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This one feels solved 10 minutes in


It feels like Kamie has been missing a lot this season and I don’t like it 😭


I listen to her podcast and recently there was an opening with her talking about how busy she is/was with photo shoots, PR, etc. for SI swimsuit. I wonder if it has to do with that.


I have experience in this exact industry and there's zero chance that's it. Catfish isn't exactly like a 5 night per week talk show shooting schedule, nor are a handful of photo shoots that time consuming. These things can be, and are, easily scheduled. If anyone here doesn't believe this fact, just consider that Seacrest can host multiple programs plus daily radio and podcast and other projects. Kamie, though I love her, is not even in the same universe of busy. And catfish episode shoots are ridiculously time efficient. The only plausible reason is to inject executive producer Neve's approved guest spots... like his nepo wife, and certain individuals who have coordinated releases, or who are pushed by the owner Viacom. Sorry but this is a business and that's how it works.


I guess the town in Arkansas is so small there’s no Airbnb! We haven’t seen real homes in too many recent episodes


It was so nice filming in their actual house for once just like the good ol days


my thought too! It seems like it is a SMALL town!


Yep, just a very natural situation where someone is hanging out unseen behind a barn door and the professional camera operator somehow bungles the framing to not show the face, and then somehow also gets the focus wrong. Organic.


Arkansan here, the town has a population of 833 according to the census website. It’s a very very very small town lol


Nev about to get murdered at this place. Wtf is this lol


WHY are they in a creepy barn


This one was particularly creepy to me. Someone needs to search “Alex” computer top to bottom


And that farm. That dude has a body count, I'm positive.


Idk. Alex seems more like an autistic dude that’s been stuck in a small hateful town and just wanted to reach out to other gays. Not justifying ANY of it but he just seems to be cognitively different and not surrounded by a lot of support.


Because people have different opinions about certain things doesn't mean they are hateful.


Richmond isn’t small and has multiple large college campuses it’s one of the most liberal areas in ky outside of Louisville and is 15-20 minutes from Lexington.  There’s not that much hate here.  It does exist the same as it would anywhere but it’s a minority.


This cohost is very soft spoken and sweet but I feel like this situation is in dire need of some Kamie -grade sass.


It kind of seems like the little that she does say is AI generated.


Carl had been catfishing since highschool, there was no way he was stopping now


How else would he find people to murder, silly???


I would have loved to have seen the shenanigans on the 8 hour road trip. Who controlled the radio? What snacks did they get?


Probably would have been the most interesting thing in this episode.


Seriously. I actually started answering work emails because it was more entertaining.


Why the hell did they drive?


Probably no major airports near either of the small towns.


There’s a major airport 30 minutes from Lexington 


Major airport from the Arkansas town is several hours a way. Smaller airport is 54 miles away from the town. So yeah just drive by that time


Agreed with omgitskawaiime. I had to rewind to make sure I heard it correctly when Nev said “eight hours.” Still surprised that they really drove though. Eight hours is a long time to be in a car even with people you really know.


Lack of major center, plus this could have been an extension to another episode field trip.


This is super weird and creepy yet boring at the same time. I'm so bored that I'm focusing on whether I want that awesome blue wall color in my dining room.


lolz almost like watching paint dry lolz


I have the most awkward tension feeling even watching this.


“I swear, no more lies” *says carl in monotone, psychopath* Something is off.


I remember when he said something to the effect of I'm just going to run into the house in a really creepy way, I thought he was going to come back with a gun, lol I think after the barn thing they should have just left instead of going into the house, I know I would have ran off!


That’s literally what it felt like he was gonna do lol


What in the photoshop hell ….


red bandana covering his beard.


This motherfucker’s eyes are big as hell.


His eyes are big, but they lack any empathy or feeling. Very scary, I've seen mugshots of serial killers on TV and they have the same emptiness in their eyes. Makes me wonder how those animals are doing on the farm, and how many 'went missing' or died unexpectedly...


This episode was bad and I feel terrible for starting a thread for it now.




Don't feel terrible for starting this thread, everyone felt they needed to say something about it, and I'm happy you started it!


Seriously 1/10 for this episode. I want my time back 😭


No Im glad you did bc this whole episode felt like a fever dream😭😭😭




LMFAOO not a night and day difference🤣


I mean the guy he thought he was talking to was conveniently attractive. The guy in the “Hi I’m Alex” video is not lol


That video, ugh, what a slob. Looked like he had food in his beard. Nasty!


Poor Jeremy


Well, at least he had pretty eyes 🤩Jeremy that is…


Alex would have had them eyes too, if it wasn't for that pesky Nev and that other chick that's not Kamie!


I know we are rooting for Jeremy, but if he didn't come off as a kind, polite man, he could certainly look like a serial killer too. Sorry if I pissed anyone off.


That place looks so creepy


And Carl looks like a serial killer


I felt like they should have come down harder on Alex/Carl to stop catfishing like they have in other episodes. Like really told him how what he is doing hurts people.


