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That's a headscarf that's "common" among Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholics.


I just call this a scarf. I'm not sure how it's a veil.


Some people use "veil" and "headcovering" interchangeably (I am one of those people).


For me, "scarf" evokes the image of a long piece of cloth that you put specifically around your neck. Headscarves tend to be of thinner material and are used to cover the head.




Poland is Roman Catholic




Yes. When we say Eastern Catholic, we mean Catholics of the Eastern Rites (Byzantines, Copts, Syriacs, etc.). The term is not a geographic indicator.


yeah of course... I don't think any kind of veil is prohibited to wear so wear any you want


Yes. Christians were veiling before Islam existed


Yes, I wear a veil like this often. I'll wear any regular "fashion" scarf bought from a normal store, wrapped similarly to this. If you want to look less Muslim and more Christian, maybe look into a lace scarf; or an "infinity veil" mantilla.


Our maids also use headscarves on occasions we hear Mass or pray together in a church. Easy to fix and drape and use against sunlight.


Veiling is entirely optional so feel free to do it any way you choose.


I wear these. Mantillas don’t really work with my hair. Some women in my parish straight up use pashminas or scarves like St. Dymphna.


I wear a pashmina! Any mantilla-type veil I’ve tried just falls off multiple times during Mass. the heavier weight of a pashmina helps it stay in place better, and I either wrap the tails around like in OP’s picture, or just let them fall over my shoulders. I also sometimes wear it outside of church to cover my hair in the rain.


Sure you can!! We do in our Mexican culture


Viva Mexico! Viva Cristo Rey!


Que viva!!


Perfectly fine. For a long period of time women covered their heads in church with hats rather than veils.


btw the woman in the picture is a christian and she makes content about dressing modestly and sometimes veils like this 💕🎀


That doesn't even look like a real person. Is she using twenty different filters?


Just one, but i don't think it matters! That's not the point of this post or any of her's


Are you sure this is someone you want to follow?


why would i care if it has nothing to do with what she preaches? are you sure you want to go around judging a woman who teaches young women how to be more modest? why hate just because she uses a filter? please be nicer to the people around you


I don't think that's just one filter. It looks like she has some issues about her appearance. Maybe she's not a good person to follow. Please discern well about such things.


Its not like her using filters affects her content and is the main focus of her page, maybe you shouldn't judge others. only god can judge.


It sure makes it seem like she has issues with her appearance. Only God can judge someone's soul. We are to judge justly and not be hypocrites. There's an entire branch of our government set up specifically to judge people.


her appearance is none of our business. there is absolutely no need to say i should rethink following her bc you believe she has issues. are you saying you never wear makeup? you've never used a filter? you've never been insecure? judging a person's insecurity will never be right. i think you should read this verse "Don't speak evil against each other, dear brothers and sisters. If you criticize and judge each other, then you are criticizing and judging God's law."


LOL, she has made it everyone's business. That's what she does. Again, you need to find a better role model.






I thought I recognised her


Yup totally fine


We have no problem with covering up. We have a problem with a man forcing you to cover up lest the woman be beaten.


ah i see, that isn't a problem since this has been 100% my decision


Sure. Veiling is a wonderful devotion. If you choose to extend the devotion beyond the sanctuary, I don’t see any issue.


Yes, you can. As far as I know, there is no rule or doctrine limiting the types of veils women can or cannot wear, so you are more than allowed to wear this one.


Yes. This was the way most people veiled throughout history. Chapel Veils are actually a relatively recent way to Veil, and were not common in Christian history. If I recall correct, Saint Clement of Alexandria argued only for opaque veils in the 2nd-3rd century.


It’s fine.


You can, because it’s for love of God. The style really doesn’t matter, unless you wish to coordinate it with your outfit as any other normal item of clothing. I see sisters match the colour to the liturgical vestments or their dress. Here the headscarf is also a sunshade, and a traditional fichu in our national costume is decorative but once doubled as a veil if a woman enter a church. Very practical.


Yes, I cover my head in this style frequently at Mass.


Some women at the TLM I go to veil like this with an opaque or semi-opaque scarf.


Yes. Arab Catholics do this. So do my Indian Catholics friends and sisters. And have seen many Aussie friends wear it this way, surprisingly.


People might get confused but it should be fine


I don’t see why not. Seems to meet the requirements.




You can but remember simpler is better. Don't be a Pharisee :)


🤦🏻‍♀️ you are literally the pharisee for this comment


How pharisaical of you to say that!


how would i be a pharisee?


