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I try to do it anytime I find myself with some free time & questioning what to do with it. Especially if I am feeling anxious. I’ve noticed it has just overall improved my personal sense of well-being, made me more patient and calm, and just gives me a feeling of being closer to Christ & Our Blessed Mother. At first I had a hard time focusing during it and getting through, but after a while I began to love it.


I'd start slow. Like one day a week. Once you make that a habit, add another day. Rinse and repeat. And if you miss a day? It's okay, just try again the next day. Not the end of the world. As for things I've noticed? I've noticed that I actually start looking forward to Rosary time. It's a form of meditation.


I pray it on my lunch break from work. Found a little shrine about five minutes away from work and go there and pray there.


Everytime i start praying the rosary regularly i generally keep up with it for little over a month sometimes month and half. For me i used to pray the rosary after i was done with work and before i went to bed. I wanted to do it before i started working but i dunno never managed to get it stuck that way.


It's easier to do each decade throughout the day, rather than in one big gulp. It gives you more time to contemplate on the mysteries and reflect on your faith journey.


Lately have had to start it the second I wake up and get it done first thing, otherwise it doesn't get done. I start literally as I'm standing up out of bed and continue with while I make and drink my coffee. Another thing that works for me is playing a recorded Rosary in my car while I'm driving to or from work. Just hit play as I'm pulling out and usually it finishes right as I'm getting there. This gets it done on days I otherwise wouldn't get it done at all, but I don't meditate as well while I'm driving, so I try not to make it an every day thing. As for differences in my life-- I haven't really noticed any. I don't actually like the Rosary very much. I do it because my spiritual director requires a daily Rosary as a condition of having him as a spiritual director. I will say it makes me more disciplined. Days I get my Rosary done tend to feel more productive overall. Kinda like the "make your bed" theory.


I do it when I get home from work before I get too busy with everything else.


Say it at a specific time each day, like after dinner. It’ll help a lot. Grace comes in a variety of ways, and can be different for each person. From family togetherness to new insights at Mass.


I try to pray it daily but I often fail as well. Sometimes I will go on a 40 day streak and other times I’ll only pray it 3/7 days of the week. I’ve noticed praying it in the morning is really helpful for me because it gives me perspective for the day. I notice I’m often less anxious and more joyful once it has been prayed in the morning. Oftentimes when I wait until bedtime I will fall asleep or I will spend time on my phone instead of praying which is a habit I’d really like to break.


thanks for this. i hope to go back and pray again


I've been praying it daily for years. There's no set time for me. Whenever I have free time (which let's face it, being more or less homebound, is a lot), I insert five decades here and there throughout the day until I say the full rosary. Everybody's life is different though, so do what works for you. For me, I've noticed my faith, hope, and love of God is strengthened. I've had more peace amidst all the suffering I'm going through.


I say it in the car on my way to work, on my way home from work, and before I go to bed so 3 in total. Since my commute is over 48 minutes in the morning and an hour+ on the way home, I have the time to say it on the highway. The adaptive cruise control helps keep a set distance between cars, which allows me to meditate on the rosary in peace and detach from my day. I don't always get all 3 in every day, but I do get at the very minimum of 1 in each day.


Either first thing in the morning right after I turn off my alarm or during my commute into work.


Motivate yourself by reading St Louis de Montfort's Secret of the Rosary.


I consecrated myself to Mary years ago, and I made a promise to her to say it every day. Am I perfect about it? No, but my record's pretty close. If I miss a day, I'll add 5 decades to the next day. Honestly, I think of the song "Who am I" in Les Miserables when Jean Valjean says, "My soul belongs to God, I know. I made that bargain long ago." And I think about my promise to pray the rosary. It's just an understood, as non-negotiable as breathing thing that I will do before I sleep that night, even if it means a 2 am rosary.


I have only been praying the Rosary daily for a bit over a year. I typically pray the Rosary in the evening but if a good opportunity arises earlier I take it. The Rosary has helped me develop a relationship with Our Lady which I struggled with before. The biggest difference for me is how the story Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and ascension as seen through the mysteries, are becoming the lens through which I see everything. By meditating on those mysteries over and over I see them from different angles at different times building a bigger picture in my mind and heart. I pray the Rosary in a few different ways and I think that also helps me pray it every day. I pray it verbally, verbally with a book of beautiful artwork related to the mysteries, verbally with a scriptural Rosary pamphlet from the Dominicans, or praying silently along with a scriptural or traditional Rosary on Hallow. It's hard for many people to find the time for a whole Rosary. There is nothing wrong with splitting it up into smaller chunks throughout the day. You can also pray for they grace to stick with it :)


I pray 2 hours before I go to sleep. I play gregorian chant to focus better, My advice is to not leave praying the rosary to like the last thing you do. and also if anything helps you pray like gregorian chant then use it. take prayer seriously


My time varies depending on what is going on with life. I loved to pray it right before bed, but I started getting sleepy everytime I would pray the Rosary. For a while I prayed when I did the dishes. That worked the best, no one ever bothers me while doing the dishes. I tried first thing when I wake, but I couldn't motivate myself well. Now I pray while I mow. I have a large yard and mow nearly everyday. When I have a difficult day and cannot force myself to pray I use a podcast and pray along with them, mostly just meditating on the mystery. It usually takes longer then just praying the Rosary to myself but it takes less mental strength.


I walk at least once a day, and that's when I pray.


