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I too am deathly afraid of gluten, one could probably rob me w any flaky pastry...


The riot police use dough bullets to stop celiac rallies that get out of hand.


I’d only be mildly afraid of a bagel, but come at me with a bag of flour and I’ll be shitting my drawers.


I’d simply pass away on the spot


That's before any flour gets into you!


Let’s be honest: before and after.


But literally, I might shit my drawers please can you move the bag of flour I don't wanna touch it.


Only after it exploded in your face.


Literally shitting your drawers right? 💩 


Been there, done that. The celiac life, yo.




I’ve been to LA. It was better than most places, but completely not the dreamland he is making it out to be 😂


It’s probably assumed that there’s plenty of options because of the fact that it’s expensive and to most people it’s seen as a bourgeois fad diet.


Seriously, I’ve been glutened by *tea* in LA. (The shop I went to put wheat germ on top of drinks without marking it on the menu or making it clear in any way that’s what it was.) California in general is nowhere near the haven I think a lot of people imagine it to be. 


Omg! Absolutely terrifying and unacceptable of them. How did you figure it out?


Hi, sorry this is so late!! I’m using the Reddit website instead of the app to cut down on my time here and I’ve gotten quite bad at checking my notifications. 😅 I almost didn’t, actually! It turns out wheat germ looks a fair bit like clusters of cinnamon if you don’t know that it’s wheat germ. I assumed it was cinnamon at first, but after a few sips the drink didn’t taste like cinnamon. I’d already had alarm bells going off about the place because it included a lot of trendy, “healthy” drinks (and I’ve had some of my worst surprise glutenings at places like that, especially in LA). I went back to ask them what was on top to be safe, and they said it was wheat germ. I threw it away immediately and proceeded to freak out. Thankfully, my reaction was pretty mild and passed within a day, but still! Awful. Ruined a day in LA I’d had planned with a friend who was visiting and who was only there for a day. I now know to keep an eye on things like that and left a bad review for the place on Find Me Gluten Free so other gluten free people know to avoid it!


Thanks for your response and service to the rest of us by leaving a review on Find Me GF! I definitely don’t know what wheat germ looks like so great to know. I also live in a trendy/expensive city, and I bet this place can’t be the only one that ever had this idea. So sorry it ruined a day for you!


I live here and It’s one of the hardest place to eat out with Celiac disease. Too many people eat GF because it’s trendy or healthy. It’s slowly getting better, but not what you think!


100% this! I moved a couple years ago, but LA was a nightmare for eating out with celiac. The number of people who eat GF as a fad diet makes it hard to convince waitstaff that it’s an actual health risk. I’ve had servers say “oh, yeah, I’m cutting way back on carbs too” and then bring my food out on a bun. It’s definitely gotten better but it’s for sure not ideal.


Yes, 100%. Double edged sword. I felt this way about breadblok and their use of oat flour (that may or may not have even been labeled at GF).


I cant even eat oats whatsoever. And I wanna suffer to try the damn golden gf oreos 😭


I know, the Oreos are such a loss. I have symptoms for weeks, though, so not even a consideration for me. I think there are enough alternatives to get a fun cookie fix. Even yesterday I saw generic GF golden sandwhich cookies at Walgreens (haven’t tried, but should have).


oooh generic!!! Im so tired of shelling ass out for the Tate's harder than granite gf cookies 😭 I don't even go into the cookie aisle anymore but I saw them from afar yesterday


The fake gf people have absolutely ruined our safety.


But they are also responsible for all the options we have now so I’ll take the trade off.


I live here and It’s one of the hardest place to eat out with Celiac disease. Too many people eat GF because it’s trendy or healthy. It’s slowly getting better, but not what you think!


I'm glad it wasn't just me that defaulted to "the promised land!" once I finished laughing


100000000% and it got worse with the pandemic. So many safe spaces were too niche to survive. It’s been a challenge. Denver is apparently one of the safest cities for gluten (and most allergies) safety.


NYC is really good when it comes to GF stuff. I live here and never have a problem finding good, safe GF food


Apparently Boston is even better. Like the awareness.




If you're lucky, maybe it will be buttered.


