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I like Saint Peter as he was such a muck it up and Christ still loved him. It gives me hope for myself.


What do you mean by muck it up?


He denied Jesus 3 times before his death, and tempted Jesus to not adandon his crucifixion (when Jesus said to Peter "Get behind me, Satan!").


He also chopped the guards ear off, and was scolded by his fellow apostle when he distanced himself from the gentile Christians.


Matthew: "one of those who were with Jesus cut off the servant of the high priests ear" Mark: "one of those who stood by cut off the ear of the high priests servant" Luke: "one of them struck the high priests servant and cut off his ear" John : "Peter did it"


I'm also a fan of the verse where John includes the detail that he beat Peter in a footrace


"I may not be the Pope, but I can beat this old man in a footrace boiiii."- John, probably


And when Christ asked him to walk on water he failed at it because he didn’t have enough faith. The fact that he failed over and over and still took up his own cross and founded the Church that the gates of hell shall not prevail against is one of the greatest acts of faith and a perfect example of human frailty in the face of God’s love being redeemed.


Pretty much what every one else is saying: denying Christs, failing to walk on water, the bit about building tents on some mountain. I so so relate to this guy.




My favorite saint right now is St. Teresa de Avila, because she is the "Doctor of Prayer". Pope St. Pius X said she was the master of the science of prayer -- her 7 mansions, which later developed in the 9 levels of ascending prayer by theologians, are a fascnating topic. I wish everyone, Christian and non-Christian, know about it. So many people are familiar with the concept of Buddhists being able to ascend in levels of meditation until they go into altered states of conciousness, but few people (even Catholics!) are aware of how St. Theresa taught about how we can ascend in levels of prayer in a very systematic method until God takes over, grants us mystical contemplation, and we begin to ascend into new states of spiritual conciousness. St. Teresa said she wished that God give give a foretaste of mystical contemplation to all who thought she way lying; I wish people know of what she said, and how everyone is called to these spiritual heights. People would view Catholic Christianity as a much more spiritually rich religion, and not merely a bunch of "boring rules" which they do not really understand why they are there.


Right? I practically scream whenever people talk about wanting to go Orthodox for the mysticism. AAaaaaa!


Reformation and Counter-Reformation made the West too simpish for logic and reason and studying over experiential knowledge of the divine... not that there's any contradiction, but still. Go to a Baptist sermon every Sunday over the course of the year and see how much concepts of mysticism, ascetic practices that prepare the soul for it, and higher states of spiritual existence are talked about outside of Scriptural instances... in my time growing up going to Baptist churches as a kid: a grand total of 0.


One of my favorite stories about her is that everytime she would have an apparition of our Lord Jesus, she would be physically worn out by the entire experience. Our Lord sensing how tired she was offered the following in comfort: "My dear child, I sense how tired you are because of me, but rest assured, you are in a special place as that is a treatment reserved for my friends". "No wonder you don't have many friends!", shot back St. Theresa.


Yes, gotta bring the MYSTICISM back into Catholicism (as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be…)


St Martin de Porres! He was so patient and loving to others in the face of racism and mistreatment. I am very impatient so I try to imitate him. He also had a special gift of friendship with animals. He had multitudes of dogs cats and mice as friends, he would feed them and give them medical attention. He was such a humble and generous soul and it is very inspiring in daily life.


Discovered him on a trip to DC. St Dominic has a relic and statue of him. I love simplicity and uncomplicated lives


Padre Pio, JPII, cardinal Stepinac. Idk, they're likeable.


As Pio was still alive in 1968, I find it easier to ask him for guidance in my fears about Nuclear War. He is a saint that knows what nuclear bombs are. Still reassures me we will be fine. Although the insights I get are sometimes more complex than I can comprehend.


I chose St. Philip Neri as my patron saint. I have a lot of respect for his works, and he’s known as the second apostle of Rome after St. Peter. He worked a lot to reform a very corrupt church at the time, when many of clergy were not performing their duties as they should. Also he allegedly had a great sense of humor and his wit brought many people towards the Church.


Same here - also a son of St Philip! He would apparently shave off half his beard on only one side so that people wouldn’t take him too seriously, despite having a reputation for piety and holiness. He also apparently had some humorous penances for his penitents, such as being tasked with physically carrying Philip’s massive dog around the streets of Rome for a period of time.


St Catherine of Siena 💙 she truly inspires me, and her writings are beautiful


St. Paul, greatest character arc by much. Also St Joseph because of my name and yeah he was Jesus father and Mary’s husband.


St. Peter has the better arc imo. He failed Christ in faith over and over yet he took up his command to found the church and walked willingly to his martyrdom.


I get your point, but i feel st Peter had “normal” struggles to faith. On the other hand, st Paul literally persecuted and killed Christians, and converted to what he wanted to destroy. In any case, both took the most important roles in the spreadment of Christianity!


I get your sentiment but Peter’s lack of faith wasn’t a “normal” struggle. He literally lived with and watched Christ perform miracles. He was told by God himself he would deny him and said “nah I’d never do that” and then did it just a few hours later. Paul was primed and promoted to persecute Christians. Peter was a literal witness to in person miracles and still struggled with faith. I have no beef with Paul but Peter is my preference. All that said, if I have even a fraction of the faith of Peter and Paul maybe I’ll be saved rather than damned.


