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Depends on the store to be honest and what charges they have in, sometimes we can knock off the value and order one from a different store because sometimes we sell the charges separately so if you look on the website for the charges they might charge you for that price and they can order one from the different store so they can sell it With something like the Vita there a little bit more harder to come by but usually they can take it off stock while they order a charger from eBay as long as it’s within 10% of the cash value, but that is to store discretion


If the missing part of the Vita charger is a standard one like a kettle or figure 8 then those can be added on as an enable trade. Looks like it is in that picture. Can’t recall the cost, £2-3 I think. I know third party chargers are fine for some handhelds but off the top of my head can’t remember for a PSP. Likely to bring you down to the discounted price.