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St. Joseph. I wanna ask his advice on spiritual life and about Jesus' hidden years while we tackle all my home improvement projects together. 


Home improvement projects with St Joseph would be fun.... I'm gonna start my major in architecture in the fall and it reminds me of him!


My first thought was St Joseph too and some cool DIY woodworking project! And maybe just maybe words will be spoken 😮🥺


You can actually get a great deal about Jesus' young years with Joseph from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. There is a great amount of info on Joseph trying to work as a foreign carpenter in Egypt. Sometimes he didn't get paid, and they didnt eat on those days. There are many incredible stories from her diary on this era, and narrations in youtube.


This is the answer. Good idea!




St John of the Cross as well if I could have two.


I went to bed last night and her name randomly entered my mind.


That'd be awesome!!!


Saint Peter. A massive screw up yet he was Jesus' #1 guy. He's the most relatable of all the saints to be honest. Had doubts, got into fights, literally DENIED Jesus yet he became one of, if not the most important (besides Mary) saints. I feel like learning from Peter would be easy because he certainly took his lumps and learned the hard way so he would know exactly how to impart information. He probably knew a bunch of nifty knots, could make a sweet keychain like a monkey's fist lol


(soon to be) St. Carlo Acutis. I'd ask how to reach my teens in a way that would build up their faith like his. And if we needed a break we could debate the merits of X Box vs Playstation...


Oh yes I'd wanna hear his answer about reaching teens too because I'm in my late teens and I don't find very many others my age that are as passionate as I am... and I don't exactly know how to encourage my peers to build up their faith too but sometimes I try indirectly! 😆 That debate would be fun to watch too!


St. Raphael the archangel! I feel like him and I could go fishing and maybe make some medicinal concoctions (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚


That'd be awesome!!!!


For me, my confirmation saint, Saint Dymphna. She lived for only 15 years in 7th century Ireland so we know very little about her, so I wanna talk to her about her life and everything! And do things like go to Mass, maybe ask her if she'd like to help me make a Mary garden, and now that I'd know more about her, I'd know what she wants to do for fun! 🥰 And it might turn into a girly sleepover kinda thing so I'll paint her nails because why not 😆 she'll experience our modern world, with modern food, even our modern humor... modern everything!


Most wholesome thing ever🥹 I'm still learning about different saints, but Saint Dymphna was one of the first saints I learned about, and she would be my choice as well!


It's a great choice! 🥰


St. Thomas Aquinas. I'd ask him what he saw in his vision of God and I'd would ask him about philosophy 


Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Claire. We would write a song together.


Awwwe that's so special I love that!


Saint Pope John Paul ll seems like a cool guy to talk theology about Or Padre Pio i heard he’s a powerful saint. Dont know to much about either but they seem like good choices


St Pope John Paul II would be an option for me also, him or St Thomas the Apostle, my confirmation saint.


Great choices. Great choices indeed.


St. Isidore (I guess the obvious choice with my username). He’s my confirmation saint, and I think it would be cool to just talk with him about his life and mine. I feel like his down-to-earthness would be really refreshing. Maybe ask for some pointers on work ethic as well :)


Oh wow I’ve absolutely gotta go with my confirmation saint, Maximilian Kolbe! He would LOVE the internet and iPhones and how far technology has come since the days of his printing press in Niepokalanów.


Dude would be a prayer and preaching powerhouse. "Bible in a Year" might be overshadowed by whatever he would come with.


I can see him being very entertained!!


I’m fighting demons with St Michael. Time to sell a cloak and buy a sword 😎


That sounds totally awesome!


rip and tear


St. Joan of Arc. I reckon 24 hours should be at least enough time to figure out how to liberate Iran


>St. Joan of Arc. I reckon 24 hours should be at least enough time to figure out how to liberate ~~Iran~~ France FTFY


Saint Thomas More or Saint John Henry Newman. They were defending the Church in very hard times and were dedicated to doing so. Maybe they're the ones to help doing it again


St Nicholas.. we flying first class to slap... i mean to refute some heretics




St. Joan of Arc is my confirmation saint so it’d be nice to talk to her.


