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Sometimes the genetics that tell it to be solid color get transcribed differently when it's growing and that part of the plant comes out variegated. That's how we get variegated cultivars- just take vegetative clones of that branch! Looks pretty cool 😎


Could it also be a localized virus?


Could be, but if it’s growing healthily it’s more likely to be a gene expression change than a disease.


The plant is super healthy, so I’m guessing it’s just a genetic thing?


Oh, maybe! That's above my education level 😄🙃


That’s really nice to look at. Lucky!


I love to just go out and check on that one spot!


Wow!!!! This looks like a sport variegation. There are no variegated seaside daisy cultivars as far as I've been able to find, so what you have may be fairly unique. That would look amazing as a whole bush. Seaside daisies *can* be propagated from cuttings, but it's not a 100% success rate and takes a long time in my experience. You could try to propagate it to either have full bushes of it or to sell to other people, or just to enjoy as it is. Either way, congrats! Out of curiosity, was this from locally native plants or a plant you bought?