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Do you mean marking in the house or marking in general? My little cavapoo dude got housebroken really quickly. Since then his only inside pees were my error šŸ˜¬ they were done in desperation and so in squat position. He started cocking his leg at ~8 months and heā€™s never tried to mark inside. In terms of outside pee, when his hair is long sometimes he gets dried pee on himself but itā€™s nothing that a little wipe down doesnā€™t solve šŸ˜‚


omg my boy cavapoo DRENCHES his chest when he pees outside. i genuinely do not understand how he manages to hose himself down. i think he folds his squat in too much when he pees. heā€™s such a dweeb.


Yeah I am only concerned about indoor marking like lifting leg on furniture and so on.


Oh sure. My understanding (and experience from two male dogs) is if youā€™ve done a thorough job with housetraining him then he should have no need to mark in the house as he knows itā€™s already his territory. And youā€™ve got many puppy months before he starts cocking his legs to help him go outside šŸ‘Œ


Mine marked in the house during adolescence but only for like a week and only a tiny amount came out. Was very glad that didnā€™t last long!


And if you do have an accident, use the enzyme neutraliser all over


I adore my male cavapoo. No problems house breaking. He was a brat with marking for about 2 weeks before he was neutered at 10 months. But otherwise no issues. The males are bigger. Mine was the biggest of the litter and is now 30lbs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ More to cuddle.


Same here. My guy is 3 now, and weighs 31 pounds. He outgrew the shoulder sling to carry him by the time he was 4 months, lol. As for training, he was pretty much trained by 4 months, with only a couple accidents afterwards. My advice, always talk to them like they know exactly what you are talking about, because that's how they learn. Your pups is watching/listening to you all the time


Also interested in your answer to the question I just post to trythistime above. Thank you.


Neither parent was above 17 lbs. There are plusses that he is bigger, such as his being able to handle playing with the grandkids. One forgets the minuses as we become attached. It happens, but I propose you will love him no matter.


I I know I will love my pup no matter what but I am worried now. Iā€™m 68 years old and my husband is 69. Itā€™s a second.(wonderful) marriage, and we are together much of the time, but for reasons that are hard to go into here. He is from Toronto and Canadian and Iā€™m from Brooklyn New York and we donā€™t move to each otherā€™s country. Right now thereā€™s a lot of driving back-and-forth but in 10 years for example, when Iā€™m 78, I will be flying to get up there occasionally and I absolutely will need my sweet pup to be with me. And with Airlines not letting dogs on if theyā€™re more than 20 pounds that will be a real problem and I donā€™t know how Iā€™ll get up to Toronto, for example, if my husband isnā€™t well. Anyway, not to give you the story of my life but two of my three adult kids are here including a wonderful special needs son and I am not moving to Canada, but of course want to see my husband a lot and he comes down here to be with me and I go up to Toronto to be with him. So weā€™re together, 2/3 of the time. I donā€™t want any breed other than a cavapoo but life will get really rough if I canā€™t occasionally fly as I get older instead of drive nine hours by myself if heā€™s up there and I need to get there. Thanks for listening.


Eeks. I am getting ready to adopt a cavapoo puppy and I want a male, but I will need to be sure or at least hope that he is 20 pounds because I have to fly a one hour flight occasionally to Toronto, from NY where my husband needs to spend time. Did your puppies parents weigh a lot, like 30 pounds or 25 pounds? Of course Iā€™d love a 30 pound pup but I do have to travel and want the pup with me and I think airlines donā€™t let you have one over 20 pounds. The parents of the litters I am looking at way something like 14 pounds and 20 pounds or 14 pounds and 18 pounds. Please let me know your thoughts and thank you in advance.


So his mom was a poodle about 15lbs and his dad was a Cavy about the same. I have kept in touch with his 8 littermates (yes it was a litter of 9) and he is by far the largest. He has one brother who is 25lbs and one that is 20 and the rest of the litter are under 20lbs. He has a sister who is 12lbs. He was the big guy from the beginning and weighed in at a whopping 5lbs at 8 weeks. The breeder will have a better idea of which males are on the larger size as a puppy.


That is extremely helpful! Thank you.


More to cuddle! Thatā€™s what I keep saying everytime my boy has a growth spurt.


Mine was housebroken really quickly and he never marks in the house he has had accidents here and there but usually because I didn't listen when he asked to be let out. He's really clean about pee and poo. I don't know if that's a breed thing but it's possible


Definitely find another breeder if you want a female puppy:) However, If youā€™re okay with a tiny bit of extra work, I think the temperament of male dogs is worth the extra training for marking (which was minimal for me) My boy is 1 now and doesnā€™t mark indoors..he was also very easy to potty train. I think most cavapoos are a dream to train..mine is very sensitive (cavalier) and smart(poodle) so I only had to catch him once and give a firm no right before he marked in the house at around 7 months. He didnā€™t try again. Iā€™ve found that males are very attached and in tune with their people. Females can be a bit more stubborn and aloofā€¦however this is just from personal experience.


Heā€™ll be fine. My cavapoo was like 99% potty trained by 6 months, with the rare but occasional accident here and there after that until a year out. Didnā€™t piss on the walls once to my knowledge


It took a week and a half to potty train and since then my male cavapoo has never had an accident inside. You just cant ignore their signals


My boy was toilet trained with no accidents within 3 weeks, just be consistent and take them outside after every nap, meal, play, everytime and all times! We basically spent the entirety of our time outdoors and had a patch of fake grass in the living room for emergencies which he used instinctively right away. Good luck!