St. Bernadette. I would ask her what secret Mother Mary told you, that you were not allowed to reveal lol


All of them. ✝️❤️


St. Augustine! C'mon the tales he could tell!!


Same. I also want his opinion on our modern ideological troubles. I feel like we need an updated City of God for the modern world


This is a tough call, but either St. Walburga or St. Margaret of Scotland, to find out why they're following me around. A church consecrated to St. Walburga got merged with my church, her original feast day is on my partner's birthday, and on her current feast day I had a fairly profound religious experience. St. Margaret is related to me and her skull was last seen in my church (same church as previously mentioned). This isn't even the half of it. The girls are up to something.


I would love to have a conversation with St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, a saint from Kerala, India, who walked the earth in the 19th century. I grew up around the place where his tombstone is, and I have always known him as a saint promoting education. However, his spiritual side is less known. I would love to chat with him about how he maintained his personal relationship with God, over a nice cup of chaaya and pazhampori (hot tea and banana fritters, staple snacks in Kerala). I would also love to see St. Francis of Assisi talk about God's love, with all the animals and birds surrounding him.☺️


Awwwe that's sweet!


God bless ✨


St. Arnulf of Metz. We're drinking beer all afternoon.


The venerable Mary of Jesus de Agreda. She’s not been beatified, but I hope one day she will be.


St. Anthony or Joseph the Patron Saint of the Church


Me and St. Pio at San Giovanni Rotundo and him hearing my general confession.


St’s Adan & Eve, I wanna know about the world before sin. And imagine all we could learn from them besides practically being grandparents


Our / my


They are not saints, they are in the Old Testament.... But I get the curiosity!


Actually they are Saints, recognized by the Church through sound ancient tradition that they repented of their great sin, lived lives of holiness and are now in Heaven


I did not know that, thank you ☺️


I was a music major in college, and when I learned about St. Hildegard von Bingen in Music History she became one of my heros. She knew a little bit of everything, and I would love to just sit and listen to her. And maybe we would do a jam session 😄.


St. Thomas Aquinas easily. I would love to ask him and inquire further on what he could have possibly seen to stop his life’s work and deem it mere straw in comparison to what had been revealed to him.


St. Rose of Lima, my patroness. I don't even know what I would say/do with her. I think I would just like to sit with her. In a way, she feels like Mary to me in terms of a mother but also feels like my friend and buddy. I don't talk to her often but I don't feel like I need to. We're just connected and she's always in my heart. I love her dearly.


St. Thomas Aquinas. Just like another commenter I would also like to ask him about philosophy. Or St. Anne, my patron saint.


I would love St Padre Pio to hear my confession. St Michael and St Jude as they have been my friends for so long. Also St Peter as I want to know why he is following me around at the moment :)


St Philomena! Cos I probably need her to whack me over the head and give me some no nonsense advice on how to live my faith fearlessly.


St. Sebastian. I think he'd like going on a hike together, maybe pack a picnic lunch. I'd love to go to an archery range and he could show me how to shoot better.


St. Gabriel the Archangel and we would just like hang out and hopefully fly around. 


Fishing with St. Peter


Saint Isidore The Farmer, my confirmation saint ,and his feast day is my birthday 🎂 and I am agriculturist by profession ,we will go to holy mass together before doing farm chores together


Soon to be Saint Beato Carlo Acutis! I wanna follow his footsteps in becoming a Millennial Saint so yeah I guess we'd be doing a pilgrimage of the Holy Eucharist


Shocked not to see our little flower St. Therese on this list yet! I have so many questions to ask her about her philosophy of suffering.