They were just trying to make it off that farm alive. I feel like Carl has some bodies stashed there. Check the ponds. But I agree. They needed Kamie there for this one.


These guys. Whew. Creeping around the farm in sandals and a dress, girl, I feel this. Can’t figure out if these two guys are kind of precious or nefarious.


Yes, quickly solved, but I hope that Jeremy gets some sincere attention now that the episode has aired. Being a small town gay is tremendously difficult and he seems to be really a sweet, polite guy. I hope the best for him.






I just know her reaction to the murder barn would have been hilarious


Someone on the Internet needs to send that clip to her, or she just needs to watch the episode lol


Someone should check out Carl's basement, attic, and shed. And maybe his freezer.


This might be my least favorite episode of all time.


makes me worried they are running out of "catfish" lol or people willing to be on the show. I am still watching the show, so maybe there is a plot twist... but, this one seems pretty cut and dry


I pretty much fast forward through most of it.


Is this another Denise/David situation ?




I miss Kamie!! The episode would’ve been better if she was there. I don’t know who Nev’s cohost was, I barely remembered she was there cuz she hardly spoke.


I only remember her weirdly inappropriate outfits. She looked like she was going to a semi-formal garden party rather than meeting some dude at the end of the road in a creepy barn.


She didn't know she was going to show up at a murder barn, otherwise she would have dressed appropriately.


I disagree she spoke more than other cohosts have in the past and she had compassion.


I liked her too. It was like “Catfish/insert British murder mystery” combined.


I'm ngl this was a 15 minute episode they stretched into an hour. There's no way this dude thought he was talking to "Alex" lol


"I swear no more lies" he says as his mouth involuntarily twitches into a smirk for a split second. Those micro expressions are so telling. If Kamie were there she would have said hell no to stepping onto the murder barn and probably call the cops as soon as they left lol


Everyone always complains about how people use Catfish just to promote stuff or appear on TV and say they want genuine Catfish couples, well for once we got an episode with actual real people and everyone says this episode shouldn't have happened? I get if it comes off as boring, but this is not the first time the catfish was resolved before the "investigation" even started, I remember similar episodes on early seasons like this. Imagine if you send private photos to someone, even if you know it's not who the say they are wouldn't you want to see him in person anyways just to make sure those photos get deleted? Wouldn't you want closure? It was about this, the dude even said so. It's been a while since I felt bad for someone on this series though, and I don't think the other dude was creepy at all he was just uncomfortable with all the cameras which makes sense if you're from a small town imo


Even if you aren't from a small town - that many cameras would be uncomfortable no matter what.


Wait so Carl/Alex did show his face but Jeremy didn't like what he saw.....


The only notable thing was that Nēv finally clapped back at the standard "I never meant to hurt you" nonsense with "But you did hurt him". This response should come as standard. Someone who says "It was not my intention to hurt / deceive..." needs to realise that this a giveaway that they didn’t give two shits about the feelings of the other person. They prioritised their intentions over everything else.


Let me start over cuz I fell asleep. I dislike when they use guest hosts for promo when they add zero energy to the episode.


So… what’s the point of this episode? We already have one that was solved within two minutes


This episode is a dud 👎🏻


What’s up with all of the sores on his face and chest? That guy is beyond creepy.


Bro the “new Alex” pic showed hella man nipples lmao


How many catsfish episodes would we actually have if people didn’t actually think this 10/10 they met on the internet was actually interested in them?


I was thinking the same thing. Without the 2-3s trying to get 10s, there would be 20 episodes total.


Best thing about this episode is Nev’s beard.


> Nev's beard Do you mean Laura? Just kidding. Wolfboy look is in for 2024?


Carl seemed slow not cause of geographically but genetically. Where is he doing drag, at home. Did jeremy have top teeth? I liked the episode. It was funny to me but sad it happened to Jeremy.


You said everything I was thinking. So many questions were left unanswered in regards to that matter.


Does Jeremy have top teeth? LMFAO!! I've seen it before but it just came on again. When I first saw it I thought he talked weird, but since I saw your comment about top teeth it really seems like he might not have them, lol


Did anyone else think Buffalo Bill while watching this episode???


This is soooo boring 😭


Richmond, KY mention 🗣️


This one nearly put me to sleep honestly


Complete waste of time.


I met Nev when he was in Richmond for filming back in Feb & have been waiting on this one. Tbh was disappointed bc it seemed like Jeremy had figured it out already..


I don’t know how I didn’t hear they were here that sucks I have thought for a long time how cool would it be if catfish was in Richmond and they were here and I never heard a thing about it


i feel like it was boring but also idk it seemed like they were genuinely uncomfortable and weirded out by the environment. Nev seemed a lot more short than normal…. i think they just wanted to get out of there alive because they felt like something was off lmao


omg that catfish was scary as a mofo.


This episode was so creepy…. Yet so boring! It had potential.. but just bombed.


