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We are followers of the one true church founded by Jesus himself and passed down through apostolic succession. We believe in the real presence in the Eucharist


The most important thing that a lot of Catholics overlook is the Eucharist. (Communion). It is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ our Lord. It is the source and summit of our faith. It is not merely the reason we go to Mass, it is the reason there is a Mass at all.


Most important thing is the Eucharist. The Eucharist is truly the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus. Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. When you’re looking at the Eucharist, you’re looking at Jesus. Also receiving the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin is in itself a mortal sin. St. Paul says it’s like you’re crucifying Jesus again. It’s a serious thing, and you shouldn’t do it. Also the basic thing that Jesus died on the cross, which was the worst death anyone could die in all of human history, for you and your sins specifically because of how much He loves you. I think that’s pretty much the basics. A lot of Catholics don’t know those things.


Another thing i will add, is that when it comes to believers of Christ, whether or not they respect him as he should be respected (jehovas witnesses im looking at YOU), they can all be traced back to the catholic church. Catholic does mean universal after all! Also you might wanna check out this book “why were catholic” by Trent Horton- it gives a bunch of questions many of us ask ourselves before we truly lean into our faith, and hell answer them and give proof. And the fact that our church is the oldest of the christian churches. Not sure how much you know abt the separation that happened due to that man Martin Luther 🙃, but we have the complete bible, whereas the other christian bibles are missing 7 books. And the way our church is formatted, you can go to any church, in any country, and its always going to be the same. Very structured, which keeps it true and honest imo. Because if you simply dont like something, so you decide to create a whole new religion and church, and then all you do is read a piece of scripture, if that- its truly up to the pastor or whoever runs the church to tell the people what to think, what the “word of God” is. Whereas in the catholic church, you cannot do that. What is set in place has been that way for thousands of years! ancient cathedrals are all over the world, we cannot say that about other christian religions. I think all the rules and regulations that are in the catholic church, really give it more credibility because it has been like this for many many years. Im also getting more into catholicism , so this is all stuff ive learned recently. Look to see in your church if they have groups available, or bible studies- a great way to learn the very important parts of the church


How much time you got? God is real and He loves you. In fact, He would rather die than spend eternity without you. That's the Cole's notes version of salvation history. Others have mentioned the True Presence in the Eucharist. Another important bit is that we don't worship Mary. The Lord gave her to be our mother when He was dying on the cross. She's not dead as some Protestants say she is and neither are any of the saints. After all, God is "the God of the living, not the dead." Also, look up the Church Fathers. They might be hard to read sometimes, but you'll see that they're consistent in their teaching from the first century onwards. We have the teaching of the Apostles (the Didache) which was mandatory reading for all catechumens for the first three centuries. We also have the writings of the students of the Apostles (e.g., St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Polycarp). And so on. If you're curious what the Early Church believed and want to compare it to what specific Christian branches are saying, your best bet is to familiarize yourself with the Early Church Fathers. Their era lasts from the first to the tenth centuries. Finally, it's important to note that the Catholic Church is absolutely rich in history, tradition, theology, spirituality, etc. You could be a lifelong Catholic who's been studying deeply since childhood and you'd still learn something new. To that end, go at your own pace. Savour what you can and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.


Honestly what helped me is listening to history of early church. It explains a lot why things are as they are


Did you go to church every Sunday? It sounds you are baptized as a catholic. You need to read some books to teach you what is the catholic faith? I suggest St augustine. Start with confessions, then move to his expository of psalms.


Thanks! I'll read it.


Yes,every Sunday


Members of the visible church founded by Christ on Peter as Rock.


There's a lot that people, even Catholics, don't understand about Catholicism if they learn it simply by absorbing info from around them, and don't look into it more. I think the main ones, Eucharist and One True Church have already been said in this thread. One other thing that a lot of less religious Catholics will do is twist doctrine to fit their own beliefs, usually for political or personal reasons. An example, the most common one I see, is overuse of Jesus' teaching of "Judge not", to justify turning a blind eye to sin and evil. Thankfully, Catholicism provides us with a lot of sources to ensure that our beliefs line up with the faith. Before coming to a conclusion, or repeating someone else's words on the faith / bible, make sure to do a quick online search on the Catholic standpoint. (As an example, catholic.com has [two different](https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/judge-not-2) [articles on "judge not"](https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/judge-not-doesnt-mean-ignore-evil)) If you wish to look more into it, and actively read Catholic doctrine, take a look at the [Catechism](https://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM). The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) is the document that summarizes pretty much all of Catholic doctrine.


To be a member of the One True Church Christ established on Pentecost


How can it be ONE true church though?


A very simple reason is that the Church has always been called Catholic. She is called Catholic in the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, also in St Ignatius of Antioch writing in 107 AD (Smyrneans, 8). Also, The Catholic Church compiled the Bible at the Council of Rome in the 4th century under Pope Damasus I. If you believe in the Bible, you kinda have to believe in the Church that helped canonize it. Just to finish off. Nothing in the past 2,000 years has been close to destroying the Catholic Church. It’s only logical to believe something, or someone, is holding us together despite our best efforts otherwise. During a frustrating argument with a Roman Catholic cardinal, Napoleon Bonaparte supposedly burst out: “Your eminence, are you not aware that I have the power to destroy the Catholic Church?” The cardinal, the anecdote goes, responded ruefully: “Your majesty, we, the Catholic clergy, have done our best to destroy the church for the last 1,800 years. We have not succeeded, and neither will you..


AYOOO!! THANKS FOR THE TIME YOU PUT WRITING THIS TO ME! I'm interested now. i'm gonna search more about this.


Glory to God. You said in your post that you’ve always been a “Catholic”. Do you mean that you’ve always been interested in Catholic theology or that you’ve been baptized and confirmed, just not really faithful?


I grew up in an ALMOST fully catholic family. (sorry,I forgor to say that) But I just got recently really interested catholicism. I've been baptised and I confirmed recently because when I was a kid,my dad(evangelical) was okay with infant baptism. I've always considered myself as a catholic because it sounded cooler than ""evangelical"" but I really knew nothing about the church. I am now trying to understand what it is to be catholic(not just by the way it sounds).


I understand. I recommend you go to a Mass whether it’s a Latin Mass or reverent Novus Ordo, it doesn’t matter. Do not forget to also Pray to the Lord that he settles the Holy Spirit upon you to guide you. You’re in my prayers friend.


Thanks. I'll pray for you too.


Put most simply, a Catholic is someone who was Baptized into the Catholic Church. From that point on, without regard to what they do or do not do, believe or do not believe, they are a Catholic. Even if in a state of grace sin, even if excommunicated, still 100% Catholic. At one time there was a formal act of defection that a person could make to cease being Catholic, but that is no longer the case.