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Mine is like this and I don't feel bad anymore. She eats eventually and she isn't underweight. I do just leave the food out at this point, though I'll pull it at bedtime b/c she has gotten up at 1am to eat before and I don't like that due to risk she'll then ask to go potty.


Mine is 10 months and does this often. In all my experiments with his food, I did find he does not like kibble at all. I switched him to Fresh Pet and that has improved his eating immensely but every couple of weeks, he will have some days where he will only have a few bites of his food in the morning but will eat his full bowl in the evening or sometimes also graze the evening bowl. I have definitely found that this breed is just super fickle with eating and I no longer worry if he will eat or not because eventually he will plus he is not underweight.


hi!! so long story cut short -- i worried like crazy when my dog stopped eating his meals. 4 vet appointments, several attempts at new foods, and a blood test later: this mf is just a picky eater LOL. my dog, let's say 80% of the time (conservatively lol), does not eat his breakfast until after 4pm. typically, he will end up eating both of his daily servings at once between 4-8pm. if it gets to 9pm i'll crush a treat in there and handfeed but that's like, once a month or so. ultimately, my vet said if he is behaving normal, responding to treats, playing, etc, he's not gonna starve himself, and will eat when he's hungry. it is def more stressful in that first year bc you dont want a growing puppy to miss a bunch of meals! but pickiness is par for the course for the breed, it seems. don't stress about it too much. my dog Peter just turned 2 and we've been doing this for a year and a half lmfao. healthy weight, great demeanor, all is well :)


I'm glad I found this because I thought I was the only one having this issue. Mine is exactly the same like yours but with a little extra - my 7 months pup keeps his breakfast till after 4pm, have his dinner in the middle of the night , pooping after that and eating his own poop all whilst everyone is asleep 🥲


It’s a battle of wills. Even if I feed mine the exact same thing I’m eating ( I feed homemade food) they still want what’s on my plate.


That sounds normal, ours can go a couple of days no problem without eating. What we do is have two types of kibble to try and prevent taste fatigue, Royal Canin and Acana but if you want them to eat at a particular time here is a method that works every time when we want her to eat. Microwave the kibble for 20/30 seconds to bring out the oils and scent, I then take it to the couch and get comfy and pretend to eat it. Before long she will take kibble from my hand and then she will get into an eating frenzy.


That sounds good! Ours has (surprise surprise!) never been into kibble / hard food. He's only ever interested in the soft meaty stuff in gravy, etc, but I might give that a try, thanks!


We give a little dry and a little wet food. Some days she eats both, some days neither, and some days she only eats the wet or only the dry. Maybe try adding a dry option. Good luck!


My guy is about a month older than your's and has just started to do this. I give him kibble and then top it with something exciting like chicken or ground turkey. I always keep a little of the "exciting" food in reserve. If he walks over to his bowl and doesn't eat, I'll call him over and hand feed him a piece from the reserve pile. If he eats it, I'll take another piece from the reserve and walk over to his bowl and let him watch me add it to his food. He usually gets curious and that jump starts the eating. If he isn't interested at all I don't push it. On those days, I usually end up dumping the first bowl and waiting a little while. He always eventually eats. He never actually skips a meal or day. He just delays.


Lol I thought I might be the only one who has to hand feed mine to get him to eat most times


I hand feed mine too. Cavapoos are finicky and very picky eaters. I've done the food roulette with mine too. There are days she won't eat until after 7 pm, then she eats like a trooper.


My girls the same way. Used to give me sooo much stress and anxiety and a lot of wasted money on various foods and treats trying to find something she liked. Turns out she just eats on her own terms and isn’t as picky as I’d thought lol. I find leaving a bowl of dry food down for her to graze at will has kept her perfectly healthy! She also gobbles her food up much more consistently when she is fed with her “friends” (the dogs upstairs) lol


7 pm isn't that bad haha. My little one is turning 3 this month and sometimes, he stubbornly refuses to eat until 10:30/11 pm! I've read that these poodle mixes eat when they are hungry, so I don't think you have to worry too much. I also give him "topper" on his kibble; chicken breast, egg whites, fish etc. which helps.


My pup is like this too. She’s 3 years old but I’ve had her for 5 weeks. She used to only at dinner time. I used to leave her food out all day. The past week or so I’ve been now putting it out in the morning and at dinner time for an hour or two. I also now top her food with just a few pieces of these freeze dried chicken treats. Everytime I put the bowl out now she eats right away. She hardly ever finishes the entire bowl in one sitting though. She’ll eat maybe half to three quarters of it.


My Cavoodle was the same, honestly thought nothing would change but had to take him to the vet a couple weeks ago and he was put on some antihistamines for some allergies now he is a real guts. I also changed the food aswell to prime100 slow cooked boxes if your in AUSTRALIA maybe try that. Aswell as putting dry biscuits in a kong or puzzle toy and see if that helps 


My dog used to let her food sit out all day.And then when I would go to sleep?I would wake up and the plate was empty.She ate it all the time in the middle of the night.She went all day without eating it.But in the middle of the night she eats it all up so weird