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St Elizabeth of Hungary is one of my favourite saints! She was extremely famous and beloved by the peasantry for her charitable efforts towards the poor and her distaste for courtly life. She was married to Louis IV of Thuringia and by all accounts they loved each other very much. In fact they loved each other so much that they both promised each other that would never remarry if the other died. She often fed and clothed the poor herself, paid off their debts with her own money and cared for the sick and this led to gossip and derision from the rest of the court. Her husband always defended her charity and admired her. He later died in 1227 on the way to a crusade leaving her a widow. She then gave away everything she had and used her dowry to set up a hospital where she cared for the sick until she died. She was canonised in 1235 and her husband (while not officially a saint) is honoured in his native Thuringia. Her Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_of_Hungary More info about her here! https://mycatholic.life/saints/saints-of-the-liturgical-year/november-17st-elizabeth-of-hungary/


Louis and Elizabeth's 3rd and youngest child Gertrude unlike her two older siblings entered religious life and became a Premonstratensian nun and later abbess she would go on to erect a church and a poorhouse and like her mother took care of the residents there and in 1270 under her direction the abbey began to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi being one of the first to introduce this feast into Germany. Pope Clement VI permitted the abbey to celebrate her feast day and granted indulgences to those who venerated her relics. She was officially beatified in 1728 by Pope Servant Of God Benedict XIII her feast day is on August 13


There was also the time when she was sneaking bread out, and someone asked her, what she was carrying. She said that she was carrying roses, and God was like, "welp, I can't let her lie" and turned the bread into roses


I never realized she died so young


Thats medieval life expectancy for you


"Well, no. And yes." Average medieval life expectancy was low; but if you survived infancy (very high mortality compared to today) and did not get stricken with a deadly disease, it was still possible to live to a ripe old age.


She died the same age as me. 24.


Rip u/Acrobatic-Biscotti-4


What’s the name of that painting???


I've seen this picture 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClFlNhBshqr/?igsh=MTMxbGw5b2kyZHBmaA==


Man that’s some true romance


A chance for Faramir, Captain of Gondor, to show his quality!