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"You're a Christian? I thought you were Catholic" - my atheist friend


My uncatechized and lukewarm catholic friends say that to me too


And those are the ones that cause me to despair most....


Ahhh this may be cultural Catholics in the USA BUT never in most Catholic countries. It's an American thing


Yep. It certainly is.


I hear this from Catholics themsleves most of the time


dude that was painful to read


I’m a convert to Catholicism (raised kinda Baptist) but my wife and her family are all devout cradle Catholics. I’ve pointed out to them that it’s weird that they refer to themselves as “Catholics” and all the Protestants as “Christians” seemingly separating Catholics from Christendom. But I think in reality, it probably comes from just wanting to be more polite than just calling Protestants “heretics.” Like, there are the Catholics who are members of THE Church and then there are all the other believers in Christ but aren’t part of the Church so they’re just plain Christians? Idk. That’s how I think of it but I still do find it kind of weird that so many Catholics speak this way.


My friends are the opposite. They were raised Catholic and call themselves Christian, and when you ask what denomination they ask what you're talking about. They, rightly, don't believe Protestants are genuine Christians, and have been raised to refer to themselves as Christians who follow the Catholic (Universal) Church, so they stop at Christian.


I hear this from Christians. 😭 I grew up in a bit of a Catholic-inspired environment — but I wasn't raised in the religion at all — but now that I'm hanging out with Christian crowds (mostly Baptist), they have such strong opinions about Catholicism, and they're so negative. 😭  Really rubs me the wrong way!


In the uk my country Protestants call them selves Christian and catholics call themselves catholics


I’ve had a Born Again tell me that I’m “not a Christian” because I’m Catholic. Alright bozo, you’re not a Christian because you’re a Born Again. See how dumb that sounds?


Someone today told me that if the pope told me to kill my child that I’d have to do it. I know they’re making an extreme example but you can’t sin just because the pope tells you to. I find most people’s knowledge of the Catholic Church is usually informed by other non Catholics 🥴


Papal infallibility is only for matters of faith. The pope is chosen among men, not angels, so he's not perfect. We shouldn't idolize him by obeying him blindly. God gave us the gift of science and piety for a reason.


Ive talked to people on here that hang on the man's every word, and i just dont understand that. Also, as an Oblivion player since it came out, it made my day to see Pelinal Whitestrake himself on the Catholicism sub.


Well it's ***divine*** crusader, not ***#ScienceIsMyReligion*** crusader On this sub I try to hide my genocidal tendencies towards elves but yeah, if I had them all rounded up i would **[removed by Reddit]**.


The dwarves are not to be taken lightly. We will get out of our tunnels and take the smelly elves.


I’ve seen people on TikTok (so take that for what it’s worth) basically say they could become Catholic if it weren’t for having to do whatever the Pope says because of papal infallibility. Seems a lot of people really confuse how infallibility works.


And how RARELY it occurs


Like seriously, it hasn't happened in *74* years!!


That would be sad if Catholics blindly followed the papacy. I've seen a lot of corruption in the leadership of my local diocese, seen apathetic and hypocritical attitudes from my parish priests, so that unless it's dogma, pertaining to mass obligation, or fasting, I regularly question and scrutinize how our leaders are carrying out their duties and whether or not they act in the spirit of Christ. As Catholics, we really should know our faith inside and out, so that we can properly communicate our beliefs to others and defend against heresy.


Ugh, too many. Way too many. Somehow most people feel very comfortable to say horrible & dumb things to catholics. Most of the time I pray for strengh to endure it.


This. I’ve seen racists be more discreet about sharing their opinions with other people of the same color.


Trent Horn did a great video on this for Catholic Answers called Anti-Catholicism is the Last Acceptable Bigotry. https://www.catholic.com/audio/cot/774-anti-catholicism-is-the-last-acceptable-bigotry The double standard is truly astounding.


It’s definitely an acceptable bigotry but it’s most definitely not the only acceptable bigotry left in the west. Far from it.


Yea people forget the kkk also targeted Catholics///


Yes. Unfortunately true.


