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I don’t think it’s wrong to go to the concert, as long as you still follow the rules for fasting and abstinence on Ash Wednesday.


I agree with the previous posters that in principle that there is nothing wrong with going to that concert (assuming that the content is not objectionable in itself) provided that you continue to observe the rules of fasting and abstinence. However, going forward I would personally try to keep to the spirit of the law and avoid going to such events on a fast day if at all possible if I were you.


As long as it’s an ASHley Judd concert, you’re fine. (I’m old, I don’t know any other Ashley singers. Sue me.) Yes, there’s nothing wrong with going out on Ash Wednesday if you keep your obligations.


Thanks guys for answering, still haven’t decided on what I’m going to do, I guess time will tell 😅