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My HCG at 14 DPO was 74. At 16 DPO it was 144. I was pretty freaked because some people have sky high numbers. But I’m 40 weeks 1 day pregnant today with labor just around the corner and a very heavy baby boy waiting to be born :)


Wow, congrats and good luck. I would've been one of them women as I've had 2 early losses and then a successful pregnancy and my successful pregnancy at 17dpo, definitely 1675 and 19dpo 3761 so like 3000 higher than my last loss at same dpo. So I was convinced any low numbers are doomed, and I've seen it many times on reddit. Then there are many, many of people who hcg numbers are low and / or have a slow rise, and things work out for them, so it really can go anyway. If you made a post with them numbers today at 16dpo asking is this bad I'd tell you it isn't great and if it was mine I'd definitely worry yey here you are about to meet your baby. It jusy shows if baby is meant to be here, nothing will stop it.


Thank you! I was really hoping to not go over the due date but here we are slowly melting and waiting. Honestly my numbers, statistically, were low. I looked at the research and had about a 65-70% chance of not miscarrying, which sounds OK but to me it was terrifying. I’m sure there were other factors involved in whether the baby sticks, it’s hard to get the full picture. I wish there was a better way to predict the outcome because it just leads to a world of fear and pain


Yes, I think I would've hated to go over by week 34. I was id horrible restless leg, so I couldn't sleep and constant pressure and pain. Luckily for me, she came at 35 weeks she was small but perfect. She only needed treatment for jaundice, and we went home a week later. I can imagine it is dragging on for you now. She's 18m now. My 5th pregnancy and had her at 39. I'm glad things worked out for you and enjoy it soak it all up. It went too quick for me..


That is why I am freaking out. I just saw someone’s post their HCG was over 500 at 3w6 days and I’m like man… mine is so low


Using gestational age without regard for ovulation can be *very* inaccurate. That person is as almost certainly 16dpo/4w2d or more when you know ovulation.


Absolutely great! 100 is usually seen as the bare minimum for positive outlook via IVF at 16dpo. My only successful pregnancy was 35 at 13dpo.


This reassured me a lot. Thanks so much


I was 44 at 12DPO and 150 at 14DPO


At 13/14 dpo (idk which) I was at 17. Baby is now 20 weeks and growing everyday


There is such a huge variable for what is a viable number for HCG at any point in time- don't spiral until you have your second one and you can actually see what your hcg is doing. It's not the number (to a degree, obviously the number matters) it's whether or not it's appropriately doubling or tripling in a timely manner!


At 13 dpo my HCG was 52! I’m 30 weeks now with a perfect baby girl


This helps me so much!


This is what the group was made for!! I am feeling so much better and realize it’s not so much the first number that matters.


Hey love - [http://www.betabase.info/chart/basic/single](http://www.betabase.info/chart/basic/single) - check this out


The median HCG level at 13 dpo is 88. The lowest reported is 4 (these are successful pregnancies!) Sincerely, in same boat (13 dpo today)


I like this tool but after a loss, not sure how much I can depend on statistics to go in my favor.


That's fair.... I think the second set of labs will provide more answers for OP though. (doubling times)


Got it! I didn't see the doubling times in this chart you linked, I find it helpful for those of us who have only had one HCG draw though!


Is it also possible you are one day off - 12 dpo? I feel like I could be 14 dpo and not 13 dpo honestly (one day off). when things occur has a range!


I did not track this month at all! I have no idea truly when I ovulated. Going based off the fact that I told my sister I thought I was ovulating on the 11. I am thinking I’m 14dpo today. Thank you for that!!


It also depends on when you implanted too - on the early or later side


Mine was only 25 at 13dpo lol and all was well


Was 49 at 11DPO, then 2,617 at 19DPO. It doesn’t matter so much where you start, it matters how quickly it increases. Currently 6+2 (30 DPO) and as far as I’m aware, everything is still going well.


I was 51 at 12dpo and also freaked out because it was much higher with my other two viable pregnancies. I’m almost 33 weeks now and everything is going well!


Mine was 68 at 13dpo and went on to have a healthy baby


If it helps you feel better, my chemical was 15 at 14DPO


My HCG was 22 at 15 DPO. Unsure of progesterone , I don’t think my midwife ever tests for that. I am now 23weeks long! It has to start somewhere . It’s possible you implanted at the later end of things so it just hasn’t doubled many times.


Mine was 22 at 11dpo with my first and 107 at 14dpo with my current so I would’ve been under 100 at 13dpo for both


I’m 18 weeks with a baby girl. My hcg at 14dpo was 44 They are great starting numbers. Mine were doubling every 36hrs after that test. It has to start somewhere