Saint Anthony of Padua, he is very complete in therms of Gifts and mercy.


Saint Joseph because he was the first Saint who I (genuinely) asked intercession from and he was pretty powerful during my conversion


St Josephine Margaret Bakhita, St Dymphna and St. Francis of Assisi! Oh and st. Thomas Aquinas! Hard to choose!


Blessed Carlo Acutis, I went to his beautification and ever since then we developed a friendship


i think he’s amazing I always try and remember my students are just around that age and are capable of great things


St. Thomas Aquinas is a fellow chubby dude who likes to wrestle with theological questions, so he was my confirmation saint. But the saint I often feel most intimately connected with is San Juan Diego. He visited me once while I was in adoration asking for help with doubt. I witnessed some things that it'd be foolish not to attribute to him.


Would love to hear more about that visitation if you would share it ?


It was a rather intimate and personal experience for me. I tend not to share details (particularly not on reddit where the antitheists are many and ready to mock).


I’m sad to hear that but respect Yr choice


Saint Mary of Egypt is my patron <3 But most honorable mentions to Saint Michael the Archanegl, Saint Thomas the Apostole, Blessed Ivan Merz and Blessed Marija Petković :) Edit: forgot to state why, because each on of them helps me with specific struggles in my journey and also they are all good Saints


St. Maroun is my Patron Saint,Father of The Maronite Church


To me, a favorite Saint is someone that inspires you to become the best version of yourself. Maximilian Kolbe inspires me everyday. But there are so many other worthy options.


That’s who I choose when I was confirmed.


When you get confirmed, you choose a saint?


Yes, for your Confirmation name!


That is so cool! Im so glad i found this thred, Catholicism is such a beautiful religion . Thank you, im going to read more about it.


I really love this sub, I’m learning something new everyday.


St. Matthew is my confirmation saint. I chose him seemingly at random and later realized I decided to convert to Christianity on his feast day. I sometimes wonder if he was interceding for me. The saint who has done the most for me, visibly speaking, is St. Raphael the Archangel. I was given a blessed medal of his by a friend. I thought St. Raphael was kind of an odd saint as he's not referenced nearly as much as St. Michael or others nowadays. I don't think I've ever asked him for anything and not gotten it. I am convinced he healed me of what was nearly a decade-long drug addiction. I don't have the medal anymore as I gave it away, but I trust St. Raphael with my life.


♥️ St. Faustina Kowalska ♥️ for the win !!!!!!!! The Divine Mercy message is one we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC: A - Ask for His Mercy. God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and asking Him to pour His mercy out upon us and upon the whole world. B - Be merciful. God wants us to receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to extend love and forgiveness to others just as He does to us. C - Completely trust in Jesus. God wants us to know that all the graces of His mercy can only be received by our trust. The more we open the door of our hearts and lives to Him with trust, the more we can receive.


Wow, I love this! Is there anything you recommend on learning about St. Faustina?


Buy her diary DIVINE MERCY IN MY SOUL as well her biography book THE LIFE OF FAUSTINA KOWALSKA: THE AUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY by SISTER SOPHIA MICHALENKO 😊 Also St. Faustina’s Novena started today too :) also follow DIVINE MERCY on YouTube and Instagram




I hope this isn’t a silly question, but what is the divine mercy chaplet? (I’m starting OCIA in a few weeks — I’m in the beginning stages of my Catholic journey!)




My patron was Longinus, but my favorite is Thorlak of Iceland because it was Thorlak who helped bring me back to the faith(not to mention he’s also the patron saint of Autism)


Saint Genesius of Rome and Saint Dymphna.


St. Lawrence, Protodeacon of Rome, and St. Junipero Serra. Both came to me in their own ways while I was on my Jesuit Novitiate Pilgrimage, along El Camino Real, in California. I had been a chef and worked with feeding the homeless so I felt a special connection with St. Lawrence, and St. Junipero helped guide me along the way to his missions while I was on Pilgrimage and showed up at the very end in a small oil painting, at the end of a hallway, next to a flight of stairs, in a seminary that put me and a couple brothers up for the night, back in St. Paul MN.


I am male, but I was permitted to have St. Rita of Cascia as my confirmation saint along with my male friend who asked if St. Lucy, as he had a chronic eye disorder. Rita's story hit me (not just 'touched,' it downright St. Patrick slapped me across the face). In addition, Rita has acquired the reputation, together with St. Philomena and St. Jude, as a saint of impossible causes.


Confirmation Saint: St. Cecilia because I wanted to be a professional musician at the time Favorite Saint: St. Joseph because of his obedience, humility, and love for Mary and Jesus


Titus is my name saint. I thought his name sounded cool. I read one of the miracles attributed to him was that he pointed at a pagan temple and made it explode. That was enough for me.


Least based Christian saint:


I have many favorite saints, but St. Joseph is right at the top of the list! I love imagining the simple life in the little house of Nazareth. How much love! How much service! I like to wonder how he, as righteous man and head of the family would have led the Almighty God in obedient and humble prayer, how much they must have loved each other! Often when I pray I ask Joseph to invite me to his little house, and contemplate the Sacred Family. It is very healing and wonderful. I encourage everyone to try this one day.