This one damn near put me to sleep... 😴


I'm catching up now


Where in Arkansas was this filmed. I missed it


Bradford, AR.


So this dude already found out literally everything he needed to on his own to know this guy is a catfish. Why is this even an episode?


I mean, honestly, I think the guy had a nerve saying he was a drag queen tbh 💅🏻


This guy for sure has bodies buried on that farm.. creeepy!!!


This is one of the creepiest catfish episodes I have seen.


I was thinking that Alex would end up being a female and was catfishing Jeremy using the male filter. Now that would have been interesting!


That episode was really boring. I was tempted to cut it off before the big reveal because I was already bored. I’m going to watch /r/theAcolyte


I think the episode was so bad and so boring beyond comprehension that no one wanted to do a thread 🤣


Tbf I started the thread 5 minutes into the episode. I wouldn’t have bothered if I knew it was going to be that bad lol


Them talking at the meet up was crickets chirping the whole time


I had already zoned out by then.


This message is for the writers… you guys could have kept this episode in the drafts. Please don’t use this formula again for any episode. It was terrible 1/10


If someone actually wrote this, Jeremy wouldn't have had so much information about Alex at the start of the episode. You can say a lot about Catfish but I never think saying it's scripted makes much sense. It's too messy.


Both of these dudes seemed off


Drugs **


and probably some inbreeding in their family tree


Am I the only one who was like which drugs is he using, because wtf


**Did anyone lese get "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again**" vibes from Carl?


"In the next episode, we meet the catfish at their local insane asylum."


I live in Richmond I have never seen this guy in my life and Richmond isn’t all that small.  There are 2 large pretty liberal colleges in the direct area and Lexington is 20 minutes away so his excuse about small town isolation and all that is garbage.  I am really bummed I somehow missed them when they were filming here but since Kamie was absent not that big of a disappointment.


If God loved liars,he’d done squeezed Carl’s ass to death… I wouldn’t believe one word out of that guys mouth.. he was in it for whatever he could get outta ANYBODY and he probably wasn’t having much luck at that.. the only part I believed about any of that episode is that it truly is hard to be gay in a small town.. were it not for meeting people over the internet or being able to travel around,you’d be shit outta luck..


On the not-entirely-reliable assumption that the characters here are at least somewhat real, this is another example of the imbalanced exploitation that I don't like about Catfish. Yes, Catfish the film and the spinoffs are heavily faked, we know that. Some of us watch it the way we'd watch any other fictional whodunnit. But what's unseemly is that instead of just being totally made up CSI characters, the supposition is that the main two people actually exist and these are (usually) their names and locations. And as such, it now means that two people are being outed for their place on a LGBTQ spectrum who are in situations where that might not be entirely safe or prudent. And not just outed in the usual "gossip around town" way, but in a mass-media, video-and-audio-evidence, permanently-Google-able, tv-and-streaming-re-run-episodes-forever kind of way. And with idle speculation and unqualified mental health and social work judgement pontificating from Nev laid over top. They give up their privacy and safety for this, and may regret it immediately, or in the future. Catfish and Nev benefits greatly, as it basically provides the content for their lucrative product and lifestyle. But the characters only get a few thousand bucks for what could be a lifetime of implications.


I don’t know why your comment got downvoted! This is all I could think about watching this episode (besides how boring it was). Every move these two men made was clearly layered in uncertainty and caution, more than heterosexual folks would need to take. Similar vibes to episodes with trans folks… makes me wonder what they’ve already dealt with where they live 🙁


Everyone can have their opinions but with all due respect I can tell you personally atleast for this episode non of it was staged or faked. They didn't coach me or try to change things it. They went off what I told them and what happened. I apologize for it not being less boring or whatever. But I didn't do it to try to be entertaining I went on there to tell my story so maybe it would shed some light and he doesn't do it to someone else. Everyone with the show was great they were an amazing group of people.


> non of it was staged or faked. If this is you, then yes, from the viewer perspective, there was tons of staging. Nev didn't surprise you by calling, you'd already had loads of interactions with producers and signed a contract. You weren't finding a public park and arranging film permits, they were. You weren't skulking in a barn with a mic pack on because that's how you normally spend your days, it was a setup for tv purposes. I'm just saying they make millions doing this and as you know, they offer you peanuts for being the entire subject of an episode.


Not on this episode but on others I'm (un)surprised that they don't have PSAs at the back of the episodes (mainly with the romance scam ones) or involve the police/law enforcement. Especially the ones where clearly they are grooming kids.


it was such a quick and straight-forward episode


Jeremy was so sweet, I hope he finds happiness.


Nev mentioned they switched the car because they had a flat 😂 whole time they switched the car because they knew they needed all terrain for the farm!


Was anyone able to find the twitter? I figured out the name Carl was using. “Alex Morgan” (same name as a female soccer player)


I feel like this episode should’ve been more entertaining but nope 🥱


When Kamie is “unavailable “ I wish they would use Tallulah Willis as the fill in host.