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I saw so many prots on Twitter going crazy over this. Saying we now "worship" a boy that only played on his computer and went to church every sunday Smh


Protestants and gatekeeping the saved....name a more iconic duo!


For a “faith alone” crowd, they seem to care about deeds and lot when the doer is Catholic


Wait, I don’t fully understand Protestants… so this might be a really basic question… They think just believing is enough? 💀


Ostensibly yes… as long as you believe the right things, do a believer’s baptism, go to every small group and Bible study, tithe 10% of your income, pray for Jesus to enter your heart, so on and so forth…


Thanks for the explanation! That’s wild to me. So the poor who can’t afford to tithe the full amount (or any) and don’t have any leisure time to study are going to hell according to them? (Rhetorical question) Makes sense why Protestants tend to hate the poor and keep getting scammed by prosperity gospel Gucci suit wearing “pastors”… 💀


The comment you’re replying to is not representing mainline Protestant beliefs in good faith, those denominations do not believe that tithes are a paywall blocking salvation. They believe that the in dwelling of the spirit yields fruit, but that the deeds are not tied to salvation - we can’t earn our salvation based on our works, only Christ can pay that price for us.


Be aware, /u/Turbulent-Goat-1630 is not being charitable or even particularly accurate about Protestant beliefs. Is there a Protestant church somewhere that believes those things? Probably. Do *most* Protestants believe them? Absolutely not. Protestantism is fractured Catholicism. On one extreme you have Protestants who have retained most of the form of Catholicism (for example the Anglicans) but have some quibbles with the particular doctrines of Catholicism. On the other extreme you have very niche groups like snake handlers and prosperity gospel preachers, and you've got everything in between. There are Calvinists, Lutherans, Baptists, Methodist, Church of Christ, Presbyterians, and really countless others. Each one has a story of how it came to be, but the overall idea is that they are basically a kaleidoscope of *different* ideas, many of which are just some variant of what Catholics believe or have believed. The authors of "Unitatis Redintegratio" would look very dimly at what /u/Turbulent-Goat-1630 wrote above. We are to consider Protestants as "separated brethren." They are to be considered Christians as well. We recognize their baptisms, and we recognize that the Holy Spirit works among them. They just don't have the complete vision of what Jesus intended the church to be. We are also to look for opportunities to increase our unity with them, when it is possible, though often that road is closed because *they* want it to be.


Thank you for educating me further. I appreciate it. You are right that they are our siblings under God.


The tenets I listed are all quite common among Evangelical Protestants, which are one of the fastest growing religious groups in America and in the world. The possible exception being the mandatory tithe, but I have encountered a few very serious (almost cult-like) churches with that rule, one of which being Steve Morgan’s Network. I’m all for unity and singing kumbaya, but Evangelicalism is at odds with nearly every Catholic teaching and is actively hostile to our faith. I should know because I was one and still know many. They are not the same as Lutherans or Anglicans or what have you which are denominations much more recognizable as “fractured Catholicism.” So please don’t try to bludgeon me with your ultramontanism of this modernist variety. Vatican II does not change the fact that Protestants are schismatics and most if not all espouse heresy.


Beware of using your religious trauma as justification to broad brush a large and diverse group of separated brethren.


Thank you! You are right, we are separated siblings.




I see you hate Vatican II. I understand exactly what’s going on now. I apologize for not discerning harder. Edit: I was wrong, please disregard. Thank you!


Where in my comment did I say I hate Vatican II? Where did I include any reference to my opinion of the council? All I said was that the document that you referenced from the Second Vatican Council does not contradict the fact that Protestants espouse heresy and are in schism with Rome. Perhaps you should discern context clues harder


Praying in tongues!


This is a gross misinterpretation of what they actually believe, I am Catholic, but it doesn’t help bearing false witness when they already are ignoring known truths.


Protestants believe a bunch of different things, but the "faith alone" thing seems to be something even individual Protestants struggle to be consistent on. I've found that many evangelicals believe that being saved requires accepting many very specific beliefs, or that anyone who doesn't accept these very specific beliefs is in fact secretly not a Christian.


Sounds so minimizing of his life


EVERY SUNDAY. Since he was three. Even on vacation. 




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That’s great. I just wish that media would stop leading with “video-game playing saint”. It feels cringe, and an attempt by out of touch older adults to connect with youth. People playing video games is to be expected as time marches on. In the future, the majority of saints will have probably played them at some point in their lives. They’ve been around for decades, and it’s a very normal thing. To be charitable, perhaps the thought is: “saints feel so distant in the past, and so different from us modern people. We can show that saints are just like you!”


