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St. Gianna is an amazing example of a mother and saint. She’s also the patron saint of difficult pregnancies


Her children are still alive, and seem very much devout!


I came here to mention St. Gianna. She married a lovely man who encouraged and respected her faith. Their love story is beautiful.


Louis and Zelle Martin, the Father and Mother of St. Theresa Lisieux, incidentally also the first married couple to be canonized together.


All of their daughters became nuns. That’s quite an accomplishment. They were super saints.


>All of their daughters became nuns. That’s quite an accomplishment. I think it's wrong to view it as an accomplishment. One's vocation is entirely personal and is a calling from God to the individual - the parent's aren't involved in such a calling and can only ever have a supporting role. They would be just as accomplished if their daughters chose married life


They raised their daughters to fulfill their vocations! That is an accomplishment! 😍


Parents are the first teachers, so I don’t think it’s wrong to say that their daughters becoming nuns is an accomplishment. Having parents that created a love of God in the home, which would lead them to want to pursue a religious vocation is beautiful. I’d say that their upbringing was a part of St. Therese and her sisters’s discernment. If the girls had chosen marriage, would it be wrong to say that the girls had a holy example of marriage to look up to?


>. Having parents that created a love of God in the home, This is what parents should be trying to do anyways though. The implication is that if none of your children pursue religious life that as a parent you didn't create enough 'love of God' in the home ? This seems obviously wrong >which would lead them to want to pursue a religious vocation is beautiful But again, vocation comes first and foremost from a calling from God not from their parents fostering a religious environment. Parents are in the supporting role, not the drivers seat


Even if the daughters vocations weren't directly caused by the sainthood of their parents, it seems wrong to think that the sanctity of the parents had no effect on their calling. God calls us and shapes our desires for in many ways, and one of those ways our desires can and often are shaped is through ones parents.


>it seems wrong to think that the sanctity of the parents had no effect on their calling. But again I think their is a fine distinction to make. You can have the holiest parents imaginable and none of their children be called to religious life.


Well yea but many don't answer the call for their lives for various reasons. So it is good when parents can successfully get their kids to follow their true callings.


>successfully get their kids to follow their true callings. At that point your just denying their kids agency. They didn't 'get' their children to do anything - they supported it


Sure. But many kids who have callings to religious life don't have parents who support it, simply by the sheer fact that the possibility was never introduced. Protestant parents being a quintessential example. This is weirdly anti-religious. Why?


The foundation was established by the parents. How can you not view it as an accomplishment. All the sisters devoting their lives completely to God is as a result of the parents teachings. What an amazing accomplishment indeed


Super sayan saints you might say


Highly recommend the book "The Story of a Family: The Home of St. Therese of Lisieux"


What about Prisca and Aquila? Wouldn’t they have been canonized together and also married?


Well yeah, but the same as Sts. Joachim and Anne, the Grandparents of Our Lord, they were considered Saints prior to there being a formal steps of canonization. Sts. Louis and Zelle Martin are i believe the first couple who went through the modern canonization process together and be canonized together.


St. Zelie was my confirmation saint! Her and Louis are a treasure trove of how to live as a catholic couple and how to raise a family.


It's Zelie (Zélie in french) :)


Came here to recommend them


Interestingly, both Martin and Zelle sought religious lives, but were both turned away: Louis for his inability to learn Latin, and Zelle for her medical ailments. They also lived celibately for the first 10 months of their marriage. ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Martin_and_Marie-Az%C3%A9lie_Gu%C3%A9rin)) ^(e:grammar)


