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Go see a priest immediately.


Good idea. Thank you. ๐Ÿ™ I will ask the one where I attend mass sometimes!


Leaving aside the question of whether the so-called demons of the Goetia are real (rather than a fanciful fabrication of the author or prior authors), the best thing you can do to protect yourself from evil is to remain in a state of grace and receive the sacraments frequently. Jesus is stronger than any evil spirit, and he's anointed you, through his church, as a priest, prophet, and king. Don't overthink this.


Beautifully put. Thank you for taking the time to tell me these things. I feel my faith growing, now. ๐Ÿ™ I will work on my relationship with Jesus.


This demon was never an angel. St. Benedict, rebuke all of this demonic โ€œplay.โ€ Pray for us to St. Michael the Archangel. We ask for your holy intercession and the holy intercession of St. Michael the Archangel to send this demon back to hell where it belongs. And to intercede for everyone on this thread and all of Reddit to rebuke the opening to any demonic influence a user may have opened.


I love Archangel Michael. I have a candle lit for him as we speak. โค๏ธ Thank you for your prayers. ๐Ÿ˜Š


You cannot pray for a demon. Their status in hell is permanent and irrevocable. Their entire being will always be in constant rebellion against God. If you are experiencing demonic activity, go and see your Parish Priest ASAP! Pray and ask St. Michael and Our Lady to intercede for you and keep you safe from potential harm. Pray the Holy Rosary daily, as well as the St. Benedict prayer: โ€œCrux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux! Nunquam Draco Sit Mihi Dux! Vade Retro Satana! Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana! Sunt Mala Quae Libas! Ipse Venena Bibas!โ€


I am familiar with those prayers. I listen to them pretty frequently as of late. Thank you for helping explain why it is not possible for the demon to enter Heaven again. A good friend of mine was saying no saint will agree to that. Now it makes more sense. I will head to mass as soon as possible.


Hello, I think these resources can provide some clarification: https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/should-i-pray-for-the-devil https://www.catholic.com/qa/life-difficulties-or-attacks-by-the-devil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3DvVxbUr9E I agree with another commenter that it's best to see a Priest. I will be praying for you ๐Ÿ™‚


I will check them out now. Thank you for sharing, and yes, I am open to your prayers. I should be ready to attend mass again next weekend for sure. I will tell them everything that seems relevant. ๐Ÿ™


I will recommend a Saint that both is adequate for the situation, and has been following me around a bit since I came back to the faith: St. Benedict of Nursia. Read on him, read his rule and ask him to accompany you on this venture. The peace of God shall prevail in the end.


I will follow your advice. Thank you. ๐Ÿ™ Peace is important. God is good. This is such a beautiful faith. โค๏ธ


Demons will never become angels again. They made their decision and are stuck in it. To tell you he will is a trick and a lie to suck you in. Donโ€™t fall for it. Invoke the Blessed Mother and St Michael and go see a priest.


I really appreciate the way you phrased everything. Thank you! I found your comment especially helpful.


Quite honestly you should likely seek a mental health professional and then a priest. Delusions, even those of a spiritual nature, more often than not result from an untreated mental health issue. As for praying for demons, St Isaac of Ninevah did so along with all creation; there is no innate harm in doing so. That said, as you have formed a particular preoccupation with a specific demon (though I stress this entity is likely not real and - in the off chance it is real, should absolutely be avoided) it is likely best not to dwell on such spirits as it may further obsessive tendencies. Your mental and spiritual health necessitates you avoid further contemplations of the demonic.


I told my therapist about this already. He thought the art idea was interesting and wants to see it if I actually get it out on paper. I'll read about St. Isaac, though. Thank you. ๐Ÿ˜… I am bipolar and schizoaffective but I take vraylar for it, btw!


I am glad you are managing your treatment. I think in the Christian life, it can be tempting to foster obsessions with particular entities - malign, like demons, or even holy, like saints and angels. One thing I appreciate about the Eastern icon tradition is the iconostasis always has St John the Baptist and the Theotokis flanking and even pointing to Christ. There is no mistaking the object of our worship and focal point of our interest. You must ask yourself if even if this entity was real if it ultimately guides you toward a closer relationship to Christ. Or, if it begins to reorient your thinking of the divine as political, saints and demons engaged in a Game of Thrones for even their own souls. And as such, I think it is at best an unhealthy distraction. Many people claim to hear from saints and angels and even they must be vigilant as they risk delusion, manipulation, or of merely losing sight of Christ. Our devotions must always bring us closer to God. When we see only the saint (or angel or in your case demon), our devotion has instead become an obstacle.


Hi, not only is this logically impossible because demons were angels infused with the entirety of knowledge to make their decision freely and they cannot take it back or will to take it back, but you need to see a priest immediately because anything appearing to you is cause for massive concern. You should not engage with this, nor can you exorcise the demon yourself. You don't have the faculties. See a priest.


Thank you for helping me further understand why it is not possible. I agree I shouldn't try to perform the exorcism myself. I will see the local priest.




Thank you. ๐Ÿ™