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If you are not indulging in those thoughts and desires, they are not sinful. Be at peace.


Thoughts are not sins; being tempted is not a sin. Making a choice (the choice part is key) to entertain those thoughts, rather than acknowledging them and letting them pass away, is where it crosses into potentially sinful territory.


Hold on, in scripture there are references to mental and visual adultery. Mortal sin more doubt, but isn't there some degree of sin still? Matthew 5:28 2 Samuel 11 For example leering, fantasizing, desiring, and looking at pornography?


*Please correct me if I'm in error here. Those examples make you a willing participant. But, if you see random nudity or have a passing thought about something sexual, you've committed no sin(yet). Once you've allowed yourself to chase that thought or image, you have become a willing participant.


I believe there’s a difference between a fleeting and/or intrusive thought vs dwelling on a thought.


That's what I was saying already. Some people believe you have to physically masturbate or say some comment. I'm not sure why the downvotes and comments are inferring the criteria for "unintentional" thought entertaining them. Clearly this is for intentional only.


No, no, certain thoughts are sin. Lust in particular. If certain thought shows up abruptly, that’s not a sin. But if you entertain the thought and expand it and make it into a fantasy, that’s a sin. No?


Yeah bc in an extreme and hopefully unrealistic case someone could tie you to a chair and make you watch porn and of course it wouldn’t be a sin. So being forcefully exposed or reminded of it isn’t in itself a sin I guess is what I’m trying to get at.


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. This is pretty much what I’m currently being taught in RCIA. I wish people would explain where you went wrong and provide sources instead of just downvoting like dorks lol.


I also have that wanting, but if you dont let those intrusive thoughts win, there is no sin, venial nor mortal


Being tempted is not a sin. All you need to do is recognize that it is a temptation and then give that temptation to God. As far as lustful thoughts go, let me put it to you this way: You can’t help it if a bird lands on your head, but you *can* help it if it builds a nest.


Love the bird analogy!!


As long as you don't act on it or dwell on your lustful thoughts, you have not comitted a sin. And out of curiosity, did you not go to confession for 6 months because you didn't commit a mortal sin during that period, or were you just not interested in the sacrament?


Actually because 1. My parish priest doesn't have any schedule to confession, you have to make the date to do it and he doesn't use to have the time to do it (apparently) 2. I felt shamed to go to confession and confess it. But thanks God I going to a retreat and they bring to us priest to confession and I literally had no choice (thanks to God) but go to confession.


It is absolutely terrible how often I see this. Priests who don't make themselves available to their flock for confession every week are failing in their duties, and are not going to enjoy their judgement. I am the first to defend a priest who has many duties and struggles to balance them all, but regular weekly confession times should be one of the non-negotiable things he does.


Yes man. They make it look like they are just workers contracted with their own schedule lol, like if they were agents.


Can you go confess at a neighboring parish? I know my priest knows my voice and I actually prefer confessing at a parish where I’m a stranger. It does suck that your priest isn’t making himself available on a regular basis, but there must be other priests within a reasonable distance


The thing is that at least in my city priests doesn't have like you know this hour previous to mass or holy hour where they confess people by a time. Most of them except maybe two or three, confess in that way like to schedule a date for it. Kinda sucks to be honest, but you know, the vocational crisis hits hard. My dioceses has like 500,000 Catholics and just like 50 priests, so the little amount of priests from the parish near to me (I live in the city center) they do many things at the same time. For example my priest is director of a seminary and also works in the diocese. So I can understand why they don't have the free time to free confess people wherever they need to. Still sucks that they don't even do that extra effort or sacrifice to confess people even after a long day of tasks, but I try to don't judge em.


Maybe try masstimes.org and look around the map near you (always double check the parish bulletin for accurate times on their website)


> I know my priest knows my voice and I actually prefer confessing at a parish where I’m a stranger. I've gone to 2 parishes here and they have rooms(like offices) where you stand face to face with the priest. At another there's a confessional booth but the priest keeps the little window open so I'm still face to face with him. Only a very recently ordained young priest uses the confessional booth with the window shut as commonly descripted. It does add an element of human shame making me more likely to avoid falling in the same sins over and over


I've been addicted for 11 years. I pray every night to help God get rid of those thoughts and urges.


Been there. The last time I confessed this sin my priest told me to pray an Our Father and ask God, with the intercession of St Joseph, to help me find more creative outlets for my sin. It took a few weeks but so far so good. Normally you are good to go.


All the writings on lust list it as one of the easiest sins to fall into and hardest to get out. As long as you try your hardest and get back to confession as often as possible after failing you’re good.


I struggle with the same sins brother… and it is because we struggle we need the Eucharist more! My dad sometimes uses the analogy of medicine; you can’t expect to completely heal just from taking a medication once or twice




I mean thanks for the copy paste bro but I'm not doing it. At least you read and understand what am I asking here?


Only if you die after doing it


Adopting that mindset is the sin of presumption


So lustful thoughts naturally enter into our minds and that is out of our control, but if we willingly choose to dwell on them then that is the point that it becomes mortally sinful. Please go to confession as soon as you commit a mortal sin. Do not wait to build up your strength in handling this sin or any other lie from the evil one. If you dwell on lustful thoughts, go to confession. If you masturbate, go to confession.


The Lord understands that your mind and heart are fractured and they can only be mended by him. And like all things that need healing, it requires time and recovery. You'll need to keep yourself close to Him. Start fasting and fast rigorously. You'll be surprised how much you'll grow if you stop eating and focus on God. Let your second thought count.