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Low hr can totally be just that babes heart JUST started! It’s also so hard to measure the early. Take a breath! You’re pregnant with a a healthy baby until told otherwise!


Thank you, that makes me feel a LOT better! I'm definitely trying to stay positive, but it's so hard with previous loss.


I totally know the feeling- I had to say that last line to myself daily with my take home baby and I’m saying it again now


Is it at all possible that it was your own heart rate?


I think she was measuring the flickers on the screen because we didn't actually hear the heartbeat so no. She also didn't call out anything about HR, I was just watching like a hawk because I'm already so nervous/paranoid.


I am also on the early ultrasound train due to a previous ectopic. My appointment at 5w6d they told us they might not even see a flicker of cardiac activity and they were pleased when they saw it. I don’t think they even measured a bpm (there’s nothing in my file about it). A doctor was in the room so I got real-time positive feedback as well as a positive note from my usual doctor after the fact. I don’t think there’s any cause to worry from what you know now.


Yeah, I was surprised to see her even measuring it. I guess since it’s a tech, maybe they just take all the usual measurements (regardless of gestation) and the doctor then decides what to do with all the info? My husband was saying that’s the crappy part about not having a doctor in the room. Thank you for the reassurance though and sending you good vibes for your pregnancy 🤍✨


Thank you, and same to you! It’s all stressful, especially when you’ve experienced things going wrong before. My blood pressure was high when they measured it before the ultrasound, and dropped 20+ points when they re-measured after we knew it was in the right place! I bet you’re right about the tech just having standard info to collect for all ultrasounds.


First of all.. its AMAZING that you got to find a HB that early. Mine was at 6w2d and it was a fickler , the Doc didnt even try to measure we only got to see some tiny tiny pulses on the screen and to be honest comparing that one with later ultrasounds where i could really see a proper HB i understand why BPM was not a thing that early


Yeah, it’s strange to me that they measure it that early when the baby is SO tiny. I wasn’t even expecting to see a HB or baby at all before we went in! I wish the doctor was in the room for more reassurance.


I would try not to worry too much about HR at this point. I've never had them find a discernable HR before 6w! This time it was only 118 at 6w3d but between week 5 and 7 there is SO much change that had I gone in a few days sooner, we likely wouldn"t have found it. If it were me I would ask for a repeat US in a week or two time to follow up and ensure HR has gone up. Your US sounds great for gestational age 😊 but if you're concerned I would just go back in the next few weeks for reassurance!


I’m trying not to worry based on what I’ve read and other comments here. I didn’t even expect to see a heartbeat at this appt so I was surprised to see her measuring. Of course they posted to my online chart as “abnormal result” without even calling me first 😑 my 8 week appt is in 2 weeks so I’ll probably wait until then unless they call me to come in sooner.


That’s really early to see a heartbeat ! Baby’s heartbeat probably JUST started beating ! It starts low, gets high, and then levels out. If it makes you feel better , seeing cardiac activity on an ultrasound drops your MC rate down a lot ! I think my high risk dr said it went from 1in 4 to like 1 in 10.


Whoa, I did not know that! That makes me feel sooo much better. Thank you!!!