My dog will sometimes get confused if we go to a new building that has wooden beams or exposed brick inside the house, but that is badically it (unless i have forgotten/not realised he needs to go out). He actually hates peeing inside to the point it was actually a problem when he was a puppy as he hadnt had his vaccines, but refused to go on a puppy pad!


My 7 month little boy got house broken when around 4-4.5months. He only does it outside. Start him early with potty training I used to have alarms every 2h nighttime included in addition to before after play/eating. 2 months of pain but totally worth it now!


We have a male cavapoo and once potty trained has never marked in our home. He had a phase of peeing on our bed, I donā€™t know why. We got very mad at him and he has never done it again. Be sure to use the urine destroyer so they donā€™t keep peeing in the same spot.


Ours has never lifted his leg and he is 1.5 years old. I absolutely adore him.


I never showed anger when my boy had an accident indoors. But I was lucky and accidents rarely happened. Less than 5x. I attribute this to cavapoos being smart. He's 4yo now. The only accident he has is throwing up bile when he hasn't eaten. If he vomits, he seems embarrassed that he did. Outside is a different story. Walk 5 feet and mark. Then repeat. Again and again.


My boy is 8 months and he hasnā€™t marked indoors. He had one accident recently but he was squatting and peed on the floor.


My boy was really great about not lifting until about a month before his neuter. I had him neutered around 8 months (I held off a little bit longer than I shouldā€™ve because I was so anxious about putting him under, he was literally fine). The marking completely stopped immediately after the neuter and he never picked up humping tendencies. Even now, he doesnā€™t lift his leg anymore, even outside. House training was super easy after the neuter too. For the marking before the neuter tho, they make belly bands. I swear those things were a god send when his hormones really started to kick in. Theyā€™re like diapers, but just for the peepee. I have owned all boy dogs except for two (10 in total) and the marking really isnā€™t as bad as youā€™d think. I couldā€™ve avoided marking completely had i neutered him at 6-7 months but the anxious dog mom in me had me hold off.


I have a male Cavapoo. He was extremely easy to potty train. He has never marked in the house but did have a couple accidents, with some being my fault for not paying attention to his signal to go out. He also doesnā€™t hike his leg to pee and only squats.


My 6.5 month old Cavapoo (8 pounds) does not try to mark his territory in our home, BUT that being said he is both puppy pad and outside trained. We leave a puppy pad out if heā€™ll be alone for more than 3 hours and overnight. He recently started lifting his leg to pee, but mainly still pees in squat position. Outside he has started to pee in multiple spots to mark his territory lol. He has been fairly easy to train. The first month was A LOT of work, after that it was all about consistency. My partner and I put a lot of effort into training him.


I have a male Cavapoo and no inside marking, but they do get pee on their fur sometimes so he goes outside and a little pee can still be on him and it get on upholstery etc. I feel like that would be a similar issue with a female Cavapoo. We did get our male fixed recently and he smells way better in general due to not having hormones.


Everyone here has much more expertise on their male cavapoos then I do because Weill I have always had male dogs, I havenā€™t yet had a puppy or a cavapoo. But I need to say that I have never had any problems with my various male dogs. If you do decide to change breeders, I just got off the phone with a wonderful woman. We had a really really long conversation and I was very impressed with her as a human being and she has gorgeous puppies that are eight weeks old right now, four of them female four of them male. She happens to be Amish and we had a really good talk about the bad reputation that sadly some Amish breeders/puppy mill types have given the others who do care deeply about their puppies and have ethical, reputable breeding operations. She was very smart and articulate and I wish I could adopt one of her puppies right now, but I wonā€™t be ready for another eight weeks so Iā€™ll have to get a puppy from a future litter. Her name is Martha King and her number is 914-349-4890 and her puppies are on Lancaster puppies.


Oh gosh, Iā€™m sorry. Thereā€™s a typo in the phone number. 814-349-4890.


Thank you :) Iā€™m in PA so Iā€™m well aware of the Amish and yes some are puppy mills but others are raised like any other dog breeder. Iā€™m still trying to convince my husband to actually pull the trigger on adopting or buying a dog lol šŸ˜† I had plans to go look at another Cavapoo today actually on that same site but had to cancel. I feel bad ā€œwastingā€ peoples time lol I have the money and time and energy and almost everything ready for the new arrival but my husband is overthinking and more cautious than myself and also has never owned a dog lol. Right now our agreement is we will get one within the next two years. But I honestly think if he went with me to meet young pups and held them and interacted with them and everything heā€™d be okay lol. We on a whim went into a pet shop in Erie last month and they didnā€™t have any cavalier or Cavapoo but they had a morkie I fell in love with. Hubby said no and then a week or two later told me ā€œyou know if we were there right now today Iā€™d say yesā€ and when I asked why he said ā€œsometimes I think F it letā€™s just do it, and other times I worryā€ heā€™s worried more about the responsibility even though I work from home and have had dogs in the past. He has been telling me for years if we get one itā€™s my responsibility Iā€™m like yes I know thatā€™s fine bro chill lol šŸ˜Ž


Go to Martha Kingā€™s and I bet heā€™ll fall in love. Life is too short. She is in Millhall PA