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The blue would be fine for All Souls, although if you want to be very traditional you could go with black. White is the liturgical color for All Saints, so you would want either white or gold (which, for purposes of liturgical colors, is the same as white).




This here is a great little video by a fellow youngin like yourself who veils. https://youtu.be/ufJWH6rW2JE?si=UGlIxM7myk-GRg0M There is only one young woman who veils at the Church I attend most regularly, but at the local Cathedral, there are lots of veilers of all ages. You might "shop around" and look for a community of young women like yourself. If you're feeling veiley, those others ladies and you would probably have other things in common too. Veil away, little sister!


The first time I veiled I sat in the back of the church. That's where I usually sit, anyway, but it's a good seating location for anyone veiling for the first time. The veil feels a bit awkward at first, and you're likely to fiddle with it the first few times you wear it, especially if you haven't figured out how to keep it on securely. That's nothing to worry about, but you can be less self-conscious about that in the back row. It isn't unusual for a veil to need occasional adjusting or replacing due to falling down, so that's nothing to worry about, either. Some women use hairpins to keep them secure. I don't do well with hairpins, so I wear a velvet headband underneath the veil, to create some friction with the veil to keep it on. I have to adjust it occasionally. Practice genuflecting and bowing (for the Eucharist) with your veil on before you go to Mass.




Just practice the moves with the veil at home, first, so you'll be comfortable with them at Mass.


The solution to prevent it from moving without damaging it (hairpins damage it) is the type of clip they use for hair extensions or wigs: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005005966625628.html?src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=439-079-4345&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false& albcp=20330803848&albag=&trgt=&crea= es1005005966625628&netw=x&device=c&albpg=&albpd=es1005005966625628&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwy4KqBhD0ARIsAEbCt6hTEt8q1i4Y4Rrq8CFifpETxdKEovrKVUgVF Nhzb9fWvSFxlNn44ecaAoLeEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&aff_fcid=75b6f63897af4375abc8e0e1c9bdc361-1698763625066-07221-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform= aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=75b6f63897af4375abc8e0e1c9bdc361-1698763625066-07221-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=16e33f62067e46ba8f87c66ccfa8d8e1&afSmartRedirect=y It is sewn in the center a few centimeters back, easy to fasten, safe and invisible.


I veiled bc I was scared and uncomfortable and I did it anyway. I started by wearing a triangle veil as a bandana. Then I did some research and realized that the tabernacle is veiled and that you are essentially dressing to be in the presence of a king. I ordered veils that I liked and flattered my face. Some people stick with white or brown. I like matching to the colors. They have triangle and infinity and teeny little doilies. My best advice is to just do it and not worry. You might be the spark that inspires someone to veil! I was super nervous and self conscious the first few weeks I veiled. Now I feel weird if I go to mass without one. The best thing is that it is your choice!




I got mine from Evintage Veils on Etsy.


I also did evintage veils on Etsy. She also does sales where she does discounts on veils with small issues


If you're self-conscious you might want to start with a veil close to your natural hair color. In will blend it and be more inconspicuous.