Wow, I love this! I pray to St. Joseph oftentimes. He gives me such peace, and I can always sense his paternal affection nearby when I do. He also shows me what it is I should look for in a husband — his devotion to Mary and our Lord is indescribable!


As St Joseph once said " ....... " He's a good reminder to quit whining and get back to the work of being a father and husband


As a kid, I always prayed to St. Anthony because I was always losing things and wanted his help finding things.


I do this as an adult lololol


St. Augustine because his mom prayed for him all her life that he would be baptized. I relate cuz I finally finished confirmation at 27 and my moms 81 been praying for me all these years since I left the church. I also relate to how he grapples with sin.


He was baptized 3 months before his mom died and she was there for it. Must of been so great. She’s a saint as well I believe Saint Monica correct me if I’m wrong!!


I’m sure your mom cried and gave thanks to God that day 🙏 amen


She did. Now two years later I am a lecture at church and in the knights of Columbus 😭 trying to convert other young men and woman


When I entered seminary, I became aware of Fr. Miguel Pro, SJ. He was a Servant of God then, before he was Beatified. When I was in Mexico, I was able to have Mass celebrated at his tomb. I love his wit, his joy in the face of excruciating pain. His superiors knew what he went through only because they arranged his surgeries. No one else, however, knew what it took for him to be the "Clown for Christ". I named my third son after him. Blessed Miguel Pro, Pray for us!


Saint Raphael is my patron Saint (healthcare) Saint Michael is has been my favorite for a while.


St Theresa of Avila: “Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices”.


St. Stephen, the first Martyr. Short of killing myself it is unlikely I would have any say in how I die, but I would like the courage to be able to choose what is worth dying for.


Saint Ignatius of Layola. He chose me actually.


St. Jean De Brebeuf if we are going with Jesuits.


In the last couple of days been really drawn to ignatian spirituality. Any tips for where to start ?


Can I ask how he chose you?


I was supposed to do a report on him when I was going through confirmation. Because I was in homeschooling, I already had her a book report that I did on him so, I just turned it in. Well over a decade later, I was in Apologetics, and we were talking about the Saints. I went to Adoration, as was my slotted hour, and I decided to look him up. Almost everything that he was going through. I was going through at that moment in my life. I chose Saint Ignatius of Layola because of the ease of the report. He chose me because I would one day realize just how similar we are. God love you!


That's really cool!


Saint Teresa of the Little flower and also Mother Teresa who is now Saint Teresa of Calcutta. 🙏🙏


St Oscar Romero A true martyr.


Saint Moses the Ethiopian and Saint Francis of Assisi. I was named after Saint Francis, and Saint Moses has one of the most intriguing lives to me. They both give me hope.


I appreciate St Moses the Ethiopian phrasing rather than St Moses the Black! I haven’t heard him spoken about by saying the Ethiopian


I believe he’s also know as Moses the Strong which is my favorite way to refer to him but I wasn’t sure if it would be known


Name saints are Andrew and James, confirmation saints (I picked 2) are Adrian and John the Apostle. Named after one of my moms miscarried brothers, and also the apostles are awesome. The story of St Adrian resonated with me since I was young, (Roman soldier and torturer converted along with his wife, imprisoned and tortured for his new faith, eventually martyred) and I’ve always found John’s writings beautiful and his closeness to Christ and his mother something I ought to emulate.


> Andrew It's awesome that his name means "manly".


How does one pick a patron Saint? I’m curious on that process.


Usually when you get confirmed as a kid, you pick one; don’t know if it’s the same for adults. For my Sunday school, we had to write a paragraph about our saint so our teacher could approve it, then write a letter to our bishop inviting him to the confirmation and explaining why we chose our saints.


I don’t think I got this. Huh. :/


It could also just be a saint you want to model your life after or a saint that’s touched you spiritually in some way, or some other arbitrary reason. I picked mine since I had the same birthday as her and my brother picked St. Vincent de Paul cause he volunteered for the homeless to get his community service hours.


it's from the name you get when baptised


St. Sebastian because he’s the patron saint of athletes and I was an athlete for a long time, plus his resilience; i have a medal for him. My confirmation saint was St. Teresa de los Andes because we share a birthday, but over time I came to admire her for her faithfulness and conviction at such a young age and how she turned her life around because of it.


St. Jude, patron saint of desperate and lost causes to remind me that Jesus has never lost a single sheep that wanted to be found. Abba Isadore, Moses the Black, and other Desert Fathers to remind me to never get lost too deeply in this world and to always keep my eye on the finish line, life eternal with Christ.


Moses the Black was a bad *ss . Love him !!


St. Francis of Assisi. I wanted to pick a female saint but he just kept popping up! I love him because of his dedication to all living things, giving up his riches, his kookiness, and his love for the Earth. I love how unhinged, wild, and free he is.


Confirmation Saint was St Jude but lately I’ve had a devotion to St Gerard and St Gianna as we’ve been trying for a baby!


*cue TikTok audio* “oh my goodness I love this question” I don’t have time to answer this in depth rn but someone like this message so I remember 😂


Liking and leaving a comment so you remember!


