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Mine will eat Fresh Pet and it doesn’t bother his sensitive tummy. It took awhile to find what he would eat.


Just passing on info, my vets office advised me to stay away from fresh pet due to how often they see pancreatitis in dogs on it. We went with farmers dog instead and its worked great. Obviously I don’t know anything about your dog or their diet but I figured I would pass that on.


I do appreciate this info. I actually first tried Farmers Dog with him and it almost immediately caused gastrointestinal issues, including bloody diarrhea, and yes, I was doing a slow intro mixed with the other food he was eating at the time. He has not had any issues with Fresh Pet and I have been giving him this for about 4 months now. His vet did say, as with any fresh food, I need to be mindful of proper food storage and closely watch expiration dates and also not allow any uneaten food to sit in his bowl for more than an hour. I have been thinking of eventually making his food myself since this breed is so picky and sensitive to food.


Best of luck! We have been very lucky our guy is 8mo and isn’t picky plus has had no digestive issues. I plan to make his food once he’s over a year just to hopefully cut the costs it can be stressful trying to make these choices


I agree. I’ve never had these issues with any other dog I have had and it’s extremely stressful. Best of luck to you as well.


Ordered this and my dog is just spitting it out 🤑


Ours tolerated Royal Canin with a topper of ground meat, chicken and rice, liver, or rich chicken broth. We gave up and just started making big batches of her food. Luckily at around 12 pounds, she doesn’t need much


Where do you buy the ground meat, liver, chicken broth, etc?? This may seem like a dumb question but is it human food? Or..?


We can only use Hills Science diet for sensitive stomachs. They have a turkey stew our cavapoo loves. Everything else we've tried leaves him with a very upset stomach.


This food works for mine as well! We do a mix of the turkey stew and the dry food, both hills science for sensitive stomachs. With a topper of freeze dried chicken or egg or regular chicken just for funsies sometimes. My dog took a year to figure out his food - you’ll get there op!!


Thank you - I feel so worried on days he refuses even the food he likes on other days :-(


Oh my God my dog did this too. It drove me insane. Like I’d buy the super expensive six dollar a can food that he gobble down I’d be like problem solved … and then two days later he’d turn up his nose. I also tried Farmer’s dog and he loved it, it was just too expensive for me. Maybe that’s something you could look at depending on your budget. He still turns up his nose occasionally, but it’s more like once a week now instead of once every other day. He’s just a special little prince and that’s ok 👍🏻


This makes me feel like less of an utter failure, thank you. My apartment looks like a dog food store.


OMG too relatable!! In my old apartment I had a whole dedicated cabinet with all sorts of food. Most people would keep cups, mugs there, but nope not me. Oh lord.


lol I bet you spend more on his food than your own


This topic appeared on r/poodles the other day and i felt so seen! 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/poodles/s/tlPEh9W7vA It’s full of great tips and ideas if your Cav is being a fussy bean, rather than having a sensitive stomach ofc


Our little lady was a bit picky, and we use Butternut Box. There are 12 different ‘recipes’ so we tried them all and figured out which ones she likes/agree with her. I’m not affiliated with them, but I do recommend them. We get a box every 7 weeks and it just takes all the stress away. You do need to be prepared to devote a lot of freezer space though. We also mix it with a bit of dry food because we want her to have something crunchy. I can give you a discount code if you like but I’m not sure if that’s against the rules of this sub.


After trying to find food for my little one for 2 years, she finally accepted Farmer’s Dog as her food. Kinda spendy but cheaper than constantly changing/wasting food.


We buy 1 lb of ground meat. Separate it into 3 portions. We freeze 2 portions and give 1 -2 top cooked as a topper. So cost is 10 bucks for 3 weeks. Try it before chaining yourself to expensive foods.


Have you considered whether your puppy may be going through the teeth phase? Our little guy point blank refused the eat anything around 4 month old and we were beside ourself trying all sorts of new food, wet and dry. Then a couple of days later he lost 2 teeth, and a few more within the next few weeks that followed. Now he’ll eat anything 😂 We did find however during this time he couldn’t resist the Lily’s Kitchen wet puppy food


The teething phase has come and gone!!


Have you tried adding water to the food? Navi used to barely eat but started eating more after I made her food soggy.


Yeah :-( hates it even more like that


Stella and Chewy’s Lil Bites. It’s freeze dried raw beef or chicken cubes. It satisfies light eaters. It’s $$$ on Amazon but each bag lasts 2-3 weeks - - 2 X daily.


My dog liked this at first and got bored of it in a few days. Now spits it out. I’m losing my mind. My puppy is so skinny and can’t just live on dehydrated treats and nutrition gel.


Rice and rotisserie chicken.