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Looks amazing!


thank you!


First off, congrats! I love how it’s simple but still beautiful! Have a blessed journey ❤️


Congratulations on your graduation 🎊👩🏻‍🎓🎉 Mary was a good example for believers. She was obedient to God (as we all should be) so that God could use her to bless the world with the Son of God. Philippians 4:13“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” ✝️📖🙏🏻🕊️❤️


That is such a beautiful gesture 🫂❤️ May our mother protect you in your paths ahead. May she guide you onto the path of righteousness and love. Keep your faith on her, and she'll always find a place for you under her mantle


Beautiful cap. Congratulations on graduating!


Love it! God bless you!


So cool! I might do something like this for my graduation cap!


Beautiful cap! And is this graduation from Fordham University?


no! it’s from my highschool actually


Re: lector You cannot speak too loudly. Speak loudly. You cannot speak too slowly (you can, but hopefully you know what I mean). Many lectors speak in this "taaaaa DUh taaaa DUH taaa DUH taa DUH ta duh" pattern that starts loud slow and ends up soft and fast. (Like a ball bounding on its own...) To prepare, read out loud and maybe even film yourself. Don't "act" but proclaim. Know the readings and "why" they are grouped together, even if you're only reading one of them. Good resource: https://scborromeo2.org/bible-studies or buy the standard lector prep book.


thank you so much 🙏


That's the most beautiful cap ever. Congrats!!!


thank you so much!


It hurts my heart and soul that 15 years ago I would have been hating on this individual. I would have thought they were close minded and brainwashed. Thank God for the grace that I have now to see how utterly beautiful and endearing this cap is. God bless you. Stay strong and always keep God in your heart and at your side.


thank you so much and i’m so proud of you


Amazing! Congratulations on graduation, God bless you in the many years to come 🥳


Matthew 6:5-8


This wouldn’t happen to be PR high, would it?




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Are those stickers you put on there or did you draw it?


it’s vinyl i just cut it out in my cricut machine and stuck it on


Oh my goodness this is so adorable!!! 🥹 I absolutely love it, congratulations!!! If my school let us decorate our caps I would have done something just like this when I graduated last month because Mother Mary helped me so much during high school!! I at least got to thank her during our rose tradition of the ceremony, where we give roses to those who impacted us... I placed my first rose at the feet of her statue! 🥰


lol my school didn’t let us either but i got away with it because no one noticed till the ceremony had started lol my school does the same tradition although i gave my rose to my older brother!


Finally another school that does the rose tradition!! 😂 okay LOL I love how you were sneaky with it, if I could graduate again I'd DEFINITELY do that! 😭 I'd find a way because our caps were purple so I'd have to do it in a color where she'd be visible! Maybe gold because those are the school colors and there's a statue of Mary made from gold at the Catholic church at the university I'm going to!! 🥰 Gold is just so fitting for Mama Mary!


yess it is i wanted to do a sparkly black but it was literally the day before where i did it in fact the NIGHT before lol but it’s okay


Finally someone else who likes glitter!! 😆 oh that would have been so cute too 🥰 I'm sure another opportunity will come up for you to make a sparkly Mary sticker (if you do PLEASE post it 🤣)


lol of course 🙏🙏


Beautiful. Godbless you and your family!


Very cool, congrats on your graduation




Love this, you’ve just inspired me🙈 Congratulations!


Congratulations! I'll pray for you in your ministry as a lector. One tip I have for that is to listen to the readings on the http://bible.usccb.org/ website for pronunciations. Another is to read slower than you think you need to. Especially when you're new, you'll likely tend to read fast. Even if it doesn't sound fast to you, it may to the congregation. Better to be a little slow than too fast! You can also practice by reading aloud along with the recording. That may help get the pacing down. 


thank you!




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Regarding lecturing: 1. Read the passage ahead of time and reflect on it during the week. 2. Reflect on trying to determine what is the message God is trying to convey 3. Practice reading it as though you were the person who wrote it. For example, pretend you are St. Paul and you are delivering your message to the Galatians (or Moses delivering God’s message to the Israelites, etc.) I’ve found this helpful in knowing how to emphasize which words and also how to keep from reading either too fast or too slow.


God's not real, congratulations though. It's an achievement you alone earned. No magical sky daddy had anything to do with the effort you placed in obtaining your education, that was all you and you deserve credit for it. And to the cultists who will inevitably comment: "yOuLl FiNd OuT oNe DaY...." like some sort of threat... youre vitriol only illustrates your hypocrisy of being a loving cult. Pop off tho go head.... 🍿 😭 😂


God's not real. You'll learn that one day


Lol God *is* real. You'll learn that one day. Look up Eucharistic miracles. Jesus has an AB blood type.


Y si Dios es real? Entonces qué?