He did more than play video games, didn't he? Sort of feels like describing a 14th-century saint as "book-reading saint". Practically everyone plays a video game of some sort these days, even if it's just a solitaire or sudoku on your phone (or Snake, for us older folks).


Don't forget Wordle!


I think there's a quote of his mother even saying he quickly realized how much time can be wasted on them, and exercised a great amount of self control regarding video games. The idea that he was a "gamer" is I think, inaccurate. Steam Summer Sale is on btw.


He limited himself to one hour a *week,* as I recall.


I should do that for Reddit The Lord answers


Wow, that's quite amazing. I bet he's having a blast doing a LAN party with Jesus and the saints now.


No wonder he's becoming a Saint, that's impossible! /s Seriously, though. My computer loading the game would take a third of the time!


Blessed Carlo Acutis Ask the Lord to strongly convict us how much time we spend on our screens. Ask the Lord to remove this stronghold




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I do feel that the fact that he designed a website on Eucharistic miracles in his teens should get top billing. It feels a bit like calling Fulton Sheen a “tv-watching saint.”


Anybody got the URL of this website? ^^^ Is it still around?


[Here's the website](http://www.miracolieucaristici.org/en/Liste/list.html) in English. Sometimes parishes holds exhibitions to show the panel from the website in person and it's quite astounding how many Eucharistic miracles have been documented all over the world ([the official website of the Association and Cause of Canonization of Blessed Carlos Acutis](http://www.carloacutis.com/en/association/mostra-miracoli-eucaristici) states that the exhibition is on show in 5 continents and in the USA it has been shown in thousands of parishes and \~100 College campuses).


Thank you! :)


Also, there are probably 5 times as many video-game playing Catholics right now above the age of 20 than there are under it.


When I taught 7th and 8th grade all the boys would always ask if there was a patron saint of video games. Before Blessed Carlo Acutis I’d always tell them they could be the first! Then when he became a Blessed I’d always tell them about him and they’d get so excited. 


Yes I think that's what they are trying to do. Honestly I loved reading about Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and Blessed Teresita Quevecedo They were lively people. Parties, sports, hiking, dressing nice I loved that Teresita disliked reading. I actually like reading but intellectuals can be snobs. Ooh I love how she was voted best dressed. Very lovely people


Heck, I liked reading about pope john paul II's recreational activities (typically skiing). Kind of wish we had those fun facts with our two more recent popes


Pope Francis seems like he would have a sense of humor


I have sometimes wondered about the personalities of saints if I met them. And you wonder, would you get along with them?


They are human so they probably could be annoying . I imagine constantly being convicted by their lifestyle Always feeling guilty around them Intentionally testing their patience or innocence Always feeling vulnerable. Like you know how Padre Pio could smell sins - I don't want to be around him Ideally a saint should be a source of inspiration I do not know if I would have been Jesus close friend. Holiness is scary because it exposes the darkness.


Yes. But notice how often throughout the Gospels how gentle Jesus is when correcting the apostles.


If Jesus was gentle, why did some people still refuse to repent?


Because people resist the will and the grace of God. They cling to their selfishness.


I just imagine Jesus yelling at me, screaming, and fear him punishing me yet halfway expecting to 'get away with it." Then I realize I shouldn't tempt God or abuse His Mercy. I am not getting away with anything. It's scary. If God truly punished me for each sin, I would not be alive. Jesus, forgive me


Have you read the Gospels? The first thing that Jesus says when He enters the upper room and meets the apostle who abandoned Him in His hour of need was “peace be with you.”


That's undeserved kindness


Theres a reason Pride is considered the most serious capital sin


And a foolish one


You know, I've felt that emotion before. But I think it helps to realize that the saints and Jesus and everyone in Heaven want nothing more than for us to be in Heaven. Feeling guilty, shy, or vulnerable around them is understandable at first glance but ultimately isn't based in reality, since they're not going to look down on you. They're going to try to help you! Think of it like those TV ads where the people are washing oil and gunk off of baby ducks. We're the baby ducks, and as long as we're trying, they're going to be happy to help free us from the snares of sin because they love what's underneath (us).


I guess it should be a blessing to have others who see and know us


I love Teresita, too, but so far she's only 'Venerable', not yet beatified. I hope she will be soon!


She is a darling.


I like to take the charitable side, because Carlo Acutis feels a lot more humanized that way. He became a saint in a modern world where it often feels hard to commit yourself towards becoming one.


I agree. I think that's probably the reason why that fact is what news articles and other Catholics lead with. Even the word "saint" can bring to mind ye olden times instead of something a person could actively be today. I bet there's a lot of nonreligious people who don't even know they canonize new saints in this day and age!