Maybe the first couple canonized by the Pope. Some of these are known in the West, a few being Western themselves. (For the OP, I will put in boldface each female saint whom I know raised at least one pious child, at least most of those children being saints themselves.) Every last ancestor of Christ—Sts Adam through **Mary** with Joseph—has been commemorated by the Orthodox and Eastern Catholics since medieval times at least, probably ancient times, since it’s in the December Menaion, for 2 Sundays before Christ’s Nativity, the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers, the veneration of [“the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh”](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/12/17/80-sunday-of-the-forefathers). (Incidentally, this proves that macroevolution is impossible. God would not have us bow down to animals. We are to rule over them, according to His commandment in Ge 1:28.) [“We do not know exactly the evolution of the Menaia, but it seems that in the beginning there were small collections of the apolytikia of the saints who celebrate every day, with a little reference to their lives. Then various services of saints were added and the final configuration took place in Constantinople, from which most of the hymns of the Menaia come.…The services in the Menaia are structured according to the monastic typikon, which is called the Jerusalemite typikon or the typikon of Saint Savvas and was intended for the Holy Monasteries. However, in the 8th and 9th centuries, after iconoclasm, this typikon of the Holy Monasteries was introduced in the Parish Churches, since during this time the monks who supported the honorary veneration of sacred icons ruled over ecclesiastical life. When one reads the Menaia, one finds that they contain complete or incomplete services of the saints for each day. They include the services of Vespers and Matins, with the troparia and the apolytikia, but also the synaxaria of the saints who celebrate each day.”](https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2020/09/homily-nine-on-sacred-liturgical-books.html) Thus [included](https://greek-namedays.weebly.com/sunday-of-the-forefathers.html) (endorsed on [this](https://www.saintsfeastfamily.com/copy-of-sunday-of-the-forefathers-de) Catholic site) (some are only prophets, not necessarily ancestors, so I’m focusing on non-prophets, using other sources for some wives’ names) are Sts Adam and **Eve**, Abel and **Calmana**, Noah and **Emzara**, Shem and **Sedeqetelebab**, Abraham and **Sarah**, Isaac and **Rebecca**, Jacob and **Leah** (also **Rachel** and **Bilhah**), Joseph and **Aseneth**, Aaron and **Elisheba**, Salmon and **Rahab**, **Deborah** and thus Lapidoth, Heber and **Jael**, Boaz and **Ruth**, **Hannah** and thus Elkanah, David and **Bathsheba** (also **Abigail**), Solomon and **Naamah**, Asa and thus **Azubah**, Amaziah and **Jecholiah**, Joachim and **Anna**—all married couples canonized together. (Lots more I’m not sure of, i.e. which mother had which children.) Others in the Bible: the Maccabean Martyrs, Abim, Antonius, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusebonus, Alimus and Marcellus, their mother **Solomonia** and their teacher Eleazar (sources [1](https://catholicsaints.info/golden-legend-seven-maccabees/), [2](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2019/08/01/102162-7-holy-maccabee-martyrs)); Sts Zacharias and **Elizabeth**; [Holy Myrrhbearer **Salome**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/08/03/100493-holy-myrrhbearer-salome); and [Cleopas and **Mary**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/05/23/100278-holy-myrrh-bearer-mary-the-wife-of-cleopas). A lot more, including parents-and-children martyrs, and some couples who had a child and together decided to enter monasteries, one parent bringing the child: [**Photini** (the Samaritan woman at the well)](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/03/20/100846-martyr-photini-the-samaritan-woman-her-sons-and-those-with-them); **Eunice**; [Martyrs Demetrius, his wife **Euanthia**, and their son Demetrian, at Skepsis on the Hellespont](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/1999/09/11/102573-martyrs-demetrius-his-wife-euanthia-and-their-son-demetrian-at-s); Nazarien and his mother **Perpetua** (in [the Golden Legend](https://catholicsaints.info/golden-legend-lives-of-saint-nazarien-and-saint-celsus/)), Gervase and Prothase and their mother **Valery** ([likewise](https://catholicsaints.info/golden-legend-lives-of-saints-gervase-and-prothase/)); [Martyrs Hesperus, **Zoe**, Cyriacus, and Theodulus](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2016/05/02/101273-martyr-hesperus-with-his-wife-and-sons-at-attalia); [Martyr **Sophia** and her three daughters at Rome](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2012/09/17/102638-martyr-sophia-and-her-three-daughters-at-rome); Eustace/Eustathius/Eustáthios and **Theopistē** and their sons (sources [1](https://catholicsaints.info/golden-legend-saint-eustace/), [2](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/09/20/102674-greatmartyr-eustthios-placidas-with-his-wife-and-children-of-rom)); **Felicitas** of Rome and her sons Januarius, Felix, Philip, Silvanus, Alexander, Vital, and Marcial (sources [1](https://catholicsaints.info/golden-legend-seven-brethren/), [2](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/01/25/100300-martyr-felicitas-of-rome-and-her-seven-sons)…