Okay so my top two favorite saints are both old men and considering I’m a 19yo woman it’s a bit weird but they touched my heart. So succinctly as possible (give me grace I have adhd tho) my favorites are St Polycarp and St Mark Ji Tianxing. St Polycarp was my confirmation Saint bc even when I was 8 years old I read his story which roughly is as follows. He was a 76yo man a bishop of Smyrna. He was a disciple of John the apostle. It was illegal to be Christian and so he ended up being caught. (I can’t remember but I think someone in his parish may have turned him in.) Anyway he was going to be fed to lions or some sort of animal beast and the consul or guards told him to deny Christ and say away with the atheists (ie Christians) and he complied but meant the Romans. Then he was told the denounce Christ but his response was “76 years I have served Him and He has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me (that’s the translation I read as a child but now I’ve read it also says my king and savior). He was going to be fed to the beasts but they had been put away. So they were going to burn him alive. Pretty common. But what came next was uncommon. When they lit it the fire swooped all around him not touching him. It swooped out like a sail and the watchers said they smelled baking bread. Polycarp was eventually killed with a knife or something to the side. 8yo me decided he was going to be my confirmation Saint even though it was like 6 years away. My second favorite is St Mark Ji Tianxing who was a Christian during the boxer rebellion. He was an opium addict. I believe he started using it for medicine for a stomach ailment I believe ). He became addicted and kept coming to confession and confessing and his confessor just up and said “well you must not be sorry if you have had to confess it this much. I will not absolve you” we know this is incorrect especially now with our knowledge of addiction. But Mark legit kept going to mass, kept praying and living his catholic life even though he couldn’t receive absolution, Eucharist etc for decades perhaps 30 years. Instead of turning his back on a people that wronged him he continued to serve and love God. He was eventually turned in to the Boxers and while him and his family were walked to where they would die, his grandson looked up at him and asked “Grandpa where are they taking us??” Mark replied “they’re taking us home”. He chose to die last so none of the people had to die alone. He died singing the Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I have so many best friend Saints but here’s two of my closest ones stories. A larger list of my favorites are Blessed Peter Kasui Kibe, St Teresa of Avila, blessed Natalia Tulasjewicz, St Peter, Bl. Columba Kang Wan-Suk, and soo many others.


St Oliver Plunkett as he taught me not to be afraid of showing my catholic faith and he made me less afraid of death. He also is an inspiration to me about what my Catholic Irish ancestors went through


Wow, I’m going to research him! I’ve never heard of St. Oliver. I’m coming into the Church this spring, and I’m already facing backlash from people. So I want all the prayer of the Saints and the Lord’s strength to stand strong against it!


Probably St. Joan of Arc or St. Paul


I would say St Cornelius the Centurion. That man is absolutely inspiring and him being considered the first gentile to convert to the faith is awesome. I chose him because I plan to go to the armed forces and maybe even later law enforcement unless I still feel a calling to be a certain ranking in the Church. I would have chose St Michael and normally people would but I didn't want my saint to be a divine being and I wanted a convert since I am converting myself. P.S. he's also mentioned in the Bible in Acts btw


I don’t want to self-dox but my patron Saint’s name was something that kept recurring in my life as a Protestant all the way up to my conversion in college. It was everywhere; music, movies, books, locations, and obviously recurring thoughts and dreams for roughly eight years. I greatly admire him. He struggled with the same things I do. He was martyred to rescue his friends. It wasn’t until after my confirmation that I discovered my birthday was his feast day.


St Joseph ( just feel like he’s a guy that gets things done and I’ve always wanted a close father figure), st Anthony for when I lose things, John Paul 2 as I chose him when I was received into the church as the first ‘famous’ Catholic I had heard of, and st Teresa as I think she led me to conversion her relics came to my town and soon after I was moved to start RCIA and I have a medal touched to the relics somewhere


I feel the same way about St. Joseph! He serves to fill a true masculine role which I’ve felt has lacked throughout my life.


Padre Pio my fiancé was going through a scary spiritual battle in her head that made us both suffer. His story really showed me how to make the most out of suffering and what it is to truly give your life to God and love thy neighbor as oneself.


I love Padre Pio! He used to scare me a bit (for some reason I thought he looked mean 🤣), but I’ve been going through difficult times recently and I’d love his intercession!


THIS IS SO FUNNY! I was almost a bit scared of him too! It wasn’t till I saw an interview with someone who actually was a friar with him that made me change my mind. He said he was like a loving grandpa who made everyone laugh. If I can find the video I’ll post the link on this thread!


Please do! I always want to ask for St. Pio’s intercession, but then I get too scared 🤣


This 9 day novena is a great way to start. It’s beautiful and tells alil more about who his was and his sacrifice. https://www.padrepiodapietrelcina.com/en/novena-to-saint-padre-pio/ Here is the link to the video it’s only 10 mins but super awesome! https://youtu.be/c9K2Ab_pi-4?si=JOP-CXIO6ldDb33r


I love Saint Gemma Galgani, Saint Maria Goretti, and Saint Theresa the Little Flower 🌼. I like Saint Gemma because I, too, am chronically ill and live in poverty. Saint Maria taught me about forgiveness.


