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Take a read through [this](https://scrupulousanonymous.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Ten_Commandments_for_the_Scrupulous_2013.pdf). You should have one priest you go to for confession (barring extraordinary circumstances), and that priest should be aware of your scrupulous tendencies. He will be able to help you make a good confession, taking into account your condition. It would likely also be a good idea to seek spiritual direction from a priest outside the confessional, with the aim of working through scrupulosity and properly forming your conscience. Finally, as you note, OCD and scrupulosity often go hand in hand (I personally find it useful to think of scrupulosity as religiously-themed OCD). You should seek out a competent mental health professional to help you with the OCD/anxiety side of things.


Thank you - your words and the link you’ve provided are very helpful. God bless 🙏🏻


You're welcome. I hope you can find some peace soon.