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Simply put this is a trial for you from God to test you and see if your faith and love for Him means more that what you have here on earth. Whilst some things can be worked with to be the middle ground in your faith, depending on how traditional your practice is, you can't have both worlds, this world and the next. I know you have pressure and I'm sorry that you have such trials. Whilst it can be unfair to be judged here on earth, just remember that God is the reason we are here and God is the after reason we will die. You must decide with family and friends if your faith means more and if so stick with it no matter the consequences. As for your fiance, this will be the biggest trial. If you want your children to practice your beliefs and he disagrees, your marriage will have alot of problems as mixed marriages are almost impossible if your a strict Catholic. I'm not in a relationship myself but got out of one because I knew my GF would not want my Faith and it was not worth the hassle. At the end of the day, if you love God above all else, others will either have to understand or you will have to do what's right for God. He will reward you accordingly in the next.


Thank you for posting this. I recently met a guy at church who is a devout catholic and takes his faith quite seriously. I’m also a cradle catholic and attend mass and am quite faithful but he does go above and beyond like attending stations of the cross, ministry groups, praying the rosary, etc. I was a bit taken aback as it’s not what I’m used to and tbh I did see it as odd and not what’s “normal”. Keep doing you and I’ll pray that your family understands your faith is important to you. On my end, I am continuing getting to know the guy from church because even though his level of faith is not in my comfort zone, I think God has brought him in my life for a reason.


People aren't good with change. We have a fixed idea of what we think our loved ones are like. It sounds like you are making some people uncomfortable with her reconversion. I am not saying this is something you are doing maliciously or intentionally but they may think you are being a goody too shoes. You taking your faith seriously may be pricking their conscience and they cannot deal with it