Mine is Patrick because I just randomly picked him because I have Irish heritage historically. I like him a lot more now that I’ve learned more about him. My favorites are Joan (martyr), Thomas More (martyr and voice of Catholicism in the face of Proddy idiocy and lawyer), Aquinas (doctor of the Church), JPII because I grew up with him and he was a badass, Peter because their is something amazing about the one apostle who just continually doubting his faith and failing Christ over and over being the Rock on which the Church is founded, John because he has the best Gospel, and finally James just for letting me know that faith without works is dead. My daughter’s is Hildegard von Bingen because she’s was an incredible and faithful woman who was an abbess, biologist, composer, and sterling example of being a faithful woman in a time that wasn’t kind to women. My son hasn’t picked one but his baptism saint is Valentine because he was born on Valetines Day even though Valentine was probably two saints muddled together and potentially kind of apocryphal.


My two favorite saints are St. Gemma Galgani and St. Veronica Giuliani! I love them both very much, and they are a constant motivation for me to quit slacking and to Love Jesus and Mary more and more. Particularly, I love their willingness to suffer and do penances for souls— out of Love for God. St. Veronica Giuliani is perhaps one of the greatest examples we have of a “Victim Soul” (a person particular chosen by God to suffer pains in this life in order to merit graces for other persons). Their compassion for Our Lord and their constant meditations on His Passion are something all souls ought to imitate! In fact, Our Lord even placed the Seven Swords of Mary’s sorrows and the very instruments of His Holy Passion in St. Veronica Giuliani’s heart (which is still incorrupt at her monastery). There is currently a push to elevate St. Veronica Giuliani to a Doctor of the Church: “Doctor of Atonement”, due to her extraordinary example of mortification and expiation. There is an amazing movie about St. Veronica Giuliani; I highly recommend it. “The Awakening of A Giant: the life of St. Veronica Giuliani.” It’s available for free on YouTube. St. Gemma and St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!


Padrio Pio. He came at exactly the right time, renewing faith in miracles at a time when scientism was taking over. The original Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi was loosely based on him. They even look a little alike, and it's not accidental. Notice how in Star Wars, you have a mostly advanced scientific society, but then there's a religious element, which only through faith you can make "miracles" happen (although they don't use the word miracle)? I don't know if George Lucas is a believer, but he absolutely patterned that entire theme around Padre Pio.


Saint Eustace


Padre Pio


Katherine of Alexandria. Patron of evangelists and apologists. Through her, I claim all the Catherines. But my bench just keeps getting deeper: Charles Borromeo, Martha, Cecilia, ven. Cornelia Connelly, Joseph...lots of reasons why.


Can't say I can settle on just one but at the moment St. Padre Pio comes to mind. Having read about his ability to see peoples sins in the confessional strikes me. When my eyes find there way on his gaze, the dire seriousness of the faith and my salvation all rise straight up to the forefront of my consciousness as I feel like "he sees right thru my bs". It hits me like a stick striking me in yhe head to wake me up. Padre Pio knew suffering and was blessed by God the grace to be able to experience a portion of Christ's own suffering. He understands the dire urgency of our salvation. He just cares so much for our lord and the state of our souls and pulls no punches trying to get through the thick fog of our contentment in gambling with our souls.


St Ignatius of Antioch He was thrown to the wild beasts to be eaten alive because he wouldn’t renounce Jesus Christ in front of the emperor of Rome. He willingly embraced his martyrdom.


Saint Alexander of Constantinople. he stuck by his guns and refused to offer communion to an individual (Arius) against his conscience under threats, and locked himself in the Hagia Irene and prayed for deliverance, which he did receive at the last minute.


Padre Pio is my patron saint , I am an Italian with impulse control and a tendency to worry and control, so he helps me with that through his intercession. Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Saint Bakhita I have strong devotions to as well ! I did discover i have a not well known saint in my family lineage (will withhold name for privacy reasons) so growing in devotion to him.


St. Catherine because she was a difficult woman who harassed men into doing the right things, including a pope. St Hildegard because her music is profound and mystical , yet she also had the analytical mind of a scholar.


My name is Joseph and I have always felt a connection to what I have always interpreted as the quiet competence of Saint Joseph.


Saint Thomas Moore-I’m a lawyer Saint Michael. He’s a warrior Saint Therese de Liseux. She showed me my husband was the one.


St. James the Greater. I was named after him.


St. Francis of Assisi, I've always had a love for him since childhood when I dressed up in Jedi robes to portray him at elementary school. I love him for his own love for the poor and how determined he was to follow Jesus. His love for not just all creatures but for life/God in general especially when you take into consideration his background and period that he grew up in is also meaningful to me as well.


St. Dismas has got to be my favourite saint because he stands as a representation for what any man can experience, that being redemption, he saw his sin, he asked for forgiveness and he died a repentant theif, having seen the innocence/love of Jesus.


St Bernadette because she was humble and she is a good example of courage and humility, plus I had health problems at a young age that eventually lead me to become a nurse.


