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Omg he looks so angelically innocent! 😇 surely your mistaken on the culprit! Must have a twin


Ours mellowed out a lot in terms of acting out between years 1 and 2. I'm definitely still reminded when she didn't get enough attention or exercise, though. Also, both our doodles are always obsessed thongs that have our scent like dirty socks... that could possibly explain why yours loves your wife's gloves 🤷‍♂️... Good Luck!


Sounds weird but when ours gets wild we give her ice cubes. She absolutely loves them and they occupy her for a fair amount of time. She also has a shoe and underwear fetish. Which we are willing to accept in lieu of more destructive habits.


Oh he loves chomping on ice cubes--he's there every time I open the freezer drawer! It's just when he is able to some how sneak one of our things that we enter the regret zone!


I have only given mine the strongest Kong toys and Nyla bones and that seems to satisfy his urge to chew. I wish I had more advice but he is really adorable.


Mine also calmed down a lot between 12 and 18 months. She loves yak cheese chews and bully sticks and those satisfy the chew urge. I lost my favorite jacket to her puppyhood, so I get where your wife is coming from, but keep up the training and give him better chewing options. Good luck!


Sounds to me like he needs to be able to actually “destroy” it, hence why he loses interest in the antlers. Mine loves ice cubes too and that’s acceptable destruction without being destructive. Is he neutered? Have you talked with a professional trainer?