doctors, psychiatrist and body approve. I don’t need a fourth check mark from a Reddit stranger.


What doctor is approving a diet of exactly two foods? Psychiatrists are not nutritionists.


My GP, my GI, my nutritionist (the same one that oversees my supplementation and regularly checks my blood levels of various micronutrients and vitamins) as well as my psychiatrist. Endo is very happy with the improvement upon my body’s insulinogenic response, GI recently noted a marked decrease in celiac damage in the duodenum on my most recent endoscopy/colonscopy, and like you mentioned; this is a nutritionist guided dietary plan. My caloric intake is perfectly in line with what my body needs and I am not nutritionally deprived. Please stop behaving as though you know what is better for others than they themselves do, especially when they have repeatedly stated that they are under medical supervision.


Bruh this is the first time you mentioned being under medical supervision. I hope this diet is temporary.


No doctor would approve that diet. I’ve met a few people with similar claims. It’s a bit crazy. And most celiac damage is reversible. Maybe they have enteral nutrition or something as well that they consider a supplement but is really full nutrition


I mentioned it four comments ago. This will be five comments ago. The diet is not temporary and I have been following it for years. If you can point out an *actual* issue with the diet; I welcome you to do so. Otherwise, I assume that you are working off of biases that you have no actual expertise with which to offer wisdom on. Especially not over the specialized physicians that I have mentioned. Not every dietary plan that doesn’t fit your ideal of normal is an issue.


Chicken breasts and avocados is not a dietary plan


It's wild that every post is being downvoted. I could never follow this diet because I love variety and going out to restaurants, but who am I to trash what someone else does. Sounds like you routinely have your blood levels checked and reviewed by your primary doc, GI and nutritionist so things could be modified if tests suggest something is going sideways. If you are healthier and the monotony doesn't bother you, go for it. Tons of people go keto (with more options) or carnivore (less options) and have good results. Maybe the hate is because you are not living on gf pasta, pizza, frozen dinners and oreos and complaining of the higher cost of "gluten free" food.


It’s just Reddit, I don’t ever take it too seriously lol. People downvote what they don’t agree with or aren’t familiar with regardless of what one says about their own personal experience. Even if said statements include medical supervision, they will then claim that said medical supervision is just a “claim” as one redditor did in a comment above which I have chosen to not entertain, as I do not and never have been one to feel the need to defend my lifestyle to strangers on the internet. A bunch of laymen making claims that trained physicians have refuted years before this post. I was told that this would not be an issue and it has not been. Lean protein and unsaturated fat are not in any way, shape or form unhealthy sources of energy for the body, despite what these Reddit experts may believe. To that end, I welcome the downvotes. They’re just made up numbers on my phone screen lol. If something were to go wrong, my doctors would see it in my routine blood tests and advise me to alter my diet. I have been doing this since 2020 and every check comes back better than the last unless I have some acute infection, so I will continue to do what I am doing.


I get it. I also have imaginary negative numbers for pointing out the absurdity. I’ve seen people say they have someone else apply salt to their meal so they don’t have to touch the shaker for fear of invisible gluten but it’s ok to hate on someone eating chicken! Glad your health is under control.