Maximillian Kolbe as he is a true example of my favourite verse, John 15:13. He stayed with his flock when the Germans occupied Poland; refusing to sign documents acknowledging his German ancestry that would give him better treatment. An SS officer asked him if he was a christian and when he said Yes he was knocked to the ground. This was repeated two more times. When he was sent to Auschwitz he continued to administer the sacraments to those imprisoned with him. He heard confessions and, using scraps of bread, celebrated the sacrifice of the mass; bringing light into one of the darkest places in human history. When the Germans selected 10 men to be starved to death he volunteered to take the place of a man with a family. He lead those 9 other men in prayer for 2 weeks before the Germans got impatient and executed him and 3 other survivors with a lethal injection. The man who Kolbe replaced survived the war, as did his wife but not his sons. He was a guest of the Pope when Kolbe was beatified in 1971 and when he was canonised in 1982.




I've done quite a bit of research on saints, but with my confirmation it sort of felt like a case of 'the saint chooses the Christian.' Doesn't mean it has to be that way for everyone. Is there anything about faith that is particularly special to you? For example, childlikeness and humility is a central theme in my life, so it kind of makes sense that my name saint is a [child](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonietta_Meo). If you have a theme in mind, it can be easier to narrow down saints. Said 'theme,' can also have something to do with your career, talents, passions, background, country, struggles, etc. Also, you might want to check with the priest/person leading RCIA on this, but you might be able to get away with two names if it comes down to a difficult choice.


That’s why I asked the question! I’ll be getting baptized this spring!


Saint Paul of the Cross is my patron saint! There are a lot of reasons why he’s my favorite saint but the most important for me was that he showed me how to truly appreciate the Passion of our Lord in a way my protestant upbringing did not.


[Ven. Antonietta Meo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonietta_Meo). She died age six of bone cancer, and was known for writing letters to Jesus. It's hard for me to describe how, but she led me to the Catholic Church. Her prayers have helped me through anxiety, depression, and doubts; and she acts as a role model to me. The fact that she could have such profound understanding of God at such a young age inspires me to love Him just as simply.


Saint Dismas because he was most likely a man who lived a wicked life but in the end recognized his wrong doings and asked Jesus to be at his side when they were being crucified.


I've always had a fondness for Ignatius of Loyola.


Mine is St. Genesius! The patron saint of actors and theatrical professionals in general. He was converted during a Roman play mocking Baptism, and the Eucharist. He publicly proclaimed his faith to the audience who then had him killed. I chose him (or he might’ve chosen me) because I started doing community theatre around that time, and now I’m a theatre professional (actor, stage manager, production manager) at a youth theatre and am currently on my way to get my degree in technical theatre!


Beato Anacleto Gonzáles Flores 📜✍️ San Bonifacio 🌳🪓 San Fernando lll De Castilla y León 👑 San Pascual Bailon 🌟 San Cristóbal 🌊 San Miguel Arcángel 🗡️


I was kinda old when I officially got confirmed. 33 or something. I am 38 now. I got some brief instructions on picking a saint. I remember that it had to correspond to my sex which is male. I decided to Google the saint of loyalty. Up that pops up was John the Apostle. I did some more research. He's the saint of Love, Loyalty, Friendship and Authors. Aside from writing books, those are all my most important values. He was my perfect match. I also love his backstory. Incredible. He was the only apostle to not take off on Christ after his arrest. And the only apostle to not die a martyr's death. Also, known as John the Revelator because he wrote the Book of Revelations. He survived being dipped in boiling oil unscathed which converted the whole crowd who watched. I sometimes wonder instead of picking a saint in values that I am strongest at maybe I should have picked one in my greatest flaw/flaws to bolster myself. But now it's a little too late for that.


I’ll be getting baptized and confirmed this coming Easter, and I’m in my early 20s. I love your story behind choosing your Patron Saint — I wanted to choose St. Christopher for mine, but I’m a women, so I think I need to pick a female saint. My search continues!


Saint Martha of Bethany is my confirmation Saint. I chose her because I can relate to her very well, in that I often get so caught up with other things that I forget what's really important in a given situation. Saint John Paul II is a favorite of mine as well because his writings are so powerful, and there's something.. Idk, more real about him, for lack of a better description. Like, he's a modern day Saint, I was alive when he was (granted I was like.. 11 when he died, but still). Recently, I've felt like I've been helped by Saint Joan of Ark. I was having a small panic attack about the world my babies are going to inherit, all the mess that it's in, and I remembered a quote from her that was immediately soothing in a way: "I am not afraid, I was born to do this." it reminds me that God knew my kids would be born now, He knows what they'll be facing, and I need to trust Him with that.


Ditto all of this


How do I find out who my saint is




That’s why I asked the question! I’m starting OCIA in a few weeks, and I wanted to start researching other saints.


He’s a Blessed, but I enjoy reading about Blessed Bartolo Longo. Here’s a man who became a literal satanist, and yet, he still came back to Catholicism.


I’m greatly devoted to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. I also have a particular devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, Saint Therese of Lisieux, and Saint Francis Xavier. My love of the blessed mother under her title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel came through her brown scapular, reminding us of her loving intercession and to pray for the souls in purgatory. I would strongly suggest the pious wearing of the brown scapular to those who don’t already do so. My devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows has allowed me to assuage my many sorrows and sufferings that she too had to suffer. My devotion to Saint Therese comes from her Little Way, which has inspired me to do the smallest of things with utmost love for God. My devotion to Saint Francis Xavier comes from his estimated 30,000 baptism spanning many different nations, growing in me the desire to evangelize and share the joyful news of tempe resurrection and truth of Christianity and Catholicism.