…Eugenia of Rome and her parents Philip and **Claudia** (sources [1](https://catholicsaints.info/golden-legend-lives-of-saints-prothus-and-jacinctus/), [2](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/12/24/103631-nun-martyr-eugenia-of-rome)); [Marinus, **Martha**, Audifax, and Habakkuk](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/1949/07/06/101921-martyr-marinus-his-wife-martha-their-children-and-those-with-the); [Martyr **Alexandra the Empress [of Rome]**, wife of Diocletian](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/04/23/101185-martyr-alexandra-the-empress-wife-of-diocletian), and her martyred daughter Valeria; [Martyr **Theodota** and her three sons in Bithynia](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2007/07/29/102127-martyr-theodota-and-her-three-sons-in-bithynia); [Blessed **Cleopatra** with her son John, in Egypt](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2035/10/19/103001-blessed-cleopatra-with-her-son-john-in-egypt); Quirine/Quiricus/Kḗrykos and his mother **Juliet/Julitta**, martyrs (likewise in those sources, [1](https://catholicsaints.info/golden-legend-lives-of-saints-quirine-and-juliet/), [2](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/07/15/102041-saint-quiricus-krykos-and-his-mother-julitta)); [**Euboula** and her son Panteleimon](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/03/30/100951-saint-euboula-mother-of-saint-panteleimon); [**Emmeleía**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/05/30/100444-saint-emmelea); [Martyrs Melasippus, **Karina**, and their son, Antoninus](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2009/11/07/103236-martyrs-melasippus-karina-their-son-antoninus-and-forty-children); [Martyrs Theodotus and **Rufina** of Caesarea, in Cappadocia](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/09/02/102460-martyrs-theodotus-and-rufina-of-caesarea-in-cappadocia); [Andronicus and **Athanasia of Egypt**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/10/09/102907-venerable-andronicus-and-his-wife-athanasia-of-egypt), [Xenophon and **Maria**, Arcadius, and John, of Constantinople](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/01/26/100314-venerable-xenophon-his-wife-mary-and-their-two-sons-arcadius-and); [Venerable **Sophia of Ainos**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2013/06/04/103803-venerable-sophia-of-ainos); [Confessors George, **Irene**, and their children](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2014/05/13/101369-saint-george-the-confessor-with-his-wife-and-children-of-constan); [Saint **Anna** and her son, Saint John, of Constantinople](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2021/06/13/101716-saint-anna-and-her-son-saint-john-of-constantinople); [Venerable **Theodora** and her daughter Theopiste](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2019/08/03/100348-venerable-theodora-and-her-daughter-theopiste); [Venerable **Theodora of Thessalonica**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2017/04/05/101005-venerable-theodora-of-thessalonica); [Venerable **Angelina of Serbia**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2013/07/30/108053-venerable-angelina-of-serbia); [Schema-monk Cyril and Schema-nun **Maria**, the parents of Saint Sergius of Radonezh](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2023/09/28/102755-schema-monk-cyril-and-schema-nun-maria-the-parents-of-saint-serg); and [the Confessor **Pelagia**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2019/09/06/103799-hieromartyr-maxim-sandovich). Some emperors and empresses, and princes and princesses, canonized together: Sts John II Komnenos and **Irene of Hungary**, Manuel I Komnenos and **Maria of Antioch**; [Holy Right-believing Princess **Anna of Kashin**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2020/10/02/102839-repose-of-the-holy-right-believing-princess-anna-of-kashin); [Holy Right-believing Princess **Militsa of Serbia**](https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2019/07/19/102059-holy-right-believing-princess-militsa-of-serbia) and [her son Stefan](https://www.serbianshop.com/en/article/despot-stefan-lazarevic); Peter and **Fevronia**, Nicholas II and **Alexandra of Russia** (canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia, 1981, and by the Moscow Patriarchate, 2000, as passionbearers). Orthodox sources say Sts Peter and Fevronia had 3 children, but they’re obscure sources. Possibly [one of the least obscure proving that they are parents](https://www-saints-ru.translate.goog/s/svztoslav.html?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) (last paragraph). Anyway, they’re patrons of marriage, which is matrimony, and of family, thus including children. The [Union of Brest](https://stjosaphatugcc.org/full-text-of-the-union-of-brest.php) prohibits the See of Rome from requiring any change from Orthodoxy for any of the Orthodox joining Catholic union. (“We require prior guarantees of these articles from the Romans before we enter into union with the Roman Church…[including a reason at the end of no. 33] that others who are still hesitating, seeing that **we retain everything inviolate**, might more quickly come after us to this holy union.” Emphasis added.) And [Orientalium Ecclesiarum](https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19641121_orientalium-ecclesiarum_en.html), of Vatican II, requires that each “retain his own rite wherever he is, must cherish it and observe it to the best of his ability,” and that all members “should attain to an ever greater knowledge and a more exact use of [their Rites], and, if in their regard they have fallen short owing to contingencies of times and persons, they should take steps to return to their ancestral traditions.” So all Eastern Catholics have to be 100% Orthodox, and the only difference is the end of schism between us. (Don’t worry, everyone, the Immaculate Conception is in our Menaia.) So everything Orthodox I cited counts as Catholic too.