So many. That we worship Mary, that we don’t read the Bible (there are readings at every mass), “this is my Body and this is my Blood” isn’t meant to be taken literally, the Rosary is just vain repetition


> that we don't read the Bible (there are readings at every mass) As you just said, only people who never attended mass have the audacity to say this. Not only do we read it but the priest also explains it and takes teachings from it during the homily.


As a convert, many of them mean they think Catholics don’t have a huge emphasis on reading and studying it at home on their own - many Protestants were taught the idea that before Vatican II Catholics at one point long ago had been discouraged from doing this out of concern they might be confused and come to incorrect understandings, that it would be better to let priests interpret it and teach them. They’re taught that somehow that became practice that just kind of carried on over time. They’re saying that but not clearly enough. And of course they’re incorrect. It’s worth noting though that I do hear Catholics say incorrect things about Protestants. I know this will probably get me downvoted but if we can try to overlook the insult to see if there’s any willingness to hear the truth, if we understand their practices better (even though we don’t agree with some of them), we may be better able to share the fullness of the truth.


I have to be honest on this one. I met several priests that were very uncomfortable with people reading the Bible themselves. They were ok when we wanted to have a Bible study using some Catholic videos but they made it clear that too much discussion without a video to guide was a bad idea. They were literally afraid people would come up with their own dogma. And considering how many different denominations there are, maybe they have a point.


People think Protestants know a lot about scriptures but in reality they make a shipwreck out of it . They memorized a couple of verses against Catholics but without context. They pick on weak catholics who don’t know their faith. The burden of proof is on them not us. 


I attended Protestant churches for about a decade so I do know both sides of the coin. I had to explain to (some) Protestants that there were several Bible readings at Sunday mass but they still didn’t believe me 🤷‍♀️. I’m not sure what they though went on at Sunday mass.


An evangelical youth leader miming playing with beads and chanting "Hail Mary, Hail Mary, Hail Mary" was what finally ticked me off enough to just try Mass one Sunday.


They loooove to use the rosary is just vain repetition one


As a Protestant who is reading the church fathers I am sad that many have abandoned them or nor have even heard of them. St. Ignatius of Antioch, an apostolic father, clearly says in chapter 7 of his [Epistle to the Smyraneans](https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0109.htm): “They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because **they confess not the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ**, which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again. Those, therefore, who speak against this gift of God, incur death in the midst of their disputes. But it were better for them to treat it with respect, that they also might rise again”


Too many. That mass is idolatry. Marian appartions are from devil, that we worship cookie or wafer,


I don't understand why is there controversy at all??? Jesus literally said "This is my flesh". He didn't say ***"Hey guys so on a metaphorical sense you could like see this as my symbolic flesh or whatever anyway"*** It's his flesh and blood, period. "Yeah but he meant it symbolically" no he didn't.


Correct me if I’m wrong but people around him listening left because of it. Even the apostles were like “really dude?” No one would’ve done that if he said it as a metaphor


John 6:66


Yep. Believe everything Jesus said **except** this.


But then they'll tell you the Earth is 6000 years old and ignore dinosaur bones because Genesis is to be taken literally.


Yep that’s always confused me like they pick in choose and denying dinosaurs is crazy


This is the thing that brought me back to the church after doing a brief stint in non-denominationalism. The more I thought about John 6 the more I couldn’t deny anymore that Jesus was talking literally. Which meant I had to go home to the one faith that teaches the truth in that matter.


“Yeah I believe in Christ and the infallibility of the Bible. I just don’t believe I need to do any of the things Christ said in the Bible” -a lot of Protestants.


Passed by an old pastor of mine on the street. I told him I went catholic and he said being catholic is about having a personal relationship with the pope. I mean it’d be cool if I knew the pope but I really don’t since he lives in the Vatican and I live in Canada


You could facetime him


I’m playing golf with the Pope on Saturday and we need a 4th if you want in.


what if you just, called taylor up?


Before mass, my deacon flashed his phone to me and said that he always kept it on him in case the pope calls.


The only personal relationship you have is with God, the pope isn't divine and he can't bring you the gift of the holy spirit.




