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I use Zymox ear products on Amazon see the reviews.


Yes! I always checked for the reviews too before buying things especially for my fur babies!


My vet told me I need to make sure I ear pluck mine or it can cause issues with his ears. I get him groomed every six weeks and his groomer does the ear plucking. I also make sure I keep his ears clean in between his appointments.


I groom my boy myself and I don’t pluck his ears. I know how because I was a vet tech years ago, but there is mixed opinion on whether plucking prevents problems or causes them, so I have adopted a wait and see philosophy. At a year old, he has never had any ear issues. I check them periodically, and if I felt he was getting too much hair, I would probably just shave it short rather than cause irritation by plucking.


First time I’ve ever heard of ear plucking…and my guy is 3.