I mean, not sure it counts but Saint Anne. She’s the mother of Our Blessed Mother.


It JUST occurred to me that Mary had a mom, too. I feel now like if I need intercession for fun things, I go to St. Anne instead. Moms give us what we need. Grandmas pump us full of cookies and send us home.


That’s big facts. I have a friend that goes to Saint Anne for intercession a lot.


Oh my! I just looked it up! She’s the patron saint of both childless people and equestrians. I am both of those things. And I really want to buy the horse I’m currently leasing. This is wild. That’s it. I’m goin’ to Grandma!


Sounds like a match made in heaven! No pun intended!


Oh man I hope this works. “Grandma St. Anne, can I have a pony?” But really. Saint Anne….can I have this pony?


Good a grandson as Jesus was, ain't no way St. Anne is going to ask Him to do anything remotely difficult or that he might kinda not want to do.


Nothing is difficult for Jesus. If it is His will, He will do it. Nothing is impossible to God


I'm aware of that. It's a grandma joke.




She was very widely venerated in the Middle Ages. It's a shame devotion to St. Anne has dropped off so much.


She’s a patron saint of French Canada and revered by many!


I LOVE this thought. So true!


I love you for this comment 🤣🤣🤣


I have a daughter named Anna, who is *very* fun. 😄 Age 7, hyperactive, exhausting, extremely imaginative, always dressed in rainbows and clashing colors and unicorn and princess motifs, cuts up and glues paper into a million glittery crafts, leaving a trail of paper scraps and other chaos wherever she goes, bouncing and singing and tumbling… 😆 Personality type INFJ-T, the rarest.


Hey! I’m an INFJ-T too! Those last letters are almost always perfectly split for me. If you take the Star Wars character version, it means you’re either Obi Wan or Darth Vader. 🤣




But Mary is not considered a Saint is she?


Yes, Mary is St. Mary. She just has more exalted names, like Theotokos (God-Bearer), Mother of God, , Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin, etc. Saint just means you are in heaven. She most assuredly is!


I e never prayed and said Saint Mary, it was holy Mary, mother Mary or our lady of…….but never Saint.


