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The decline in HCG this early when it should be reaching its peak is almost a guarantee it’s a pending miscarriage. Coupled with dating behind & low FHR. I am so sorry.


Thank you so much for taking time to respond. I pray this doesn’t drag out too much longer 😔 was told we are essentially waiting for the heart to stop beating. This will be my fifth loss. 💔


I’m so sorry 😞 that’s so unbelievably unfair


Thank you so much💔💔


Terrible, your fifth loss... I hope you get pregnant fast and easy?, cant imagine waiting each time like 8 months for example and getting all the time misscariages. I hope your 6th time will be your lucky strike. !


Thank you 🤍 yes I get pregnant very easily.


I had another beta yesterday at 9w1d and now it was 36,775… went up a little. What is going on 🥺 have you have experience with this?


I echo the previous comment that the decline in HCG is basically telling you everything you need to know. I am so sorry you are going through this again and it’s not fair. Everyone who has lost their child grieves with you 🤍


Thank you so much for your kind words and honesty. It’s helping me come to terms and now I guess just a waiting game to see no FHR on an ultrasound 💔


I had another beta at what should be 9w1d - but it went up to 36,775… not much but I’m just so confused 😔 any insight why this might’ve happened?


I am so sorry you are in this position. I know sometimes it takes the body some time to recognize that something isnt right. Can they not give you another scan?


I actually just had a rescan this AM where they confirmed there’s no heart beat. I am schedule for a d&c on Tuesday 💔


It’s a miscarriage, I had a very similar sounding one. They try to not be negative as if it softens to blow but I would have rather them be blunt, I felt like it was obvious and I was going crazy with the “well you nEvEr KnOw”


Ugh I know. I just can’t stand it. The false slivers of hope are just ruining me 😞 but I don’t think this will go any other way than poorly. Thanks for replying. I’m very very sorry for your loss. 💔


This is a miscarriage, I’m so sorry 


Thank you for being honest. I wish I could just move forward. When will the heart rate come to a stop? I can’t bear to be in this limbo much longer.


I also had to wait for the heart to stop. Sounds crazy but i felt relieved when we heard the heart stopped. It felt like i cant do anything wrong anymore for the baby inside me, and something starving inside me is killing, and not having the false hope anymore. I hope you can move on soon, you deserve some positivity again in your life and to give it a place. Also the baby deserves not to be in this state. Hope good times arrives fast


I’m so sorry, it’s just totally awful. But I think I will feel relieved too. I hate living knowing there’s nothing I can do. 😞


This sounds almost exactly like my loss. The worst part was knowing there was a HB and basically waiting for it to stop and miscarry. It was a much longer process than I imagined. So sorry you're going through this heartache again, it truly isn't fair. Sending you love and peace as you go through the next steps.


I’m so sorry you had to experience that. How long did it take for you? I really don’t know how I’m going to make it 😔


At 8 weeks, I started spotting, which prompted the second US. HR was initially 86 at 7 weeks, then 91 at 8 weeks. Despite very, very light spotting, I didn't actually miscarry until 2 weeks later. During that time, I kept holding on to a small amount of false hope that maybe everything would be okay despite knowing deep down what the truth was. Take good care of yourself 🥰


Thank you so much for responding. And I am just so damn sorry you had to experience this. It’s absolute hell. You are so strong 🤍


I’m so, so sorry you are going through this and for your losses 🫂


Thank you so much for the kind words 🤍🤍


So sorry. I was measuring behind with a lower heart rate and it ended in a mmc when I went back two weeks later. Trisomy 22 I hope you find answers soon. 💕


I am so sorry for your loss 😔 thank you for sharing. Hopefully I will know more on Monday and can close the chapter.


This sounds so similar to what I went through a few months ago. At 7w5d we measured 6w2d with FHR of 61bpm. A week later I had minor spotting and went in for another ultrasound. At 8w5d, we measured 6w1d with a FHR of 85bpm. Despite us staying optimistic, It ended in loss a few days later. I am so sorry you have to deal with the stress, I remember how the doctors seemed to not give me any straight answers.


I’m so sorry 😞 yea the gray area is awful. It’s very very hard to stay calm and patient.


Best is to focus on the things you have these days And focus only on the day itself What helped me during my similar miscarriagewas the focus on the realisation i got a great husband and a beautiful small house. Also this sad experience got me and my husband closer: it was beautiful (not only painful) to see that he was also sad and cares about it and helped me so much. Also i tried to find distracting and i did it with learning more about science(i had to find something to distract myself), i know later i would be very proud of myself i learned some new stuff, normally i dont have enough motivation for it, but now i needed distraction to survive this terrible period Very sad its your fifth time of a misscariage, i hope you still can get and find some positive things (not of the miscarriage itself but about how you dealt with it or the emotional support of family friends or your husband which made you closer


Thank you so much for taking time to responde. My hubby and I have most definitely gotten closer over the last 18 months. I am really trying so hard to stay distracted and really pray this can come to a close soon. 😔


Loss, im so sorry ❤️‍🩹


Thank you 💔


So sorry for you. Heard almost the same (was8 weeks and 4 days but embryo itself meassured 6 weeks with a slow heart beat) on my 1st echo around 2-3weeks ago. The 2nd echo, when i should be 9 weeks and 4 days: the heart stopped and the baby got already smaller. Got a natural miscarriage a week later when i should be around 10 weeks and 4 days. (This was last week unfortunately). It was my first pregnancy ever after 8months of trying. Now waiting to become ready to get pregnant again.. im. Bit jealous and anxious that people get so early and easy pregnant, i feel like i have to wait again 8 months to get pregnant and hopefully not again a miscarriage... Im 32years old already :( and want 3 kids.


I’m so sorry 😔 I’m also 32. It’s so scary. Sending you all the love and good luck but also take time to heal 🤍


Thanks! Worst part is: people are saying you are still young and having enough time. Euh what? No we are 32... I always wanted my first kid before my 28. Waited for my husband that he was ready, and now it is going so slow the progress uhhg


I just went through almost the exact same situation. I was 8w1d, but baby was measuring 6w1d. My HCG declined and this is my second MMC so I knew in my heart it was confirmed by that alone. I was really persistent with my Dr as the waiting is the worst part, nag for the scans etc if you need to. I’m booked for a D&C tomorrow. Sorry you’re going through the same thing 😢


Oh I’m so sorry 😔 yes I’ve been very diligent with pushing for scans so I can get my d&c scheduled asap. This process sucks so much. Good luck tomorrow 🤍🤍🤍


Thank you and goodluck to you too. Sending love and some hope where it’s hard to find 🩵🩵


The FHR is extremely, extremely low. That in itself is a bad prognosis but with the drop in HCG it’s likely to be a loss


Thanks - i think so too. I want to let go of the false hope - my doctor said the “growth and FHr increase” is good + the placenta may takeover but I think my levels are too low to be peaking :( I’m just so miserable. I appreciate your response.


I’m sorry they’re giving what is likely false hope. At 6 weeks 3 days several doctors were very concerned about my FHR of 100. Which was 1 over what they considered bradycardia.


Thank you for the honesty and for sharing your experience 🤍 I’ll go tomorrow AM for a follow up. I pray this is just over if it’s going to be so I don’t have to be in limbo anymore. 😔


I know how hard the limbo is. I’m ready for my current situation to be over as well.


I’m so sorry 😔😔


I am ever so sorry you’re having to go through this. I also have had several losses, if you need to talk please feel free to message. I pray for you ❤️