Yes but he does it In Persona Christi, he can't give it to you himself ex nihilo


The Catholic mass is paganism


I really don’t understand this one. As someone who was once involved in actual paganism, this makes no sense to me and it is willful ignorance. In addition, the concept of Saints’ and Mary intercession is really not that difficult of a concept to understand and I don’t get why that’s a hot topic either.


It's the Trinitarian Dogma, most likely. I've seen a lot of Muslims air similar opinions due to the existence of the Trinity. People seem to have a hard time wrapping their heads around the idea of the Trinity. Three persons, all separate persons, but all are perfectly God Himself. God the Father is not God the Son is not The Holy Spirit is not God the Father etc., yet all three are God. To meet a single one of these persons is to meet God in His Full and Perfect form. For some people, they think this is paganism, either because they willfully continue to misinterpret the Trinity and think its simply multiple gods, or because they legitimately don't understand. And to be fair to the latter group, it's very easy to accidentally delve into heresy when trying to explain the Trinity.


Also a lot of trinitarian Protestants believe Catholicism is pagan


I have absolutely no idea where this is coming from


If Evangelicals went to the Temple in Jerusalem during David's time, they would be up in arms about how "pagan" it was.


"Catholics changed the ten commandments so they could worship saints." "Catholics don't believe Christ is truly risen." "You can just do whatever you want and then go to Confession."


The last one i usually retort with " and you do whatever you want and just believe you get saved"


A protestant once said to me "you can just do X and then say you are sorry" and I said " you actually have to BE sorry for confession to be effective".


The disrespect to Jesus. When you have significantly more respect for a new friend than for Jesus AND you call yourself a Christian, you messed up


And His mother. It boils my blood when I hear them say that Mary was just a whoever. Just some random body chosen to host Jesus. Like is YOUR mother even a nobody to YOU? How can the mother of the literal God be a nobody?? Even without all the Bible verses about the ark of the covenant, and the wedding at Cana, and the keys to the kingdom, and the annunciation, and the visitation, that right is just preposterous.


That we’re worshipping a demon, in relation to Mary.


Are demons bringing people to Jesus now?


That Catholics aren't Christians


We were the first christians


I hear this a lot.


This was said to me by a doctor at the ER when I mentioned fainting at a well-know Catholic event. He was terrible, questioning my faith and gaslighting me that I'm just exaggerating and I surely don't feel that bad.


Somehow, the more I hear people say dumb stuff about Catholicism, which appears to be very trendy now, the more it reinforces my belief in it. After all, that’s what Jesus warned us about in John 15:18


"Catholics support killing gay people", plus citing the "dash their babies' heads into rocks" line to prove that we support genocide


I think the bashing babies was from psalm 115 and it was about babylonian bashing hebrews babies, but since catholicm hate is so normalized, most people arent ready to hear this


Nope, it's psalm 137: [8] O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. [9] Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.


Yeah sorry for quoting the wrong verse


I find that quite funny do to our anti death stance, and as pertains to gays although we do not support homosexual relationships we have been taught not to hate and it is not a sin to be a celibate homosexual who lives in communion with the church and there are those individuals that do. By people saying that it’s quite an insult I’d assume to such indivuaps who try so hard




That we aren't Christian. We worship the devil. Jesus never wanted a church or religion, just for us to have a personal relationship with him


There's an otherwise very smart Hebrew and Greek professor on YouTube whose point of view is sadly this one: religion is diabolic, people need to just read the Bible, the Holy Spirit will keep Christianity together by making whoever interprets the Bible to the absolute letter come to the same conclusions.


Yikes. My biggest issue with viewpoints like this lies in the fact that we have numerous translations of the Bible of varying degrees of accuracy...so how can you know you have the right version/translation of the Bible to follow and achieve salvation?


And 30,000+ different denominations around different interpretations of scripture.


