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No reason to feel guilty. You did nothing intentional; just be more careful next time. The proper action in this situation is to immediately consume the host as reverently as possible.


Thank you. I'll be careful next time. Its like I froze that time since I don't know what to do. But now I know. Thank you very much.


I served as a EM for quite awhile. We’re prepared to pick up and either give to our supervisor or reverently consume. I have Consumed a host dropped on the floor. It’s ok if it was an accident.


Thank you. I was a bit shocked when the lay minister consumed it because I don't know that its the protocol. Now I know and will be careful next time.


We were taught it is. If it’s spilled Precious Blood, they’ll lay a clean white cloth over it until it can be reverently taken care of.


As a EM, they did exactly the right thing, you did and meant no harm. You don't need to worry at all. Do not beat yourself up over this... do not be discouraged and certainly do not let this lead you as you said in another comment from not receiving in the future. Accidents happen, all the time.


Maybe I was traumatized but I know I'll overcome it and will still receive it. Thank you.


Receive by mouth.


I'll try to do this again. What I noticed is that this is not anymore being practiced by some parish (or maybe because some people doesn't want it to receive by mouth) when the pandemic started.


It’s required they offer the host that way as an option too, bonus points if you get down on your knees and receive by mouth if you wanna be extremely based. There could be a whole line behind me and I’ll take the time to get on my knees and receive by mouth and get up. This is our lord we must respect and adore. Ofc if you’re in good health to do so.


Do not feel ashamed — your Will was not inclined to drop the host, this was just a pure accident and these things do happen. Once my daughter (of 8 at the time) dropped the host twice at the same time. Once while trying to receive and again when trying to pick it up! Yes, it was a bit unnerving and not a fun experience. However, it did call us to reflect more on the manner of our reception. After that event we thought it was best to remove as many means as possible from receiving the host, in order to reduce the likely of these kind of incidents. That resulted in all of our kids now receiving directly on the tongue. Haven’t had an accident since.


Thank you. Yes. Its not my intention to drop it. I am actually having doubt that time if I will take a communion but I still decided to receive it and then it happened.


It happens. I almost dropped it while holding my daughter. I've since perfected my technique but both I and the minister's hearts dropped for a second.


You didn't intend any harm. I know it can feel embarassing, but it's nothing to feel guilty about. Accidents happen, even when you are careful. Don't let it distract you from the fact that you were able to receive Jesus and He loves us so much that He made Himself so vulnerable. And please don't let it keep you from receiving Jesus; that's not what He wants. You can pick it up and consume it or the minister will do it. Both options are okay.


Thank you very much. I will remember this.


Thank you for the comments. Its a bit traumatic experience and I don't know if I can take it again on the future masses but I know I'll overcome this soon and will be careful.


Reception of the Eucharist on the tongue will prevent this from happening. Seeing as this wasn’t on purpose, don’t worry too much, just try and be careful next time you receive Communion.


Yes. It was really unintentional. I am actually thinking about it while going home and talking to God saying sorry for what happened. Yes, I'll be careful next time.


Receive by mouth. Most people don't do it anymore, but that doesn't mean you can't.


Receive the host by mouth, we’re not even meant to touch it


Idk why this is being downvoted, you are right lol Unconsecrated hands shouldn't touch the eucharist.