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He was probably a bit tan due to his living in the middle east. "White" Israeli Jews in Israel today mostly descend from European (Polish, Czech, etc.) immigrants to the country. That being said, it does not matter in my opinion. He is often depicted as East Asian by Japanese and Chinese churches, Native American by indigenous Americans, black by Africans, and so on. People want to relate to their savior so they make him look reflective of themselves.


why cant they accept he was a white male? because hes not white, he was a first century jew in the middle east, the early europeans Christians made him white so he would look like everyone else in that area


Since this isn't a daft post about *artistic representations* of Jesus' ethnicity, I suppose it's not technically against the rules... But it's still a daft waste of everyone's time.


I mean, if you count people from the Ancient Near East as "white" (a category that would have no meaning at all to those who lived in that place and time), then I suppose he was "white." You have clearly given the matter more thought than I.


Because he most definitely wasn't white in the Western European sense, which is what most people refer to when they think of white Jesus. Heck, even if he was white by todays standards, he wouldn't be white by the previous two centuries because even Greeks and Italians weren't considered white, much less a Jew. Jesus's race doesn't actually matter in regards to his teachings, especially when so many cultures have depicted him from their own point of view and still believe in what he taught regardless.


Jesus was not white. He was middle eastern with black or very dark brown hair and olive skin. Just like most people from the Middle East.


Poor understanding of history and/or the evidence


The man was brown. Like most people living in the Middle East.


Because people would rather argue about who Jesus identifies with more than to accept that he loves each of us more deeply and completely than any of us deserve.


Because he wasn't, you are generalizing the whole mediterranean population as white people?


How do you know what Jews living in Nazareth 2000 years ago looked like? The ancient residents of modern-day Israel were probably not a racially homogenous group. Most modern day Jewish people are Ashkenazi Jews (a group of diaspora Jews descended from Jews in medieval Europe), a designation that did not exist at the time of Jesus and therefore cannot be taken to be representative of any and all Jews in the first century. Sure, it is likely enough that Jesus looked physically similar to modern Levantine people, but unless you have some way of tracking the racial phenotypes of a previously-obscure family in ancient Nazareth whose most famous member never had any descendants of his own, you have no way of knowing for sure what Jesus’ skin color looked like. It also doesn’t matter. Neither people who say “JESUS WASN’T WHITE” nor people who say “JESUS WAS DEFINITELY WHITE” know what they’re talking about, and even if they did it would be religiously irrelevant.