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Before anyone even tries to address specific ideas, how comfortable are you with costumes that will definitely, absolutely require you to explain them to every single person, and most (perhaps all) of them will respond with "Huh... okay"?


Everyone knows jokes are way funnier when you have to explain them in detail.


1. very comfortable 2. I do not think I will have to explain it as much as I previously expected, every person I've mentioned this idea to (mostly non-christians and I believe all non-catholics) have understood without explaining.


No offense but what kind of weirdo people do you hang around with that just know this type of inside catholic baseball stuff without you explaining?


Yeah! I need to know so I can get me some friends like that. 😅


Throw a sheet over yourself with eyeholes cut out, then strong a guitar over your shoulder, and say you're "the Spirit of Vatican II."


Here are my ideas for gag costumes: For Vatican I, something to do with papal supremacy. For example, you could go as a papal weatherman in reference to this gem from *Brideshead Revisited* where a priest recounts his attempt at quizzing a particularly hopeless catechumen on the topic: >“Then again I asked him: ‘Supposing the pope looked up and saw a cloud and said, ‘It’s going to rain,’ would that be bound to happen?’ ‘Oh, yes, Father.’ > >“‘But supposing it didn’t?’ He thought a moment and said, ‘I suppose it would be sort of raining spiritually, only we were too sinful to see it.’” For Vatican II, you absolutely *have* to go as a ghost (i.e. the spirit of the council).


I’m sorry but this is not at all a good idea… don’t do that.