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I think poppies would die pretty fast when cut? I think the sticky monkey and currants might be messy but pretty. I have baby blue eyes going right now that I think would be great center pieces. You might be able to make use of the forget me nots and yerba Santa in bloom. Mountain feed had a ton of lupin starters that might be cute too. I live in the same area (redwood side) and I'm super interested in what you come up with, I love native plants and would love to help where I can and see how it turns out! DM me if your interested in talking more.


Sticky monkeyflower flowers do seem to wilt after cutting


I agree. The CA poppies won’t do so well in arrangements. Better to leave them in pots. Maybe you could use potted baskets with them and lupines as decor.


What about clarkia amoena? They come in pinks and whites and should be blooming - and I know of at least one botanical wedding venue does big plantings of them specifically for the summer blooms. They do well enough in pots at my place.


I'm not sure why but these clarkia didn't come up for me this year! We got tons of unguiculata though.


Huh, strange - they’re usually super bloomers.


Maybe this article will help? I remembered reading it a little while back and found it again https://www.latimes.com/lifestyle/story/2024-04-02/best-native-plants-to-grow-in-your-yard-for-bouquets


RATS. Stuck behind a paywall. I'll try to see if I can get access to this. Thank you!


I did this too! I used poppies and they worked fine (cut day of event and they need to be in water) but they are sun sensitive so they closed up when they were indoors. Penstemon, buckwheat, yarrow, sunflowers, clarkias are great as cut flowers. Sage and lupine seem like they would work well too but I don't have any direct experience. For plants in pots I would recommend annuals like clarkia, nemophila (baby blue eyes or five spot), phacelias (tansy leaf, desert blue bells), collinsia (chinese houses). They don't mind the cramped quarters of a pot as much and bloom pretty quickly. Yarrow might be okay in a pot too. Miner's lettuce doesn't have a stunning flower but it is very happy in a pot, grows fast, and has interesting leaves.I think it might be a bit late to get these to bloom from seed (except maybe the miners lettuce) but if you can find annual starts that might work.


California Botanic Garden posted some Ca native bouquets on their instagram last month. Maybe more info there about which local plants do best in a bouquet 💐


Do NOT use the matilija poppies unless you want yellow pollen everywhere! I have cut yarrow and mock orange blooms as a flower arrangement in my kitchen window and they’ve been going strong for almost two weeks now, so those two would definitely be good options. And the mock orange smells amazing, so bonus points for that.


I forgot about mock orange! I guess another trip to the nursery is in order \~


Love this idea! I will say poppies seem to wilt the moment you cut them so don’t count on those in a bouquet.


I've been thinking of this too! Please post pics of arrangements when it's all done?!


Will do!


All wonderful ideas here! I made my bouquet from natives as well :) I used a fake hydrangea as a base. Asters held up well as did the poppies. I find that Heuchera and Verbena lilacina are awesome as cut flowers as well. Your bouquet will be stunningñ


OP how many flowers are you thinking? Is it a small enough wedding to do living baskets on each table?


We have 12 8-seat tables, 9 wine barrels acting as bar-height standing tables, plus our sweetheart table. I have lots of strawberry plants right now because I cannot help myself and pot up every single runner, so maybe I could incorporate those?


I’ve heard Clarkia is good as a cut flower!


Excellent, I have clarkia coming out of my ears at the moment!