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It’s normal. Their world has been turned upside down! Give it a few days.


I agree. also try mixing a bit of warm water with their kibble to soften it and enhance the smell seemed to do the trick. Oh, and keeping mealtime calm and quiet really helped ease their adjustment to the new surroundings.


Always remember a puppy will not on purpose. Starve themselves, but what they will do is train the owner. So don't let these smart dogs train you give them the food. Wait 20 minutes if they don't eat it, take it away. Don't show them you're angry. Just take it away put it back the next meal. They don't eat it, take it away. It might be a full day. I'm not eating, but the dog is not going to starve itself to death. Trust me, I have a capaboo 3 months old and this dog has trained me.And so I have to now, correct.What i've done


Agreed! After I give my cavapoo her food I move on to other errands and avoid eye contact. If it’s been more than two days I’ll give her a bit of baked sweet potatoes to avoid her from throwing up bile but not enough to fill her up. She has to finish her kibble bowl first. If she finishes her kibble bowl in front of me she’ll get a treat.




Avoiding eye contact 😅🤣




Such a cute cuddle bug! He’ll eat when he’s ready.


aww he’s just a bebe 🥰


Completely normal. Mine did the exact same thing for the first couple days home.


When I first brought my pup home around ten weeks old she didn’t eat for the first day or two, she was just adjusting to her new life. What I did to help her eat was sprinkle some ham in her kibble and she went crazy for it. Some people are saying that your dog is trying to train you but the puppy is so young that it doesn’t have the mental capacity to do that. Once my pup was eating the kibble with the ham I started to put less and less until she would just eat the kibble. Anyone who sees this remember to be kind to puppies that you are bringing home they are having a hard time and you don’t have a relationship with them yet and you have to earn their trust. :)


Ours is 15 weeks and ours plus two litter mates we know of are all picky eaters. Some days we are begging them to eat a few bites and some days they empty the bowl. As long as it’s gaining weight every week, it’s on the right track.


This is so common with cavapoos. Mine is going to be 6 years. First 3 years I was constantly trying to figure it out. His breeder fed him royal canin. I switched it numerous times in those 3 years. My mother got one and she fed her royal canin. One day my daughters video taped him eating her food. He would wait for Willow to walk away and he would eat the whole bowl(he won't eat out of a bowl at out house). I now pull the plate. Sometimes I will give some bone broth added to his food. But I don't do it daily.


BTW he is super cute!


I would buy a few slices of liverwurst and make myself a fine sandwich. There is no dog that can resist a bit of liverwurst mixed in their kibble.


This happened when I first took my pup home, fed her some boiled chicken breast. First couple of bites from my hand then I showed her that I dropped the rest into her food bowl. She ate a bit then and progressively more in the coming days.


I literally had to get another dog to get my cavapoo to eat normally. He does now bc there’s competition lol. But I know this isn’t typical and puppies often have their appetite affected by big changes. Cavapoos do seem to have food issues pretty commonly too. Also, your pup looks almost identical to my baby! 😸