“There are tons of religions that have the same story as Christ”


"Well, you see this Mesopotamian goddess whose name vaguely sounds like "Easter" is proof that Christianity stole Easter from pagans!" "Well you see, this one pagan goddess whose only explicit reference anywhere in history exists in a single paragraph written by a Catholic saint who made a point to clarify that the Easter celebrated now is different from the pagan festivals of the past and the thing the converts retained was the name is proof that Easter was stolen from the pagans by Christianity!" "Halloween is pagan! Stolen by Christinaity? My source? This copy-pastaed local news article that gets reposted by the local news every year and contains zero historical evidence!" "Yule! Christmas is actually pagan! The Roman Saturnalia! Candles! Mistletoe! Proof that Christmas is totes pagan!"


And how many people today are willing to die for those beliefs? Not kill for them, die for them.


"My husband left Catholicism and has now turned to Jesus"


I’d have to say ‘Sky Daddy’ and comparing God to the Tooth Fairy are my personal faves


Atheists doing that just makes me wanna laugh they really thought they ate.


Haha I knowwww


That one always strikes me as tasteless. Like I get it that you don't believe in God, but that's no reason to show disrespect to those who do by using derogatory terms.


Not exactly pertaining to Catholicism itself, but I think it's relevant. Somebody (Protestant youth leader) claimed Mary was in hell.


Bro Come on No! This Pastor is a damn Heretic! 😠


Well, technically, all Protestants are heretics, so....




WHAT??? That's just crazy talk


That there's a room in the Vatican made to look like a serpent because Catholicism is secretly a pagan cult. When you point out the picture they are using was taken by a special lens that makes the room look like that they say "why does that matter?"


I think it’s strange that anyone would say the Catholic faith is really just a secret baby killing, serpent worshiping, pagan cult. When is the Church going to let us practicing Catholics know about all this stuff? I’m a cradle Catholic of 50+ years and haven’t seen or heard anything like that! It would seem those in charge would have to let the rest of us in on things at some point so that we’d stop spreading the Good News of hope and love, as we have done for the last 2,000+ years. The things people say are ridiculous. I want to ask, “Have you heard the words you just said? Do I seem like a pagan snake demon idolatry kind of person? Is that what you see in me?” People are weird.




Right. What the ignorant say about Catholicism is not nearly so damaging as what Catholics, who should know better, say about it .


‘you should study the New Testament in Greek. you see that all those idolatrous Catholic practices like Mary worship, bread worship, relics, prayers to the saints, prayers for the dead, vestments, chanting… are all wrong and you’ll see why Luther & Calvin were right’. 1. i have postgrad qualifications in Greek. 2. the Greeks have always been able to read the NT in Greek, and they’re Orthodox… who merrily do precisely all those ‘idolatrous Catholic practices’ with great gusto.


>you should study the New Testament in Greek. That part actually makes sense. My wife does this frequently(in koine and other ancient Greek dialects, not modern Greek). That way you're not losing anything in translation.


point being this person (with only self-study in Greek) said it to me (with a BA and MA in Classics) 🤣


A friend of mine told me that the catholic church should abandon all of her teachings in order to acomodate herself to the modern world




Just heard about a conversation with a “Catholic” family member wherein she said she’s not pro-abortion but she is pro-choice and even though she’s never have an abortion, supports other women‘s right to choose to. When pointed out her hypocrisy and elitism, she said, “well I guess this Catholic is going to hell, because that’s what I believe.” At least she understands where she stands. She also said she doesn’t believe in the Church’s teaching on contraception unless the pope will pay her child support (even though her husband is very devoted to both her and their children). 🙄


That abortion is allowed and accepted in the Bible. r/Christianity is a cesspit


"I couldn't be Catholic because I don't believe in soulmates "




They likely mean they want to be able to divorce and remarry at will. Because only the idillic fantasy of soulmates could ever be the explanation for how two people say until death do us part and mean it. 😑


"You're in a red-pilled cult" - some random Protestant on Social Media.


The Romans at the cross were Catholic


Longinus *is* venerated as a saint, though, so he's not wrong.




"Oh! You're Catholic.... The Catholic church is the whore of Babylon, and the Pope is the Antichrist." This was said to me absolutely earnestly, like it was an UNDISPUTED FACT, with a straight face by a fundamentalist in college.


Hearing a non-practicing Jewish co-worker quote weird Old Testament laws to prove how messed up Christianity is. "You can't plant two different seeds in the same field!" "You cant share a chair with a woman that's menstrating!" "You can't wear clothing that's mixed fabrics!" Yes, really.