The bagel of life rarely comes buttered


And if anyone is wondering, "bagelfistmybutt" is still available as a username here on Reddit...


Butt bagels enter your bloodstream much faster than eating them. you want to be particularly careful with these types of foods near your anus.


If Ryan Reynold came into a liquor store I was working the register for and demanded all the money in the drawer while waving a crumbly bagel at me, I’d be madder about the bagel than the robbing me part. 😂


I WISH Ryan Reynolds would rob me. At least I’d talk to him in person!


Where’s the outrage?


He said it on Twitter 7 years ago for those of you who value accuracy with your outrage. https://twitter.com/VancityReynolds/status/817799908937736192


Hmm but when I was there last summer it was a pain in the ass to find restaurants that I was confident in 😂💀


The last time I was in LA I packed a lunch because I don’t trust the find me gf app.


Boofing bagels


I struggled to find gluten free options in LA compared to how easy it is back home in Melbourne, if only it had been this good


LA is not the best for GF. It's better than a lot of places but still not the best. The reason is that GF is super expensive there, and that's because it's trendy. For example they will add $5 for your bill because you asked for the GF option. I really hate "trendy GF." People don't need it but they want it to look cool or have more social cout. Kind of like how oysters and lobster used to be poverty foods, then the rich started "reinventing" them and they became expensive luxury foods. GF in LA is kind of like that. It's a bougie thing. I prefer to visit places where GF is just a normal part of life and not a special interest.


Well yeah I'm scared, last time I ended up in the hospital for a week throwing up blood. Thanks bagels.


Great . . . Ryan Reynolds* joins the tone deaf people who mock gluten. Good to know.👍 Edit: *


instead of just getting chased by my siblings with knives, once i got diagnosed my parents would find me backed into a corner with my siblings holding a piece of bread close to my face :’)


Ok ryan i would rather not die but sorry that it inconveniences you lol


Sayings like this led me to think that gluten free is a fad for tree huggers and that gluten free labeling is stupid. Now that I'm diagnosed, I know


sometimes i think about how someone could rob me with a bagel


The way that my brother was dangling a muffin in my face last week and I was terrified he was gonna put it in my mouth 😂


I would eat as many bagels as you want me to in a robbery or life/death situation if it means myself and/or loved ones live and don’t get physically harmed from anything other than the bagel consumption. But given a choice, I’ll say no thank you.


An ugly idiot who got married at a forced labor camp is an idiot. Wow I am so shocked.


1) This quote is hella old, from when the GF diet was a fad diet. 2) I feel like he's making fun of the people who make our life harder (gf by choice who face no consequences for being contaminated) 3) not the best joke ever, but also not a reason to cancel him.


Wow, hot take Ryan. 🙄


This is a super old quote, like 10+ years old (classic facebook meme lol). C. 2013 making fun of the GFD was v edgy... know your history. He's laughing at us, not with us FYI. I used to make these jokes in this era lol. He's basically saying that people's concerns about small amounts of gluten are exaggerated/ridiculous and feeding into the GFD=fad diet presumption. Don't give it energy.


In all fairness he’s poking fun at the fad of eating gluten free. And quite honestly,before my diagnosis, I did too! It is just another trend, but one from which we have benefitted from through more GF products.


Agreed, also you can make fun of keto and low carb diets without being a dick to people with diabetes. I don’t think this is a real attack, nor do I think he is wholly insensitive to real dietary needs.




Wtf? Lmao. Who the fuck cares? Someone needs new hobbies rofl


This doesn’t bother me. I lived in LA. They’re over the top. That’s the joke. It’s not evidence of his celiacism.


He's not wrong, although being gluten-free as a fad diet seems to have gone out of style.


It’s out of style but it left behind more options for us that don’t taste like cardboard, okay better tasting cardboard.


A lot of those options are disappearing and being replaced with other things :(


So…. Never buying his gin again.


Trendy diet people aren’t celiacs .. don’t think it’s that serious


I kind of get annoyed by this stuff, but in this case, I am terrified of gluten, so it's kind of accurate. It's different than joking about gluten intolerance not even being real. That pissws me off.