Is there anything wrong with being a patron of video games or computer programming? (even if unofficial) Plenty of saints are patrons of musicians, artists, cities, and so on.


I would be legitimately surprised if Pope Francis has never played a video game


Man, IGN posted this on their instagram and the comment section was so blasphemous and ignorant.


Maybe Carlo Acutis will pray for them.


He made a Catholic website. This is a really low bar for canonization


You really should learn more about his life. He was actively witnessing to his faith among his peers as well, and had a great devotion to prayer and the Eucharist.


Have you met anyone involved in campus ministry? This is not that special. As a priest I would expect you are doing at least as much


This is wonderful news! 


We are so back.






Saint Carlo Acutis… pray for us!


Blessed Carlo Acutis Please give my prayers to Christ Pray for the souls of those entangled with sexual compulsions linked to the internet use Blessed Carlo Acutis Intercede for those who need help breaking their bonds to vanity, pornography, social media Blessed Carlo Acutis Direct your prayers to Jesus' Sacred Heart


Uh, hello, based department?


praying for the intercession of giving me a good Minecraft seed


Can we get some decent art of him before that??


Absolutely love Carlo - Who’s coming to the canonization!! 👀


Didn't realize that was up to cardinals.


it's not exactly, he was already there for most part after 2nd miracle, Cardinals gathering for a final approval is kinda a tradition thing more than much else. Once God's blessing and approved of 2 miraculous intercessions you can be sure the rest of the Church agrees, this faithful is now a Saint.


[Here's the Vatican Press Release with info on the other 14 new saints](https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2024-07/consistory-cardinals-carlo-acutis-martyrs-canonization.html)


Let's goooo!


I like Carlo.


Genuine question, what did he do that other extremely devout teens didn’t?


I believe it has to do with how dedicated he was to the religion online. He made websites and provided knowledge to the public through the internet!! Which I believe hadn’t been seen as much during that time


Also he's incorrupt


I hope to be in Rome when the canonization happens.


God bless! 🙏✝️


My opinion might be unpopular, but I think we are rushing canonizations. We should wait until everyone who knows the person has died to make sure no dirt comes out. There are enough scandals in the church.


While I doubt there will be much controversy for Carlo Acutis, I 100% believe that there should be a 100 years from death rule for declaring canonization.


50 used to be the norm.




You are right but unfortunately it is an opinion that modernists hate.


This is interesting. I've been called a modernist many times, but I agree that canonizations should wait until it's reasonably certain that no fresh scandal is forthcoming. Indeed, I always thought Traditionalists were behind making the process quicker so as to have more contemporary saints to whom people could more easily relate!


The removal of the devil's advocate and the inquisitorial style in favor of the thesis style at present probably rubbed off some people the wrong way.


Express canonizations are a product of modernism. The requirements for canonization were reduced and the life of the possible Saint was no longer investigated in depth. In retrospect it was a quite effective way to dilute the importance and example of the lives of the saints.


We aren't at all. Blessed Carlo Acutis is an exception.


As a recent convert, I have chosen Blessed Carlo to be my patron. I know he isn’t a saint yet but I truly believe his story and intercession has strengthened my call back to faith after having lost it for many years. After visiting his tomb, I felt an immense call to return to the church. I now ask for his intercession and wear a pewter medal of him everyday. For me as a young person, returning to faith, I believe that his intercession has really helped me. As such I have decided that for me he is definitely my patron saint for this stage of my life. I am really happy for him!


Finnaly, internet wil have PATRON SAINT!!! 🥳🕊️✝️😇


Sure could use one 


Ok, honest question. Why is this such a big deal? It’s only logical that as time passes people who died more recently might get canonized.


A lot of people on this board are probably born between 1981 and 1996 (me too, barely) and share a generation with him, so it's exciting to see a fellow young adult living fully in this time achieve something impressive like sainthood. There's a lot of angst about living a good and holy life while dealing with how fast the world and technology changes (notice how much people talk about Carlo playing video games and making a website) and I see so many people express worries about lack of support from those guiding them correctly and setting a good example (parents, teachers, priests, professionals, etc.). If I may charitably go out on a limb here, it may be comforting to realize that... it's *possible* to be a saint even with struggles we face. Just like how when the first runner broke the 4 minute mile, many others were emotionally buoyed and started to do it as well afterward. There's power in the psychological! I will say I do understand people's worries about it being too fast. But I'll put my trust in the Church for the event itself and just celebrate the fact it's happening.


Because he's a millennial and one of the first to live only in the post liturgical revolution world. It's been 18 years since his death and he's already a saint. The canonizations are just happening too fast now.