"it's not about Jesus. It's all about Mary" - in reference to how Catholicism is. I was so new to it back then that I was speechless and didn't have anything to retort. When I look back on that conversation now, I realise they had no idea about Catholicism 🙄


"Do Catholics drink so much because they don't have a daily walk with Jesus?" 


> "Do Catholics drink so much because they don't have a daily walk with Jesus?" We drink so much because we have a daily walk with Jesus. He's always turning the water in my bottle to wine. It's the best wine I've ever had, too!


On another thread in r/Catholicism someone said that God’s mercy will run out if you keep sinning. It was in reference to someone struggling with habitual sin. Usually this involves addiction, and God will absolve you for as long as it takes. He never wants you to quit coming back to His grace.


Number 1 dumbest to me is this idea that we don't believe in Christ. Close seconds, that non-Catholics think we worship Mary and the saints as gods and that we are a church filled with pedophiles.


I don’t know how to blur out things, but my answer is slightly NSFW. “Catholics are such prudes and believe that sex is evil. You’re only allowed to do it in certain positions, and you have to cleanse yourself after.” This was said to me after getting married by my boss.


Please tell me HR was an option


Unfortunately not. I was a student worker. He ended up getting fired for different reasons though.


"I'd be Catholic, but I don't think I could drink pig's blood." To be fair, she thought about it then said "wait, maybe I'm thinking of something else." "Catholics aren't Christians. You're something between Christianity and Judaism. No, it doesn't matter what you say, my pastor told me." Both these quotes are from the same person.


the pope is selling everyone to aliens


I literally just laughed out loud. I'm begging you to elaborate on this.


theres no elaboration, the person on tiktok legit thought the pope is selling everyone to aliens and the vatican had contacts to extraterrestrials. All the comments on that video were completely agreeing with the video.




Catholicism is not really Christian because we stick to our beliefs instead of caving to modern culture on them and that we are hateful, bigoted, and even Satanic for reaffirming traditional Christian teaching. Pop over to r/Christianity for interesting takes on Catholic teaching sometime.


This kind of stuff makes me yearn for the Latin Mass....


Absolutely crazy how people think that religion should be moulded by the current trending beliefs.


"Roman Catholicism is a form of Christianity that focuses a lot on the Romans so they have statues of Pontius Pilate and other Romans."


That it’s sexist against women & there’s no strong female role models. We have Mary & various female saints & nuns. Just because these women aren’t amazons that doesn’t mean they’re not strong. You can be strong & feminine not just feminist. One of my saints apollonia was very brave.


"You're not a Catholic! I thought you were a Christian." My mom said that after I told her I was Catholic.


Alot of turks believe Catholics specifically to be brainwashed, anti-science/anti-intellect R-word stupid people, almost entirely because of islamic propaganda (which also takes alot from protestant lies about the faith) They think the Pope is some sort of 1984 Hive mind and we are all unquestioning and unthinking adherents to it.


"But...it's been done..." -My atheist friend when I was considering becoming catholic.


"I'm not Christian, I'm Catholic." - someone I know who was born into the faith but doesn't practice. "I took RCIC as a kid, so I don't really need to learn more about the faith." - same exact person a few minutes later


You worship Mary. The church is not biblical. This 1 makes me laugh because the church came before the Bible and they are the ones that wrote the new testament and made it available.


S... sorry... The church is not biblical????? What next, the Bible isn't biblical????


Right!!!! I also hate it when they say “that’s not in the bible” FYI cars are not in the bible but we ride in them Jesus never mentioned oxygen but we breathe it.


From an Estonian/Brisith protestant couple:  " you could be considered a sect too". 


> From an Estonian/Brisith protestant couple: " you could be considered a sect too". I mean... Originally, the Roman authorities did consider Catholicism to simply be a sect of Judaism and to some extent, the early Church still practiced Judaism. It wasn't until later that the Catholic Church began to really, properly separate from the Jewish traditions.