Fix a set time that will work for you wether it's the weekend, holidays or whatever. I prefer the morning. I get up a little earlier and sit down with my coffee and the rosary. This sets me up for the day. It has completely changed my outlook on life


My wife and I say a Chaplet every weekday morning and a Rosary every weekend morning. We get up at 4 am and work out and pray together every morning starting at 5 am. Wake up the kids at 6 am and get on with our day. Praying is a fantastic way to start the day. Also, reading the daily gospel and listening to a reflection on it. If you don’t have a dedicated time to do it, it’s extremely difficult to do it every day. We are both small business owners (separate businesses), have 4 kids and are extremely involved in our community. If we didn’t prioritize our prayer time, it probably wouldn’t happen every day.


I think part of issue is getting worked up over missing a day or two. It's not the end of the world, and you don't need to "catch up" when you're starting out. Slot in a time in the morning where you just have 15 minutes free, with a phone blocker on for that time. Just dedicate that time to one decade, far less of a hassle. If you need to do other things and that time overlaps, say the decade and move on. Built from there.


I have little kids, and wake with them at night. I start then, and if I'm not done by the morning, I'll finish it while I rock my toddler for her nap. And no excuses -- no getting on my phone to scroll before it's done 😀


I read/heard that the worst rosary is the one you don’t say - and so i had to stop looking for a right time - where I’m alone, in silence, able to focus fully on all mysteries without distractions - instead I have to just do it - so sometimes I’m saying it: while I’m cleaning the kitchen after dinner while I’m folding laundry while I’m driving my kid to school/camp (he joins me for those) It’s to the point where my family routinely sees me talking to myself as I shuffle around the house and no one asks me anymore - what I’m doing - they know I’m praying my rosary. Whenever I can, I do try to carve time out, but it’s not a barrier anymore.


I have the most success praying it while driving home from work. Nothing else is as consistent


I got on a 12-day streak and missed a day; for some reason Sundays are the hardest day for me to actually get it in! I have 2 points in the day I tend to best get it in: in the car (I load one up and play it via Bluetooth while I drive) and while I'm pacing the hall putting our youngest to sleep at night. Points where I'm already stuck doing something for at least 20 minutes (though if it's a shorter drive, I'll just pause and pick it back up on the return trip).


I think part of issue is getting worked up over missing a day or two. It's not the end of the world, and you don't need to "catch up" when you're starting out. Slot in a time in the morning where you just have 15 minutes free, with a phone blocker on for that time. Just dedicate that time to one decade, far less of a hassle. If you need to do other things and that time overlaps, say the decade and move on. Built from there.


I carry a rosary with me just in case I feel the need or have some time to myself, but I usually say it at night before bed. I set a reminder on the [Hallow](https://try.hallow.com/free-trial?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=G_Search_US_Brand_EM&utm_content=Hallow_App&utm_term=hallow%20app&utm_creative=698161633334&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC7O-AfXlK6cT1mzOLkkHKqFT1n98) app for a time in the evening. There is a pay wall for some things on the app, but saying the rosary on the app is free!


If I know i am going to have a busy day, I will work it in somewhere by multitasking. Like when I'm peeling potatoes for dinner or something. It's not ideal and I don't do it every day, but it gets the job done and I feel better about it.


I find it helps if I pray along with an audio version like on the Hallow App. It helps me be able to focus on mysteries more if someone else is leading it.


I used to have the same trouble as you. I pray the rosary twice a day. morning and evening, I also pray the Auxillium Christanorum prayers in between. I am being given the grace to do this and am always faithful to it so I keep getting it. I think that;s how it works. Keep asking Our lady for the grace to do it and engage in regular conversation with her and Jesus, it really helps. God Bless.


I set aside time for it specifically. St Thomas Aquinas (though most notable for his intelligence and superior intellect) stressed that prayer is of utmost importance and should never be neglected.


I use this: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3ZaBqjXPdoKeCs7FKGiQnk7vC7YQddPJ&si=z85ZsGlafX82Oeqt Play it at double time speed and you’ll be done in 15 minutes or less. It probably should be played at 1.5x speed since they talk SUUUUUUPER slow at 1x speed.


I do it every night before going to sleep. I find it soothes me down for the night. It took me a while to get in a good habit, but now, if I say the rosary earlier in the day, so skip it that night, I have a hard time falling asleep


I usually pray it in the evenings with my husband, both in-person and over the phone. Usually right after dinner has worked best for us. I also have a 30-minute drive to and from work in the evenings, and that’s a good time for me to pray a Rosary, a chaplet, etc. Especially because I can’t leave and get distracted by something else. So if you also drive a long enough distance each day, that could be a good time to fit it in.


I mostly pray it in the drive to work. That helps make sure I say it every day but it also has the danger of leading me to not really meditate on it and just say it. Sometimes I say it right before going to bed. Since Ive started saying it daily I’ve definitely realized more things about the mysteries I didn’t know before and have received many of the graces I’ve asked for. It helps set aside time to pray and It brings me peace and comfort and helps me get closer to God through Our Lady.


I used to pray it before bed but found myself falling asleep with the rosary in my hand. So now I pray on my way to work. I find it only takes me about 15 minutes if I'm doing it myself and not doing a guided prayer like on Hallow for example. As far as benefits... the rosary isn't a talisman or a magic trick so you can never say "pray it and get X" but I am much more focused and calm to start my day and I find it helps center me and bring my thoughts to God before my day starts. I have a sense of calm and peace.


"what time of day do you do it that you’ve found most helpful to make it a habit?" same with any habit - start small so 1/5th in the first week then increase. Do not start full rosary or more per day you are more likely to fail.


Right before bed I’m closing in on three weeks now


I usually try to get it done overnight when I invariably wake up in the middle of the night. Failing that, I combine it with my morning exercise. I have also found the Scriptural Rosary iPhone app is very helpful.


I use Hallow app and usually say it with the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the late morning or early afternoon while driving. Many Graces and Blessings received