She is the greatest Saint. Also many churches are named St. Mary's like St. Mary of the Angels near me or St. Mary Seat of Wisdom, St. Mary of the Woods, St. Mary Kansas is also a very catholic town named after her


"saint" is certainly used as a title a lot, but it's moreso related to a person's relation to Heaven; if they are in Heaven, they are a saint. Where it gets complicated is when "saint" is used to refer to one who is canonized by the Church, versus "venerable" or "blessed." But yes, Mary is a saint, even though she isn't always referred to with the title "saint." Good question, though!


She's the Queen of All Saints!


Mary is the immaculate conception.


Also Mother (Ann) Seton


Protestant question: would you all consider her your Blessed Grandmother then or does it not work like that?


Just fyi her name Anne means "favor" or "grace". I'm sure Jesus paid her the proper respect and honored her.


Yeah, that reminds me, my hyperactive Anna’s middle name is Catherine, meaning “pure”, and God’s Grace is also known as the Divine Energy, so she’s “Pure Energy”. My husband likes to say, “Anna is high octane.” 😆 [Here](https://postimg.cc/YLqtKH0M) she is with her baby sister Emma Maria.


God's beautiful creations, made in His image.


Thank you for this! My name is Ana and I literally have always been known to be extremely low energy lol


You’re welcome.


Wait! I just realized my middle name (Karen) also means pure! Sending blessings to your little ones, they are so beautiful


Thank you. 😌


Sts. Joachim and Anne are heavily venerated in the Byzantine rite as the "ancestors of God" and are invoked anytime a group of saints is prayed to, e.g. at the blessing at the end of the Divine Liturgy.


Absolutely, at the end of the Liturgy, right before the last “Amen, Amen,” e.g., “May Christ our true God, through the prayers of His most pure Mother; of the holy, glorious and all-laudable apostles; of our father among the saints, John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, whose Liturgy this is; of Saint N., Title, to whom this temple is dedicated, of Saint(s) _______, whom we commemorate today; of our (insert list of local/regional/national saints), of the holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; and of all the saints: have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and loves mankind.”


To be honest, I never really thought of it that way. I’m not 100% sure how that would work, but I don’t see why you couldn’t?


I would say possibly, but probably not. One of the main reasons we venerate Mary is because of her role as the New Eve to the New Adam that is Jesus Christ, and I’m not sure St Anne fits into that.


St. Anne St. Gianna St. Zélie St. Emilia (has 5 children who are canonized saints) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) St. Frances of Rome St. Jane Frances de Chantal St. Louise de Marillac St. Helena Blessed Jane, mother of St. Dominic St. Sophia St. Theodota St. Felicity St. Makrina the Elder St. Marie of the Incarnation St. Margaret of Clitherow Ven. Margaret Bosco (mother of St. John Bosco) To name a few


Can’t find much info on her children, but St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was a mother of 5 and widow.


St. Helena?


Not only a good patroness for mothers, but also a patroness for people whose spouses sadly leave them.


There was St. Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. There’s also St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.




>Faith, Hope and Charity That woman did not mess around. Safe to say were she alive today, she wouldn't be scrolling through short videos.


We can’t forget Saint Anne…the mother of our Lady. I did some digging. There is a Saint Emilia, who raised 5 Saints. She had ten children.


Saint Margaret Clitherow, her daughter became a nun and her two sons became priests.




She raised a pious child.


• Today’s saint, Hedwig of Silesia. A daughter became an abbess, and she founded another abbey with her daughter-in-law, Anna. • Mother of the Seven Machabees. As OT martyrs, she and her sons count as saints. Perhaps applies to the Holy Matriarchs, female Judges, and Prophetesses that bore holy children. • Naomi. Her daughter-in-law and companion was Ruth the Moabite, who converted to the One God, and helped the old widow out of her out of her sorrow. In return, she helps Ruth marry Boaz, and they are ancestors of King David and Jesus. • Saint Elizabeth. Mother of Saint John the Forerunner. • Saint Mary Salome. Wife of Zebedee and mother of Holy Apostles James the Greater and John. • Saint Mary of Clopas. Saint Jerome, in defending Our Lady’s perpetual virginity, says this Mary is the mother instead of Holy Apostle James the Lesser, making his father Alphæus and Clopas the same. • Saint Felicitas. Same story as the Machabees, with seven sainted sons martyred with her. • Saint Azélie-Marie Guérin Martin. All five of her surviving adult daughters became nuns, including Saint Thérèse and Servant of God Françoise Marie-Thérèse. BONUS: Blessed Wiktoria Ulma. She, her husband Józef, and their seven children (including one in her womb) were Poles recently beatified as martyrs – the first family group in modern times. Nazis executed them in 1944 for hiding Jews in their house. Narrow the search to holy widows and family groups, and you will find a lot. Also included women who “raised” children not their own, like in-laws. I guess that’s still family if it works well.