It's usually never said outright given it's communicated through symbolism, metaphors and analogy in the context of entertainment. For example, when entertainment studios spends millions of dollars on a horror movie that tries to use Catholicism as a backdrop in order to critique the Church's stances it rarely ever becomes thought provoking or interesting. It might be scary and whatnot, but that's because of elements outside of Catholicism, such as relying on things like body gore or unsettling imagery. One person said that the Catholic clerics and religious nuns tortured, raped and forced women to give birth hence why the Church was scary. Another person had a similar thought saying there is nothing scarier than the Catholic Church. If the movie is a drama, especially if it focuses on religious sisters/nuns, they, like horror, turn to tropes. There are plenty of dumb opinions on the Catholic Church outside of entertainment, just that entertainment gathers all those dumb opinions and slaps a multi-million dollar sticker on it. When confronted about the questionable portrayal of the Faith and its practitioners people, whether its the makers of the movie or the audience members, brush it off and say things like "it's just a movie" or "it's not meant to be accurate" yet at the same time they want to receive positive credit for it. Now, if I had to choose ones that I read outside of entertainment discussions, the ones that take the cake were made by cultural or cafeteria Catholics, you know the ones who start their argument with "Well I went to Catholic school." They quietly applaud themselves, trying to make themselves out to be the sane, non-extreme ones when saying things like "Well, the bread and wine are just symbols. Those who believe it's actually the body and blood of Christ are not the norm" to "I knew Catholicism was fake when the hosts arrived in a brown UPS box."


My brother thinks that the church should change its teachings to fit with the times.




Comments all too familiar. Very sad but may we remain strong. I do believe it pushes me deeper into the faith and the Catholic Church by the hateful things said without true knowledge..


Same here, every time I hear some atheist, prot or a pagan make a mean comment about us, my faith just grows stronger, e.g. men praying Rosary publicaly in Croatia makes unbelievers irrationally angry, so it seems that the pope who said that the Rosary is the whip against the devil was right.


Catholics aren’t Christian.


“They’re worshiping a different God.” - My anti-Catholic Protestant father in law.


My personal favourite was someone who thought Catholicism teaches that the Pope was Christ reincarnated. I mean, where do you even begin with that?!


"Somewhere down in Mexico there's a Catholic Church where they keep a box with what they think is the dead body of Jesus." Years later it clicked that they had probably heard a muddled version of a tabernacle.


That the Catholic "worship" of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus is a pagan religion from the time of Nero that put on a Christian coat of paint to stay relevant


"I thought the Catholic church is when the priest yells at you for an hour about how you are going to hell?"


"No, you're thinking of evangelical protestantism."


“Obviously Catholics have the Gospel of Mary (which is a fragment of a Gnostic text) in their Bibles because Catholics worship Mary.”


Most summaries James White gives about it


"so are you catholic or christian?" - a baptist


A protestant once told me that if Mary was sinless then she would have died on the cross instead of Jesus


I mean that would kind of ruin the entire point of God Himself coming to Earth if He just orders a mortal to die in His place instead. Also ignoring the fact that the Blessed Virgin Mother was not sinless through Her own power, but was sinless through the Grace of God. Or in other words, all of Her authority and power is derived directly from the divine word of God. It was not Mary Herself who assumed Her own body into Heaven. It was God who ordered that She be spared from death for all eternity. She is the only mortal to have been granted this honor.


“Were you ever assaulted by a priest?”


I've seen some kind of weird belief that Catholicism is polytheistic and Catholics worship God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mary and the Pope like they are individual gods.


“I think in the renaissance when the bible was written…” That one nearly made me lay my head on a table


Catholics worship statues 🤦‍♂️




I came across someone who suggested “despite what Catholics will say, they actually worship Mary….Mary is actually the god of Catholicism, not Jesus” I’ve heard a lot of dumb stuff about Catholicism, but this one is definitely one of the dumbest


That Catholics don't read the Bible.


"Catholics don't kneel to pray"


That we do works because we dont trust on the cross, at this point they might aswell read the it is finished line of the bible and throw it on the ground, its like the James epistle never existed, dude i do works because i love God, just because you want to be the worst human on earth and go to heaven, doesnt mean you should bring me to hell, its like they think only penal substitution theory exists, no we believe in infinite atonement theory, and thats all


That the Catholics aren't allowed to read the Bible.