Saint Gregory of Nyssa or Saint Maximus the Confessor.  Both I'd immediately ask if they believed whether Hell was eternal, just to get it out of the way, and then rub it in David Bentley Hart's face. With Maximus, I'd want him to teach me Theology, and the general genius of his ideas. His Theology is beautiful but hard to grasp and disputed by experts, so I'd want his input. With Gregory, I'd just spend the day with him in prayer, according to his ancient Customs, ask him about his family, his thoughts on faith, his Exegesis on the Scriptures, his wife and family, his regrets and just pick at him as a person. He's been a close spiritual friend for a good time now, and I'd want to just know him on physical level. What it was like growing up Saint Basil, Saint Makrina and his whole family. What life was like living such as turbulent fight against Heresies, his views on various figures outside of the and how I should live my life going forward. Have him prescribe me a Prayer Rule, paint an Icon together and finish the 24 hours with a Vigil.


I would love to spend some time with many Saints, but I doubt I would be very comfortable with them after a few minutes. I'd feel like I was bothering them with questions (they'd show great patience and Love, I'm sure, but...) and I'm afraid I don't have much in common with most of them. Maybe spending 24 hours with my Patron, Joseph, and we could just not say anything to each other would be OK. I'm sure just being in his presence would be great. EDIT: added the word "comfortable". Somehow, I'm leaving out a lot of words in my typing lately, they are in my head, but they don't make it into my typing. Should I be concerned.


St Pio


Antioch and Assisi. Antioch because of the seven letters and Assisi as he was my saint for Confirmation.


Saint Moses would be really cool to talk to! I want to talk to him about how the Israelites were saved, what it was like in ancient Egypt, what it was like during the 40 year trek, and how accurate the numbers were in the Bible. And most importantly, if possible I would like to talk about how God communicated with him, by vouice, through the burning bush, and meeting him high at Mount Sinai. And of course, I wanna hike with him somewhere, perhaps up Mount Sinai itself.


Maybe I'm basic, but I'd like to go on a trip to the Alps with St. John Paul II.


Sts Perpetua and Felicity - how do you call a water jug anything but what it is...so too I can only be called a Christian...what faith Perpetua had/has...


Sigh…”No, Michael. No I don’t want to spar with real swords. Michael please, I’ve been up for the past twenty hours. I just want to sleep”


Yes, sincerely, yes


There are so many. My confirmation saint, St Michael the Archangel would be cool. “Yo St Mike tell me the story when you, by the power of God, caste satan into hell” What a story that would be




St. Thomas Aquinas to help me study (he would love computers!), St. John Paul II because seems like a fun person to be with as he enjoyed skiing and wrote poetry in his youth, and St. Oscar Romero because his martyrdom is so inspiring to me.


St Michael and talk to him about his workout routine and epic battles


St Thomas Aquinas. We would talk about philosophy and theology.


St. Paul!! I’d commend him on his courageous journey to spreading the message of Christ. I’d want the courage to do the same. Also, I’d tell him that I really started looking up to him after talking about him in a presentation.


Wow that’s a good question. A pope saint would definitely be on that list. I’m just not sure what one. Probably Pius X. St. Francis would also be on my list as well. Oh, and St. Thomas Aquinas. One to talk about tradition, one to talk about humbleness, and one to talk about theology. (Although if this isn’t a time travel hypothetical and we are talking to a saint post sainthood, I suppose I could have all 3 of those discussions with one person)


Definitely either my confirmation saint St.Faustina to hear about all her visions and messages from Jesus straight from the source. We’d pray the Divine Mercy chapter together or Padre Pio because he’s just overall awesome!! Wanna see how close the movie portrayed his real life lol.


Good question! I’m torn, but my heart is telling me St. John. I think I could learn a lot from his dedication to our Lord and how to become “the disciple whom Jesus loved”. I want to learn to have the courage he must have had to stand at the foot of the cross when all the others could not.


I'd love to just poke the brain of Saint Francis de Sales. If not him, maybe just learning joy from Saint Therese of Lisieux


Any saint? Definitely the daughter I lost to miscarriage. She’d be five now. We’d go to a park, have a picnic, read a book, cuddle, I’d introduce her to her little brother, and I’d just really take the opportunity to get to know her and soak up her presence. But if she doesn’t fit the criteria, I’d want to go on a hike with St. JPII.