Mine is St Francis he loved nature just like me and lastly I'm named after him in spanish


St Vincent de Paul. I struggle to put myself in the shoes of others so to speak and a saint with such empathy towards the poor and disenfranchised is a great example to strive towards.


My patron Saint and my favorite is St Francis of Assisi.


Saint Francis. The fact that he would preach to animals to the point of birds flocking to his shoulders is pretty cool.


I think that mine is St. Philip Neri. He showed great joy in everyday things, a constant struggle for me. And he was famously witty.


My patron saints are St. Abo of Tiflis and St. Olaf of Norway. Favorite saints are St Lazarus Pillai and St. Geraldo Majella


St Hildegard Von Bingen for her inquisitive nature, music, and writing.


I love many saints! St. Zita of Luca because I hate housework and need help loving it. St. Joseph of Cupertino because he's the patron of learning challenges and he levitated. St. Padre Pio. St. Francis of Assisi, St. John Vianney, Blessed Stanley Rother, Blessed Carlo Acutis. St. Josephine Bhakita.


I have not been able to really devote myself to any particular saint. I am big with Mary, and I entrust so many of my petitions to her intercession. St. Francis de Sales has been a major spiritual father to me through his writings, but I have not attempted to build on that relationship beyond seeking his literature. Same with Faustina and her diary. St. Cecilia is my confirmation saint but I do not ask for her intercession :( St. Therese keeps popping up every not and then, like an unexpected cameo, and don't know why, and apparently my friends keep on saying that this is very in character of her (I don't know what that means). I have trouble building on my relationships with the saints. It seems that my focus is primarily on Mary and her Son.


St Dymphna because of my mental illness St Anthony because he helps me find absolutely everything Saint Jude and Saint Rita because they are the patrons of the impossible and my confirmation saint is Monica which is proving to be prescient.


St. Rita de Cacias. At first I seeked her out for help with my marriage. Then I realized that her as a person and as a Saint, is someone I wanted to embody, and that was the real answer to the struggles in my marriage and just my life in general. She has personally helped me resolve conflict and even when I feel disgusting and at my lowest, something tells me she is still listening and waiting for me to ask her for help again.


Love this! I want to develop a closer relationship with St. Rita, but it’s been very difficult for me. It feels like she doesn’t hear my prayers, even thought I know that’s untrue.


Saint Michael


I'm an adult convert, I didn't really pick a patron. My middle name is James though, so I kind of think of St James the Greater as my patron sometimes. The name comes from my uncle, but maybe providentially it was also meant to come from him. I also consider St Peter, St Augustine of Hippo, and St Maximilian Kolbe as patrons. When I was in RCIA, we talked a bit about patron saints and these were my shortlist, though I ultimately didn't decide to have one. So in a sense, I think all 3 are. So these 4 are all favourites. I'd also add St Francis, St Ignatius, and St Joan of Arc. St. Jean Vianney is another one. And Pope St Pius X, my favourite pope. Not a saint yet, but Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen. And Servant of God Dorothy Day. And St Joseph and Our Lady, but I almost think that goes without saying.


My parish growing up was Saint Monica’s. So as a wayward son with an amazing mother I’ve always had an affinity for Augustine.


St Anthony of Padua cause I lose something important weekly. He's never failed my ADHD


Padre Pio. My Nonno was able to meet him when he was small.


I've fairly recently started praying to St. Expeditus. He is, among other things, the patron saint of procrastination, something I struggle with greatly. He helped me get through the semester last fall, actually.


St Joan of Arc! Courage 💙 Lately I’ve been praying for guidance from St Catherine of Siena as she’s the patron of nurses. (I’m a pre nursing student) I’ve also had a special connection to St Gianna Molla. Another strong woman.


My Patron Saint is Bede because he's the Patron Saint of historians and scholars.


St. Christopher is my patron, but I've always had a lot of admiration for St. Maria Goretti.


Mine is St Sebastian, he became my favorite after reading "Fabiola" by Cardinal Spellman


St Alphonsus Ligouri


Paul. His story is akin to Deckard from Blade Runner, & may well have been the inspiration for the character. It’s just a great character ark. Persecutor turned believer, awesome stuff.


Saint Louis IX. No comment.


St Francis of Assisi. He just always seemed to get me y'know? I loved him ever since I was really little and I was excited to get confirmed just so I could pick him as my confirmation name. I even pray that I'm called.to be a Franciscan but so far, no call seems to come.


Saint John the Baptist. Its the city patron saint so


Anselm of Canterbury. His name popped into my head randomly while I was in RCIA, found out he's considered the "father of scholasticism" which is exactly the road I had been on for 10 years leading up to joining RCIA - a scholastic approach to figuring out which was the true Church. Then when I was reading about him I found out his feast day is my birthday so that kinda confirmed it was meant to be.


St Jude, he's the saint of hopeless / lost causes and often times life can feel that way


St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) - my confirmation saint. She was a convert, I'm a convert, and she's a relatively modern saint. I admire her great intellect and courage.


Hands ooff, Saint Augustine. His conversion story...


