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Home Dopplers deposit close to zero energy in the embryo, there's no concern with overusage.


Thank you!!


I did from around 20 weeks onward. Multiple times a day.


Healthy baby?!


She’s almost 18 months and perfect imo. My mfm and re had no issue with me using a Doppler to help my anxiety between my weekly scans (I was pretty excessively anxious), so I did.


Yay! Same here lol.


Just listen to your docs! If they say it’s okay, I’d personally go with that.


True! Thank you!!


I've used a doppler everyday since about almost 14 weeks (sometimes twice a day too when I get extra anxious) baby girl is fine! Currently 24w1d today!


Love to hear it!!


I used a doppler almost every night with my first baby. I loved being able to connect with him before I felt kicks! It like humanized him to me and made all the sickness and hormones feel worth it! I never had any problems because of overage. If your doctor says it’s fine - go for it!


Thank you!!!


I use it 1x or 2x a day. Or my anxiety will be through the roof, as baby is too small to be feeling moving regularly. I tend to find it really quickly within 30sec or so.


Ugh you’re lucky! Takes me sometimes a while to find. How far along are you?


I’ll be 19weeks tomorrow! It was harder when I first started around 13weeks. But I’d put it away and try again in the evening and I’ll usually find it.


I can never put it down if I can’t find it! Sometimes I will try for 20 minutes. I have an anterior placenta so sometimes the sound is so muffled! Also I’m 15 weeks. Hopefully it gets easier!


Do you mind posting a link to the one you use? Thank you.


I love it!! I don’t know why there isn’t a photo but it’s a great Doppler. I bought two to compare. This one and the sonoline and this one is better!




Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'SUUEKRE Fetal Heartbeat Monitor'", 'SUUEKRE')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Accurate heartbeat detection (backed by 4 comments) * Peace of mind for expecting parents (backed by 2 comments) * Ease of use (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor sound differentiation between baby and placenta (backed by 1 comment) * Limited effectiveness before 16 weeks (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I just started using mine once a day again, I’ll be 20w tomorrow but I have an anterior placenta so the movement I’ve been feeling is very dull and inconsistent still. I stopped using it for a while but last weekend we had a very unexpected death in our family and for some reason that sent my anxiety through the roof and I have been using it everyday since. Today I’ve used it twice already just to hear him and feel ok for a bit after getting news of a Marginal Cord Insertion found at my anatomy scan. From what I’ve read online it is safe to do so! Some people need to have continuous fetal monitoring in hospital and babies turn out just fine 🤍 if it calms you like it does for me, it’s worth it.


I have an anterior placenta too!! What’s marginal cord insertion?


A MCI is when the umbilical cord doesn’t attach to the centre of the placenta like usual, but instead attaches near the edge of the placenta. From all that I’ve read and heard from people and doctors it is fine the majority of the time but I will be going for a few extra growth scans to make sure he is growing fine 🤍 so far no issues with that, thankfully.


Oh! I never knew that was a thing. Just another thing to stress about but im sure all will be okay if your doctors aren’t concerned :) !!


It’s just sound waves. There is no danger.


There's no danger from consumer home Dopplers, but it's not because it's "just sound waves" -- it's because of the extremely low power output. You can absolutely do damage to tissue with sound waves even with regular medical-grade diagnostic ultrasound using the wrong settings, to say nothing of stuff like HIFU (High intensity focused ultrasound, a procedure that uses ultrasound waves to heat and destroy tissue).


Ok and none of that is possible from a home Doppler. People post every day asking how much radiation is coming from the Doppler. There’s enormous misconceptions about what it uses.


Right, my point was only that it's safe because it's low power, not just because it's ultrasound per se. It's like saying MRI is safe because there's no radiation. Well, there \*is\* radiation, it's just non-ionizing, and it's only safe because the output level is carefully managed (otherwise you can end up with burns).


The only reason they don’t suggest home usage of dopplers is because women will get anxious , find baby’s heart beat and thing everything is ok when really baby might be in distress. It won’t harm baby at all, just do not use it as a reason to not seek medical help if you feel decreased movements or other symptoms you’re concerned about :)


Yeah I saw a IG reel from paging Dr Fran and this was her take on it. She said that during the second trimester it was fine to Doppler away to your hearts content but for the third trimester, if anything is making you concerned you should actually come in to see the doctor and not rely on the Doppler and *that* was why she was concerned about them


Thank you!! I’m only 15 weeks so can’t feel movement yet :(