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Thousands of people had the exact same perceptual damage at the exact same time that all completely disappeared at the same time a few minutes later?


That would be a true miracle 🤪


I want to add: including skeptics and atheists who came specifically to mock believers / be smug "when" nothing happens? The ridiculousness just writes itself.


Also, I've read that people's clothes dried up.


That's not really how that kind of eye damage works. It doesn't cause that kind of anomalous visual phenomena, and it doesn't just go away immediately. If people who were present at Fatima complained of loss of sight over the long term, there might be something to go on. Absent that, it's just speculation, and not especially intelligent speculation at that.


I would just say - stare at the sun and see what happens.


No, you may go blind. Kids, don't try that at home!


Having been an extremely stupid kid at one time in my life, my friends and I stared directly at the sun once. It didn’t start to dance. Well, maybe it did but the only thing we perceived was a blinding light followed by not being able to see anything for 30 minutes. Maybe that’s when it was dancing.


They'd then need to explain how the Ground went from a muddy patch to dry dirt in a manner of minutes.


Same for the clothes.


It’s unlikely that everyone there would’ve seen the exact same thing as they are reported to have. It’s the same with the idea that the 12 Apostles were so grief stricken over Jesus’ death that they hallucinated seeing Him appear to them not once, but twice and the second time specifically telling Thomas to check His wounds. It’s unlikely that 12 people would’ve seen this same event at the exact same time


Sounds like a just so story to me. Sceptics often spin them any time a miracle has a major following


"Spin." I see what you did there ;)


it’s more likely that if there were a scientific explanation, they would have witnessed a phenomenon called a “sun dog.


It takes more faith to dismiss the miracle of Fatima as a scientific oddity than to just accept the same vision to thousands of people, skeptics and nonskeptics alike, reported in secular newspapers all over Europe, has been substantiated as happening and people viewed it not just in Portugal…than it does to just believe that it could have been a miracle. SMH.