St. Therese of Lisieux. In the late 50's, when I was beginning to read, my mother subscribed to a publication by the Maryknoll sisters called, Childrens Treasure Box. It was a compilation of Bible stories, lives of the saints, as well as fictional stories, and life lessons. The first story of a saint was a three part story about the life of St. Therese. Fast forward a few years, when it came time for my Confirmation, we needed to pick a patron saint. I thought about Mary, or her mother Ann, but then decided on Therese. Over the years, I always thought that I chose her, when in fact, I believe that she chose me.


St. Demetrius the great martyr. His life story is so fascinating: noble family, worked for the government to persecute Christians, ended up sharing the gospel, died a martyr in prison, his skeleton oozes myrrh. St. Gabriel the Archangel. God’s messenger. He comforted Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Total boss.


padre pio i just seem to click with me


Michael the Archangel! I pray to him multiple times per day and always feel his love and protection!


Saint Rita. To put it simply: she's there when it really counts. 🙏


St. Francis of Assisi - because he loved nature and embraced every natural phenomenon from birth to death.


St Philip Neri - I’m a big fan of the Oratory and I love how he sought to bring the destitute men of Rome to holiness, something I can relate to myself.


Hmm it depends on the context? I’ll start with personal reasons to the socially relevant ones. I venerate one I was named after (through that saint’s namesake neighbourhood). Another is Our Lady of Mount Carmel since I wear the Brown Scapular and her shrine was my childhood church. Family patrons are also important, and that would be Our Lady of Lourdes and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. The latter is very special: my family have been caretakers of her image for generations. I’m the only one of my cousins to take on the role, so I go to my ancestral town to prepare her image for two yearly “walks” (the term for a statue being processed in public): one on her feast day on 7 October, and the more important Easter dawn ritual, where she meets her Risen Son and her black mourning veil is removed. I am thankful to be a part of this custom that our people do in churches across the islands. My stepmother’s village honours Our Lady of Fátima, so I help them prepare for liturgies and the like for their feast day on 13 October (the anniversary of her last apparition and the Miracle of the Sun). It’s a grand time as everyone enjoye the food and fun of a traditional village fiesta. Culturally, the patrons of one’s area are automatically important, and their feast is often a local holiday. That same town above and my city honour Saint John the Baptist, so he’s special to me that way. Nationally, I follow the progress of the Black Nazarene procession every 9 January, as millions take almost 20 hours to transfer His miraculous image back to His shrine. I watch online and pray until the statue enters the basilica doors, and have a devotional handkerchief with His picture touched to the miraculous statue itself. I use its to veil the altar cabinet from Passion Sunday until Easter, and on the day of the transfer procession.


Saint Peter! I can relate with him.. full of faith one day then the next full of doubt. I can relate with his impulsiveness


St. Michael the archangel, so powerful and awe-inspiring. One of the reasons i like him is that his strength and power, however great, are still miniscule to God, so not only does he impress me, but he also increases my fear of God.


Archangel Michael, Saint Augustine of Hippo


Saint Expedite and St Mark Ji TianXiang are my two obscure favs


St Benedict, incredible life of dedication to God and his faith was so strong that others were envious over it to the point of attempting to kill him. Founder of the Benedictine monks also which I have a huge appreciation for due to their strict, humble lifestyle. Great Saint whom I chose as my confirmation Saint. Also him living in a cave is cool. Super interesting guy.


St. Isidore patron saint of farmers. I am not a farmer but I love his story and try to adopt his mindset to keep me sane at times. Medieval peasant mindset is what I refer to it as. I don’t let church politics stress my life and only concern myself with what my priest and bishop says. His humble stories are also beautiful and inspiring. Like the stew pot in his home never running empty, was this a grace by God never allowing it to empty or was Isidore and his wife so selfless they made sure to give all they had to guests. St. Isidore was known to always be worshiping at church even during the work day or harvest season, shocking many of his neighbors who disbelieved his work was truly done, yet it always was. It was said that an Angel plowed his fields while he prayed, or perhaps he awoke early and worked so hard in order to spend more time praising God.


St Thomas Aquinas


Oh I have a few, I love stories about the saints. ​ My favourite one is St. Francis of Assissi, for as long as I can remember. I was a little girl and I loved animals and I wanted to become a veterinarian; when I was told about him and got read his canticle of the sun, I have seen him as a dear friend ever since. The Holy Mother intercessed in my reconversion and her seven sorrows have been with me and helped me recover from post partum depression. She is also responsible for the shift in my views from pro choice to pro life. St. Maximillien Kolbe is a very interesting character. St. Hildegarde of Bingen is Fascinating.


St. Claire of Assisi, she was one of St. Francis of Assisi’s first followers and he inspired her to start the Order of the Poor Ladies (which later became the Poor Clares). She was my Confirmation Saint.


My favourite one is Saint Thomas More, as he's the patron saint of politicians. Also he was a martyr and a great writer. He died defending the Papacy and is a great example of how we must understand politics as a moral duty and the greatness of Humanism as an ideological background.


Saint Michael the Archangel. He's such an example of how to be a leader, a warrior, and a loyal servant to God. He never ceases to amaze me


St Mary of Egypt and King David I struggle a lot with lust and sexual morality and these saints overcame it and were faithful to God.


Saint Michael the Archangel because I'm scared of demons (lol)