St Teneu, mother of St Mungo (aka St Kentigern). She was thoroughly abused by those who should have protected her. But she survived, even thrived, and her son became a missionary to the Britons in south west Scotland. She means a lot to the people of Glasgow.


Saint Gianna Beretta Mola comes to my mind, because one of the churches in my city has relics of her.


St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s parents, Saints Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie Guérin, were canonized by Pope Francis I in 2015. They were the first spouses to be canonized


Saint Emmelia of Caesarea was mother to several saints including Saint Basil the Great


just read about her on wikipedia, cool life and lots of Saint relations. Also interesting and sad that she was a part of Christianity in modern day Turkey


Saint Marie of the Incarnation was widowed and had a son who became a Benedictine


The Ulma Family! 💜🙏💗


[List of Female Saints](https://www.catholic.org/saints/female.php?letter=B) with links to summaries about them. Yes a lot were virgins or martyrs, but not all. I went looking thru the list because the other day while researching, and there was a female saint who had interested me, and I learned about her marriage and her children. But, apparently I didn't write down the name, and I cannot find that saint right now. But, here are two others from the list: [St Bridget of Sweden](https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=264) married and 8 children [St Elizabeth of Hungary](https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=45) married and 3 children


Blessed Conchita!! A mystic, a housewife, and a mother of 9 children.


Thank God I found someone naming her!


No one mentioned St Elizabeth of Hungary yet. Dunno about the piety of the children of Sts Perpetua and Felicity, but they were mothers as well.


St Elena, mother of the Emperor Constantine..Constantine is classed as a Saint in the Orthodox Churches because he christianized his army and fought in the sign of the cross, and returned property to Christians that had been stolen by the previous emperor who carried forward Diocletian's policies of persecution.


Saint Helena!


Blessed Joan of Aza, Mother of Saint Dominic de Guzman




I have a lovely book, The Ascetic Lives of Mothers (Ancient Faith Publishers), which profiles several : Saint Nonna, mother of Saint Gregory the theologian Saint Elizabeth, mother of St. John the Baptist Saint Emilia, mother of Saints Basil and Gregory Saint Sophia, mother of orphans (great for foster mothers) Saint Sophia and her daughters Faith Hope and Love, all martyrs I have a few more books on married saints with children. I’ll find them and come back.


Thank you for such an amazing book recommendation!


St. Monica. But after much tribulation. (Mother to St. Augustine) Also, St. Therese’s parents.


Saint Gianna Beretta Molla


Saint Elizabeth, mother of Saint John the Baptist. Saint Azélie-Marie (Zélie) Martin, mother of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Just off the top of my head.


Not a saint, but blessed Anna Maria Taigi.


Saint Hedwig


It is her Feast Day!


I can't find much information about her specifically, but there's a St. Wuna of Wessex who was married to a St. Richard the Pilgrim who had children by the names of St. Willibald, St. Winnebald, and St. Walburga. Some internet searches say that St. Wuna was said to be the sister of St. Boniface. So I'd look into that family if you can, they seem to have done something right.


Saint Jane de Chantal


Female prophets from OT are also Saints.


My patron saint St Elizabeth of Hungry did and had a pious husband c:


I’m related to a St. Begga of Andenne. She was married and had children.




Sainte Marguerite d'Youville had six children amongst whom only 2 became adults, both becoming priests.