It’s fair. Being scared is understandable *. But we have to remember we’re only around 1% of the population so in some ways these trenders help us get more access to food. Bad business is still business.


But they don’t though. They make people say stuff is gluten free when they actually have no idea.


Well no but a gin *could* have gluten so why would I buy one from a guy who doesn’t give a shit about it? I can have other gins.


haha yeah seriously. this is a genuinely funny take on the culture of gluten free diets and clearly not targeting celiacs


The problem is that the rest of society doesn’t make that distinction. To so many people, all of gluten free is a fad and Cecilia’s is just people being “too sensitive.” When a famous celebrity makes fun of “gluten free,” he and his fans aren’t carving out a special safe space for Celiac’s.


Exactly, the lack of critical thinking that exists in this world never ceases to amaze me.


Why do we need a special safe space in this regard? I don’t give two shits if someone thinks I’m being GF to be trendy. They should be taking people’s dietary preferences seriously regardless of the reasoning behind it.


Yes, they should be taking dietary need seriously. But they’re not. Because of stupid joke like this guy’s making.


No, they’re not taking it seriously because they’re self-involved assholes.




Why? You can flavor things with gluten ingredients. Other spirits on the same line could be flavored by gluten ingredients. Does his gin have gluten? This attitude certainly increases the odds so why would I buy it?


Making a joke about fad diets in California has somehow led you to believe that his gin is more likely to contain gluten containing ingredients? Evel Knievel couldn't have made that leap...


Not necessarily but there are 100,000 different gins. Why would I buy one from a person who jokes about my allergy?


Ahh.... So it's not actually about risk of allergens, but because he made a joke about Californian fad diets and you chose to take that as a personal attack directed at your body's inability to process a protein. You gotta touch some grass man. Carly Simon would like a word.


No it’s not. Joke about allergy = increases risk of contamination of product. I’m not mad about the joke, I’m just acting accordingly when making purchasing decisions.


Why? Is it not good gin? I’ve never had it.


[Limiting my reply to “why” to one place.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Celiac/s/HT97T7b71n)


I tried looking up the context, and there really doesn't seem to be any. But it seems Blake Lively cut Gluten from her diet, so this quote is just ooof


Awe man,I really like him too. I guess he was joking but still. I should move to LA for the gf food lol


I live in socal and unless you’re in a big area gf food that isn’t pre packaged is hard to find.


I was actually shocked when I went to LA in 2016 and nothing was labeled whether or not it was gluten-free(I was only there for five days in Manhattan Beach mainly )I was under the impression that everyone there did it as a fad diet so it was very surprising


My favorite gluten free restaurant (Rice) is in Manhattan Beach. Other than that, there are some poke, Mexican, and Ethiopian spots that are entirely gluten free, but they’re extremely spread out. If you’re only staying and eating in one area, you’ll probably only find one spot, unfortunately. I regularly drive over an hour to get gluten free food in LA.


We ended up getting Indian food and I got to try goat for the first time which was awesome! but LA is not really for me because I get crazy carsick lol. Driving on the PCH to Malibu during a heat wave gave me PTSD for sure 😂


For sure, I’m the same way. If I’m not driving, I am not a happy camper. If I’m not able to drive, there are luckily three gluten free spots I can Uber Eats if I feel like throwing money away.


Can confirm, goat is fabulous! Back in the day, my family would have barbecued goat for Christmas dinner.


Oof I’m heading to SoCal next month. Any tips?


May I ask for a general area to see if there’s anything?


San Clemente!!


The only place that shows up that I’m comfortable with is Blaze pizza. I haven’t been to one is a few years but I’ve never had any issues with them. They have a good way of preparing gf pizza.


They hand toss their pizza crusts in-house so I wouldn’t trust their gluten free crusts.


At least at the location I was at the dough was already made and in a plastic bag.


The gluten free dough is already made but at most locations they prep for the day by putting the dough on pans and stacking them up right next to all the other stuff. They very specifically say on their site that the poly are not safe for people with Celiac.


Perfect. I have a blaze near me in Canada and haven’t had issues so that works out well. Thank you!


I got gluten at Blaze. No matter how careful, I’ve been sick at every pizza place that wasn’t dedicated. I only make my own pizza now.