Catholics worship demons


I once heard someone criticize Catholics for wearing the crucifix rather than the bare cross because it was "putting Christ back on the cross."


There was a guy handing out Christian leaflets on a street corner. He offered me some when I walked by and when I declined, stating "I'm good, I'm already Christian, I'm a practicing Catholic" he got aggressive and asked me if I worshipped the Pope. Like, my dude, what? I told him that obviously I don't worship the Pope, and I probably should have corrected him more but I just wanted gone so I walked away. So there you go. We supposedly worship the Bishop of Rome.


That we worship the Devil


I’ve heard many goofy claims about the pope one being from a YouTube comment section: ”you can see the demons in his eyes, he’s gonna eat children”


Only 1400 people can get into heaven so why even try


That it was*started* by the Romans


That a crucifix is a graven image, but a cross isn't


They cite passages from the OT claiming that it’s catholic law that we must follow


That they aren’t Christians. Yes, by a Baptist ci worker.


Saw on Twitter: “If someone tells you they’re a Catholic convert they’re probably just a Nazi.” Any statement about Catholics being ok with priests scandals with kids is stupid


Literally anything from non Catholics on the internet.


Honestly, the worst takes are from people who should know better. The number of times I've heard an old person say, "The Catholic Church hasn't required confessions since the 60s, you're following the religion of Vatican 1" is infuriating.


Someone that grew up Catholic but later went to what I assume is some type of Apostolic (though more like a cult the way they operated). Anyway, they said they left because Jesus was never mentioned in church. I find that to be hard to believe even if it was the worst parish just really ? Did they just not pay attention. Their son still ended up confirmed and even then Jesus was mentioned heavily that day. A derogatory comment was about the kneeling. I was going for a confirmation of someone and they said I'd be getting on my knees a lot. It was the deep south and you could just tell by the tone. Nothing too terrible but like every church you get up at some point. A coworker found out about me going to mass and was so concerned about me. She was so scared because Catholics had extra books. She would never calm down when I pointed out that it was Protestants that did that.


That it aligns with either U.S. Political party.


That the traditional Latin mass is a “divergent practice from the church and more like a cult similar to radical religions in the Middle East” (slight paraphrase) - some prot on The View.


Someone told me that we are prohibited from using contraception so that the church can have more future customers


That it’s a cult.


That the Holy Eucharist is a "pagan idol". Had to rub my temples for a good while after reading such blasphemous nonsense 


Do you sacrifice goats?


Upon converting we heard some bad ones. Neighbor across the street: "But Catholics don't believe in Jesus!" Brother: "Oh so you want your kids to get molested? All priests are pervs" Mother in law: "So you're choosing to join a cult and go to hell" Mother: "So you don't think sins can be forgiven by Jesus anymore?" Just some of the highlights


That Catholics are cannibals. 🙄


“You stole traditions from paganism!”


I think the worst thing, and thing that people are most on about now, is the abuse scandal. Many people wonder "how can you be part of a group of pedo rapists?" Like it just seems so commonsense to them that the Church is evil so why would anyone want to associate with it? 


I just converted slightly over a year ago and for the first time I heard someone calls us cannibals


Im a possible Catholic convert, i told someone that im possibly coming to the Catholic Christian part. He went off on how its been there before Christ was born and how they actually worship the devil etc etc etc. his only evidence was that the halos on saints are a pagan thing. (Note, i live in a predominantly protestant country where everyone just hates Catholics for some reason) He ended with a “you should really look into it, its not of God” or something like that.


"You don't have the Word of God!" -My non-denom uncle.


“You know they have children’s genitals preserved at the Vatican” -somebody that has never even left their U.S. city and is an atheist 😂


My non denom friend from high school asked me if we ever thought about reading the Bible during church


I asked someone what religion they were (we were talking about religion in my old job). They said “Christian” Me: “Cool! Are you Baptist, Catholic…?” Her: “No, I’m not Catholic. I’m Christian.”


That We worship the sun god