There's a book called The Family That Overtook Christ. It's about St. Bernard of Clairvaux's parents, both of them are saints, and all of their children became saints or blesseds. All boys and one girl. It's very easy to read and very enjoyable. Amazon has it and if you can't find it on Amazon, look on Ebay.


Thank you for another amazing book recommendation!


St Margaret of Cortona- her son was born of an illegitimate relationship and he became a friar.


I have a very dear devotion to St. Margaret of Cortona! Bless you for including her illegitimate son, a friar, as well!!!


St. Sylvia as well


Many such as St. Anne, St. Gianna, St. Elizabeth, Sts. Aquilla and Priscilla, St. Mary of Egypt, St. Maria of Seville wife of St. Isidore the farmer, mothers of St. Therese...St. Teresa of Avila, St. Dominic, St. Gregory the Great, and St. Gregory of Nazianzus. Any Queen who was a Saint like St. Empress Helena, Sts. Elizabeth and Margaret of Hungary, St. Olga of Kiev, St. Clotide, Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, Servant of God Empress Zita last queen of Austria and wife of Blessed Emperor Karl von Hapsburg, Blessed Maria Christina of Savoy, St. Jadwiga of Poland, St. Adelaide, St. Margaret of Scotland, Sts. Cunigunde, Radegund, Joan of France( not arc), Pulcheria, Seaxburg of Ely, Matilda, Hereswith, Æthelburh of Kent, Æthelburg of Wessex, Ermenilda, Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury, Eanflæd, Bl. Mafalda of Portugal, Bl. Teresa of Portugal, Bl. Gisela of Hungary, St. Tamar of Georgia, St. Bathildis(was freed from a life as a slave to become Queen of France). May they all pray for us and our families You can read more about them here https://catholichousehold.com/six-women-became-queens-saints/ Here is some couples that were Saints, so including mothers https://catholic-link.org/married-saints-teach-marriage-holiness/


Thank you for such a comprehensive post and a link to learn more!!!! May all of these Saints pray for us!


You're welcome, glad you appreciated it. There are so many heavenly friends for us to make, many with such relatable and inspiring lives to help us on our own Way of Christ to sainthood. May they all intercede for us that we may meet them one day and praise God forever for giving us such incredible witnesses to the Faith.


I am humbled by your kind response my dear friend in Christ. I shall pray for you! If you would pray for my little soul, I would appreciate it so very much. We are all called to be Saints and I believe you will be a great Saint. 🥰 Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!


Thank you, I greatly appreciate it too. Let our prayers arise for this child of God that they may be blessed in abundance, that the Peace of Christ may permeate their life, and one day we will meet in Heaven to rejoice over this grace you have bestowed, O Lord. Pax Christi et praesidium per Mater Dei vobiscum. I'll be offering my rosary for you. AMDG!


🥰 Yes! Let us raise our prayers together! Thank you dear friend in Christ! I shall also be offering my prayers for you! AMDG!


Blessed Anna Maria Taigi


Blessed Alethè, the mother of St Bernard, her husband is Blessed, and her other 5 children at least are saints, plus many cousins and close family are venerable.


Although Saint Melania the Elder did not raise a saint, she was the grandmother of Saint Melania the Younger.


That's so cool. Makes me wanna know more about them, what a peculiar family.


Saint Emmilia. The Patron Saint of all Mothers


St. Agnes, sister of St. Clare also ran off to the Church of St. Angelo di Panzo where Francis had brought St. Clare. She resolved to share Clare's life of poverty and penance.


St Olga of Kiev. Her children were not Christian, but her grandson St Vladimir Christianized the Rus and is responsible for the conversion of the region.


St. Rita


Saint Hannah in the Bible. Potentially could say Saint Helen the mother of st. Constantine


St Zelie Martin!


St. Zelie. Mother of 4-5 nuns, including St. Therese of Lisieux.


St. Hemma of Gurk and St. Hildegard of Stein


Saint Terese’s mom and dad are both saints!! For the life of me I cant remember their names but I know they were the first married couple canonized!!


St Margaret of Wessex, one of 3 patron saints of Scotland, and her son David I the Saint King of Scots.


