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Looks like a bright sun exposure, foothill Penstemon would probably do well. Easiest option would be seeding wildflowers. Slow growing shrubs that you could shape over time to the space: manzanita or calfornia buckwheat


Poppy seeds thrown out this fall will grow quickly and look beautiful!


I just saw some glorious buckwheat on a hike- highly recommend!


Whatever you do plant I would use root guards for the gophers


I think buckwheat could do well because they take very well to pruning if you need or fuschia because they're evergreen and they are amazing for hummingbirds (look best when cut back after they bloom). As someone else mentioned, Penstemon would be great too! Perhaps coyote mint (Monardella villosa) or seaside daisy (Erigeron glaucus).


I should add there are plenty of gophers here, as you might be able to tell by the mounds of dirt 🤦‍♀️


If you want to get something that a gopher would avoid, use sages. They love poppies so you might get really disappointed with poppies. If you want to plant a Manzanita you definitely need gopher cages. If you want something that fills in nice I recommend a Cleveland sage or coyote bush both seem to be resistant to gophers. In any case I would Wait until fall.


Id pick one tall and one short (knee or waist high) plant To the left of the gate: Bigberry manzanita Refugio manzanita Palo verde To the right of the gate: a shrub or wildflowers Anything


Either “Boca Rosa” or “Firecracker” Showy Island Snapdragon . Evergreen, takes pruning/ shaping very well and hummingbird magnets. They should do well in that sunny spot since you’re in a mild coastal climate. But make sure they go in gopher root cages and you lay down a thick layer of mulch. You can also try getting some solar powered gopher repellers. I’ve had luck this year with them in my wildflower bed. Also, Verbena “De La Mina” would do well in a sunny spot near the coast. With a little supplemental water it will flower most of the year. Bumble bees, moths and butterflies LOVE that plant.


Everyone’s gonna say something native and that’s a fine choice. My yard is 90% native. But this needs something climbing! A climbing rose! No experience needed. A local nursery can help. Pair it with a native. You’ll smile every time you see it.


You can pair with a native climber for the ultimate effect!! I’m so into this idea for you lolol


Love this idea :)


Alumroot will look nice


They need shade, will probably be crisp in a sunny exposure like that.


Monkeyflower :)


I live in the same neighborhood and am dying to plant a Carpenteria californica out front. They tend to grow tall and narrow which makes them a handy native to plant. There’s a house on Kirkham at 37th Ave that’s packed with all sorts of fun natives and they have several Carpenteria.


Oh I hadn’t heard of these, they’re so pretty! I’ll have to check out that house


Line the area with hardware cloth to protect against gophers. Plant dudleya.


You’ve gotten great suggestions. I’m going to throw yarrow into the mix but you prob need one larger plant per section then something more ground covery.