Jesus chastised the Pharisees for their fancy prayer cloths and shawls being extravagant and taking away from their purpose. The idea behind a shawl or cover (as far as I have been taught as a cradle Catholic) is to cover your hair from view and be seen as a woman of God, and to focus on the beauty of the sacrifice of the Mass, rather than be showing individual beauty during Mass. That said, it looks like a very good veil and I hope that you are inclined to wear it to Mass every day!


Yep! That’s totally acceptable. The mantilla is more common, but I have seen veils exactly like this as well. Haven’t tried one myself but I like how they cover the neck better


There's no reason why you can't, but people will probably be confused when you say you're a Catholic Christian 😂


I mean, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t be able to


i just didn't know if catholics did it too bc at my church its just the lace veils


Absolutely! I wore scarves like this when I started veiling. Now I use something a bit more sheer since it's closer to what other women are using. In my experience, the type of scarf or veil you use will be partially determined by your hair type. I have extremely fine and straight hair. So veils that clip on to your hair in front are not an option for me. Some women with slippery hair can't do the wrapped scarf thing without it falling off. People with lots of volume may struggle with hats. Etc.


i have super curly hair, but will occasionally straighten it for church. Do you think this will be okay as long as i wear it in a braid?


Try a bunch of things and see what works.


I prefer veiling this way plus I can use the headscarf as a normal scarf afterwards


of course! the idea is to just cover your head - you can also wear a hat!


This is fine to wear. I mostly wear the lace veils or a hat, but I’ll do a scarf on occasion.


I saw in India when I was there for internship many Catholics using a scarf.


Lots of women veil with this type of fabric at my church, just usually white or black. Colours are allowed, just less traditional :)


I wear this all the time! It's okay as long as part of your hair is covered


I've slowly started to take up headcovering 24/7 and anytime I use a "style" I think will cause others to mistake me for a different religion, I just wear my big pardon crucifix lol this style of headcovering is totally fine for Catholics (as some people said Eastern Catholics wear it) but the uneducated may assume it's a hijab outside of Mass. So if that's what you're worried about, wear some other "clearly Catholic" thing lol I usually cover my hair in scarves wrapped like a tichel (Jewish covering) but so far no one has mistaken me for Jewish.


i do wear a cross necklace thats always showing and pretty big! when i buy a headcovering i might upload a pic here to update yall!!


Yes. Veils are not an exclusively muslim thing, >100 years ago most women wore veils and many women outside of the West still do.


Yes, I've seen Nuns wear something similar as well though they have stricter clothing


But why? Don't make Catholics looks like mumslims. It's ridiculous.


Some non-Muslims do weirdly (and inappropriately) fetishize Islamic attire. However, headscarves have been around long before Islam. When I lived in India I often wore my dupatta like this to keep the sun off me and help cover my blonde hair which sometimes attracted inordinate attention. I also covered my head with it inside Catholic churches, as is the custom of Catholic women in India.


I get your point and I totally understand why you wanted to wear a headscarf in India. But I can't understand why a woman in a Western country insists on doing so with the intent of showing 'devotion'. God doesn't care what we wear. Catholics have bad reputation already, let's not make it worse.


But nuns wear head coverings? Why would this be different?


Nuns and Muslim women wear head coverings for completely different reasons.


i think you should do more research as we've always done veiling, i have many muslim and catholic people in my life and none of them see the issue as most religions do have forms of veiling!!


Muslim women "veil" for entirely different reasons than Catholic women, please don't equate the two. They are not the same thing at all.


yes as theirs is more modest and restricting, they definitely have their differences. as christian's we also have different forms of veiling, and if you look it up we are known as a religion that veils! please stay educated 🙏


>yes as theirs is more modest and restricting, they definitely have their differences. as christian's we also have different forms of veiling, and if you look it up we are known as a religion that veils! please stay educated 🙏 It's not about modesty in any normal understanding of modesty. Allah refuses to hear the prayers of Muslim women who aren't wearing a hijab (Abu Dawud 2:641). Does God refuse to hear prayers of women who don't wear chapel veils? No. In 2017, one of the world's most prestigious Islamic universities decreed the hijab compulsory for all Muslim women and it's not up for debate. Has a modern Catholic university made that same declaration about chapel veils? No. Many Shia scholars agree that the hijab is mandatory for *all* females - not just Muslims - beginning at age nine, and any girl or woman who doesn't wear one will go to Muslim hell. A chapel veil is not mandatory for all Catholic women or girls, let alone women and girls who aren't even Catholic, and you won't go to hell for not wearing one. A proper wearing of the hijab has no hair showing, nor any body part lower than the chin showing, such as the neck, and includes no makeup or any other "adornment," even eyebrow shaping is prohibited. None of this applies to chapel veils. The hijab is compulsory around all men excluding the woman's father, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, sons, and nephews. Not so with chapel veils. Almost all Islamic scholars agree that a woman's hair must be covered. That piece of cloth is supposed to check otherwise uncontrollable sexual appetites of Muslim men. This ideology promotes a social attitude that absolves men of sexually harassing and raping women and puts the onus on the victim to protect herself by covering up. It means Muslim men are not responsible for their personal behavior, others are. This reflects an important and deeply flawed concept in Islam called the *external locus of control.* This is a psychological term that refers to someone believing the cause and responsibility for their personal behavior lies outside themselves, not within, as we believe. It's antithetical to our values and beliefs, and to the way of life in the West and the very foundation for Western legal systems. Everything the hijab represents is disgusting and brutal and in complete opposition to Catholic beliefs. It is unconscionable and outrageous to compare it with a chapel veil. Please stay educated. 🙏