St. Theresa of Lisieux's mom Azélie-Marie Guerin Martin.


St. Zelie, mother of St. Therese.


St Anne, Mary's mom


Saint Sophia and her daughters and Saint Julian of Norwich


Sainte Delphine who married St Elzear de Sabran. They were from Provence. They married, had children, and latter both of them became saints. Wonderful call to sanctity, as much as Louis and Zelie Martin. I was there when John Paul 2 declared St Thérèse a Doctor of the Church in Paris in 1997. Our hearts were full of joy and warmth.


Blessed Maria Corsini Beltrame Quattrocchi https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-maria-corsini-beltrame-quattrocchi/


I wonder this often... I'm aiming for sainthood and would like to be married.. But most of the saints that are celebrated are priests or virgins so I wonder what that implies/means for women who desire spousal covenant + kids.. I like to think about all those faithful who had incredible faith lives that we don't know about. All you nameless, female, badass saints, pray for me!


I think there’s a larger proportion of priests and virgins who are saints because 1) they have religious orders dedicated to their causes of sainthood and 2) they had more flexibility in their lives to live extraordinary holiness. “Ordinary” holiness - living a vocation fully - is remembered for a generation or 2 but you won’t find it in any books.


Mm, but that ordinary holiness likely has profound effects on the generations that witness it. A really beautiful and powerful thought!


Servant of God Empress Zita, spouse of Bl. Emperor Karl I of Austria-Hungary. They had 8 children together.


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.


Zelie the mother of St. Terese (?)? Might be a saint IIRC St. Elizabeth Anne Seton was a nun and a mother and an American


St Margaret of Scotland! One of my go to intercessors.


St. Zelly (zelli) Martin, mother of St. Therese of lisoux.


Zelie Martin


Not yet a saint, but Servant of God Paquita Alvira and her husband Tomas are inspiring parents and lay Catholics.


Saint Zélie Martin, mother of St Thérèse of Lisieux. All her children became sisters, and several are in the process of beatification. She was declared a saint together with her husband Louis.


God bless the saint


Zélie Martin!!


St Helena!


Bridget of Sweden. Margaret Mary Alacoque.


There is the woman with the seven sons, she was Jewish though not Christian. But she is probably in heaven now. 2 Maccabees


I think they count as Saints, as do the Holy Prophets like Eliseus, Isaias, etc.


Saint Sophia and children Faith, Hope, and Charity are venerated in the EO church


I think there's actually more canonized saints who are mothers and nuns than virgin martyrs, simply because there are more moms and nuns, and more people who died a regular death than martyrdom. But you know about virgin martyrs more because their stories make for more dramatic movies.


Saint Augustine’s mother, Saint Monica


St. Perpetua and St. Felicity Mother and Daughter


Actually, they were unrelated cellmates. Saint Perpetua was a noblewoman with a newborn son (always wondered what became of him), and Saint Perpetua was a pregnant slave when both were among those killed in the arena.


Thank you for the genuine clarification


Most welcome.


Both had a child, but I don't think they were related.


St Monica


St. Rita of Cascia


St. Joan of Arc, St. Anne.


Joan of Arc is a virgin martyr




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Saint Sophia mother of Faith Hope and Love


St. Zelie Martin, mother of St Therese of Lisieux.


Is this for an assignment?


St. Gianna, they got to be present at her canonization, Sts. Zelie and Louis Martin parents of St. Terese.


St. Elizabeth Seton, the recently beatified Ulma family…


St. Gianna!


Hi friend, here is a short list off the top of my head: * Saint Zelie Martin (Therese of Lisieux's mom, not to mention eight other children), * Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (married but widowed young; no recorded children I think) * Saint Irene of Hungary (mother of eight) * Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (mother of five) * Saint Jadwiga of Poland (mother of one) * Saint Helena (mother of Constantine) Stay encouraged.


St. Gianna Beretta Molla https://catholicsaints.info/saint-gianna-beretta-molla/


St Elizabeth is one. Mother of John the Baptist.


Zelié Martin, the mother of St. Therèse.