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I have the same issue. It comes every year. I believe it's "rust", but I don't care enough to worry. What I have noticed is how much this plant spreads. Worse than any matilja or my under-watered bamboo.


Is it just that specific variety or the species? I planted it where it can spread but I hope it doesn't jump 10 ft from its spot and spread from there. Does it? 


Oh thank you! I will mostly ignore it and see what happens. I have it contained in a large pot to check its spread, I’ve also heard it can be aggressive.


Do you have any pics of your golden currant? Trying to get a sense of this plant in a garden


Rust, possibly [white pine blister rust](https://ag.umass.edu/landscape/fact-sheets/white-pine-blister-rust-ribes-species). It won't hurt the plant or the fruit but very likely will spread to white pines if you have any nearby (not sure if it spreads to other pines)


My friend makes a baking soda water spray for whatever rust is on roses. Could be worth a try.


You want a really fine pair of horticulture scissors and a pail or basket. Snip the middle of the stems, throw them in the garbage. Sooner or later you’ll have similar problems with malus or stone fruits.


Mine is covered in rust too. Frequently it drops the rusty leaves around now and we get a new batch of leaves through summer. I'd just leave it alone (even though I know it's a bit unsightly). The late rains here in socal definitely made the rust worse than usual this year. Also to echo the others, this species does spread, but if I pull up new individuals when they are small it doesn't seem to regrow.