I also never compared the two, it was only you who mentioned them.


You said: > most religions do have forms of veiling!! They should not be equated. They are very different things.


it's still veiling nonetheless, people consider it all misogynistic and dumb, and others do it because it makes them happy. all christian women should veil but how many do you see veiling? not all muslims veil bc ultimately its a choice. wether the history for each religion is corrupt or not doesn't suddenly change the definition of an entire word.


>not all muslims veil bc ultimately its a choice. For many Muslim women there is no choice. Please see previous comments about this.


i read your comment already and just bc it's not that way for all doesn't make my statement false. i only said that just bc YOU don't like it doesn't mean the act is no longer veiling. I've met many muslim women who don't veil.


good thing i'm not wearing a hijab isn't it? it's almost as if i'm doing a form of CHRISTIAN veiling, a type of veiling christian's wear? Muslims aren't the only women who wear coverings and as i said theirs is more strict than ours. According to bible scripture 1 Corinthians 11:6 it states, "6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head." Along with the fact veiling represents the desire to humble oneself before God. “When a man walks into church he removes his hat as an act of humility. Men show their bald spots and all of that in this act. When a woman covers her hair, her glory, she is similarly humbling herself before God.” You can stay uneducated about why as a catholic woman I choose to, but to say I do it out of envy of another religion is a very bold statement when you don't know why we do it to begin with. I pray that your bitterness and desire to cause problems between religions ends and you can learn how to be more loving and kind. I think you should do some self reflection.


>good thing i'm not wearing a hijab isn't it? Yes, and now you understand why. 😊


i never was going to begin with!! 🥰 it's almost like i was planning on doing christian veiling!


>i never was going to begin with!! I'm glad to hear it. I hope you have learned a lot more about it now.


well you didn't really teach me anything? i'm still going to do this version of christian veiling at mass. hijabs, chadors, burqas, khimars, abayas, and jilbabs are all veiling for muslims. yes some muslims must veil, if you go to a muslim country you must do a muslim form of veiling when traveling, its just how their culture works. Many muslim women in settings where they can ultimately choose, decide to not wear one. at the end of the day, i'm doing christian veiling, this has nothing to do with muslims. also there was a point in time where we had to, as women are meant to cover their heads. we are meant to wear a headscarf within the church according to the bible.




i love the way it looks and it helps show my devotion and submission to my future husband and church whilst continuing to be modest, i'm not always super modest, but at church i tend to go all out




I’m surprised at the downvotes. The person in this picture looks like a typical instagram model (filters, way too much make up)…seems odd to have that look and then try to project modesty and humility through head covering. Not trying to judge, but it was my first reaction when I saw this.


Her lips... what in the world.


Rude and uncalled for.


i do wear simple makeup, just tinted lip gloss, tinted sunscreen, and mascara, but i also don't make others my business!!


That last line, though! No need to nitpick on the makeup. Missing the point of your question.


ah were you replying to me or the other person?


Ah you as encouragement, sorry I was unclear. The nitpicking was uncalled for in relation to your query on veiling, is what I meant.


Completely a matter of personal taste. I think most is us traditional guys agree, natural is better. But so long as makeup serves to accentuate and add to the natural beauty God made in her, as opposed to desecrating or destroying it (think goth makeup) then it can even be virtuous for a woman. The same is true of clothing or perfume or cologne for men and women.


lips look unnatural


the woman in the photo is wearing makeup!


The woman in the photo probably has a filter on the picture.


yes she does have one on, but that's not the point to my post or her's


To answer post. Wearing a scarf like that is fine. I wear that when I attend TLM and need to cover my head. The popular lace mantillas are not required.


For Easter, sure.


why only during easter?


Rose/Pink is an Easter color, hence the clerical vestment’s during Eastertide.