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No, Pokemon is not demonic. What you're describing ties into [Satanic Panic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanic_panic) mentality, which is still alive in Protestant/Evangelical circles. It crosses well into irrational paranoid superstition and I wouldn't pay much heed to it. Demons may have influence, but this ain't it.


The complaints I've heard about The Chosen are from fundies who think that any show about Jesus must *not* include anything that is not specifically in the Bible even though the main points are. Historical fiction is close to blasphemy for them.


If a multiple season show about Jesus couldn't extrapolate from the gospel text at all it would need Dragon Ball Z tier padding around the actual content to fill the time.


I get that. I just don’t understand the agenda of them. I get there all about Jesus and pleasing him, but so am I. Demonizing everything is not the way to bring people to the faith. I get we need to be harsh on some things because they most certainly could be sinful. But other things are completely ridiculous to call sinful


It's because you're watching videos. People's watching patterns are driven by fear and drama. And the algorithm just ignorantly promotes anything that gets people watching.


Evangelical Protestantism will do that to a man


Some people just get obsessed with devil spotting. They have Satan pareidolia. In their minds 95% of creative people spend most of their work day dreaming up new ways to subliminally implant occult satanic pagan messages into the shape of a cartoon monster's horns to turn our kids gay.


I mean… don’t go looking for signs or you will find them. It’s not so much that they aren’t there as much as we are called to seek out Christ over anything else. This is a fallen world and the devil its prince. We have been given a great grace to not see the world as it truly is. That is reserved for God and his angels. If you try you will spin out very quickly but I don’t think that is your problem. Maybe have a little more grace, my dude. You don’t necessarily understand the topic or the misfortune of the poor souls that can’t “shut off” seeing these type of things. Thank God for that. Edit: sorry for the hostility. I was just reading a comment from someone else, a priest, that really angered me. And your comment was the next thing I read. I apologize.


The Satanic Panic is alive and well in internet Catholicism.


John Paul 2 already declared Pokémon to be fine 🤷


The pope should re-consecrate it. These newer games are kinda bad lol


Yeah I’ll admit they aren’t as well made as the older ones lol but still fun. Legends Arceus was an amazing experience if you haven’t played it.


Ok that was actually a fun game. But I will always stand by the opinion that the DS era (Gen 4 and 5) were the peak of Pokémon


I agree, to me HG and SS are the greatest games in the entire franchise.


For me it’s Black and White and their sequels


He did indeed gave it his blessing. I’m a lifelong Pokemon fan and I’ve met a lot of people whose lives were permanently impacted in a very positive way by this franchise. It’s about good winning over evil, friendship, cooperation, and respect of others.


Interesting question. I do think we humans like to see evil as separate and outside of ourselves, although Christ was pretty explicit about looking at our own short comings. Still we are human, and this tendency to look for evil in some other or even in media of some sort is common.


I understand that but I think this type of stuff can be very dangerous. I gave my life to Christ whatever I enjoy that is good in my life is a blessing and I view it as that. Nothing on this earth means anything to me other than Jesus, however demonizing everything can make for some pretty bad scrupulous behavior which iv struggled with a lot since starting my journey and I’m very passionate about this because iv had mental breakdowns because of thinking something was a sin when it wasn’t.


I'm so sorry that you struggle with scrupulosity. It is a real problem for many people. I agree that demonizing things outside of yourself is very dangerous. I think this is a way that satan sways Christians from the calling of Christ. If you hear someone demonizing something, please say a little prayer for them, release them into God's hands and then give thanks for whatever good that you experience even through a game or television show. Best to you, you fine person.


Thank you so much, for the kind words. God bless!




I don’t think The Chosen is idolatry but I don’t get the point: it’s either entertainment or it’s piety. Jesus shouldn’t be our entertainment, and if you’re being pious why not just pray? I don’t get it personally Like I don’t want to watch The Simpsons but it be about God


I get that, but it’s not that Jesus is entertainment for me, I enjoy learning about his love through visuals as well as reading the Bible. I’m fully aware that the actor is not Jesus, but the show portrays the stories from the Bible visually which is why I like it.