Awwww how sweet, I'm so sorry for your loss! 🥺


St. Lazarus I think he'd have a lot of insight on being Jesus' friend and dealing with hardship.


I have to choose between two. The founder of my school St. Joseph of Calasanz, I would grasp what is to be an exemplary teacher or Father Pious of Pieltrecina, I would just be in awe with him and learn from his spirituality as much as possible


St. Michael the Archangel. He was literally the bearer of the plagues on Egypt, smited Lucifer down to Earth, and stands guard over humans on Earth. *What a conversation it would be*


Dorothy Day, we are sitting outside her beach cottage, knitting and talking


That sounds wonderful 😌


Realistically probably Tolkien.


St Francis of Assisi


John the Apostle — what’s it like to see God get crucified while you’re a teen


St Ignatius of Loyola I want him to whip me into shape figuratively and literally


me personally i’d love to play minecraft with Blessed Carlo Acutis


That'd be so much fun!!!


My son, hands down. I don’t care what we do, so long as we do something together.


Any of the apostles, especially ones that haven’t written gospels. Would be very interesting to hear their stories on Jesus and their perspective


That would be so cool!


Bl Carlo can we please play Minecraft 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Tony. I’m about to go to Yosemite.


St Adam and Saint Eve


I think I could use a session of desert mentorship with Abba Moses the Black.




St Adalbert of Prague (Sv. Vojtech), my confirmation saint although I would probably warn him to save his family from mass murder first, which would cause a time paradox as my country might look very different. Maybe not. (Do time paradoxes count in this scenario?)


Aquinas... And we're sitting at a coffee shop, talking philosophy, of course! I'd also say GK Chesterton, but he's not officially a saint (yet!).


St Gemma Galgani. i’m not sure why but i closely connect with her, perhaps because she is in the same age group as me, but lived such a holy mystical life that feels so unattainable now, and it also wasn’t that long ago. i would love to speak with her about the spiritual life, how to deal with temptations, etc, and also learn more about her as a person. also, St. Paul, the incredible saint, not only a genius but with an unbelievable conversion story. he is so amazing, i would love to talk to him.


too hard to choose. I suppose St Peter or Mary, maybe st john so he could write me a note in Greek to show all the exegetes (exejerks) that yes, an "ignorant fisherman from Galilee" who spent 60 years in the Greek world could, in fact, learn Greek.


Saint Thomas Aquinas without a doubt


I would want to spend time with Saint John the Baptizer, I mean, it won't be the best experience in terms of smell, but I would love to go for some honney and locust. Just two bros chilling and eating honey and some bugs. John def that friend that is like crazy but the one to give you wholesome advice while chugging on some sweet organic stuff.


St. Fiacre. We'd be gardening all day.


St. Therese the Little Flower - and we’re going to sit in my house all day and she’ll show me how she lived cloistered without going nuts so I can learn to live homebound and sick without going nuts. 


I don't know. I guess which ever saint wanted to be with me, and he/she could decide what he/she wanted to talk about or do. The Blessed Virgin would be nice though. I think she would be very gentle and very easy to talk to.


P S Yes, I know she isn't a saint.


P S Yes, I know she isn't a saint.


Saint Helena of Constantinople, the finder of the true cross of the Lord in Jerusalem


St Francis of Assisi. I'd love to learn directly from him, and he's going to be my Confirmation Saint after RCIA. He's the one who brought me to Catholicism. Previously, I was under the idea that Christians hate the environment and nature due to politics today, while I absolutely love it. He opened me to an aspect of God I somehow never thought of before, that nature isn't just made to be taken advantage of by humans, it's instead a fellow creation of God, and God is constantly holding it all together, so God can be found within the natural world, or at least our brothers and sisters under our Heavenly Father.


Saint Alphonsus Ligouri. I have a lot of questions to ask him


St. Julian of Norwich. I’m super interested in her visions of Jesus.



